Barclays New Boss is Not Like Bob Diamond; JPMorgan Still Working on Whale Probe: Roundup

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New York Observer
Patrick Clark, 8/31/12

New Barclays boss Antony Jenkins is the only CEO of a global universal bank without a background in investment banking, and according to Bloomberg, the low-profile retail banker is everything that former CEO Bob Diamond wasn’t. Mr. Jenkins, the first in his family to attend university, started his career at Barclays in 1983 and, after a stint at Citi, returned in 2006. Barclays chairman Marcus Agius, expected to step down in the wake of the Libor scandal now that the task of replacing Mr. Diamond is complete, said that Mr. Jenkins stood out in a competitive field of candidates, according to The New York Times. Former U.K. financial services chief Paul Myners told Bloomberg that there were “probably less than four credible candidates, two of whom I know were approached and turned it down almost without any serious consideration.”

Serious Fraud Office investigating Barclays payments to Qatar

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The Guardian, 29 August 2012

Barclays faces criminal investigation into payments made to Qatar Holding after bank sought emergency funding in 2008

Barclays bank sign

Barclays is under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office over payments made to Qatar Holding in 2008. Photograph: David Sillitoe for the Guardian

The Serious Fraud Office has launched an investigation into payments made after Barclays tapped Middle Eastern investors for emergency funds in 2008.

Bloomberg View: Getting to the Bottom of Libor

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Bloomberg Business Week
August 30, 2012

The headquarters of Barclays, right, in the Canary Wharf business district of London

Photograph by Simon Dawson/Bloomberg

The headquarters of Barclays, right, in the Canary Wharf business district of London

The global investigation into the manipulation of the London interbank offered rate has so far done a good job of exposing how bankers corrupted one of the world’s most important financial indicators. Now authorities need to take a giant step further: make banks release the data needed to determine how much damage was done and who should bear the most responsibility.

Protesters Say They Were ‘Successful’ in Tampa Despite Low Turnout

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The Daily Beast

Aug 31, 2012, by

Plagued by sparse attendance throughout the GOP convention, protesters from Code Pink and Occupy Wall Street still say they had some success. Lynn Waddell reports on the mass arrests that never materialized.

Republican Convention Protests

Demonstrators chant during a protest march while using a puppet in the likeness of Mitt Romney, on Aug. 30 in Tampa. (Dave Martin / AP Photo)

As delegates cheered Mitt Romney inside the Republican National Convention on Thursday night, 500 protesters at a downtown Tampa park eight blocks away crowned an effigy of the presidential nominee “king of the one percent.”

Earthmark - Galactic Souls having Human experiences

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“There is geometry in the humming of the strings, there is music in the spacing of the spheres.”
~ Pythagoras

We see each individual as a significant element of this reality, like different gears in a big Cosmic Clock. Each of us has a unique imprint in the performance of this Clock and each gear relies on every other gear for its performance.

We all bear the Earthmark, a symbol of our common humanity and challenges. Despite surface differences in race, ideological orientation or background, we are all Seeds of the same Universe. The Earthmark is a spiritual numinous Seal that unite us all and make as all relevant parts in the co-creation of our reality.

Now Banks Can Legally Steal Retirement Accounts

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GFP Note: Following up on the article I just posted

(Sentinel ruling may hurt MF Global clients), this article reiterates that, thanks to the "Sentinel Ruling" banks can use customer funds to pay off creditors during times of duress and that customers might never get their money back because that money became the property of the bank.


Source: Fyx News
By Dominique de Kevelioc de Bailleul

Sentinel ruling may hurt MF Global clients

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GFP Note: Please click on the link at the bottom to read the rest of this story. The gist is that the "Sentinel Ruling" means that banks can mix customer money with their own money and also use it to pay off creditors.


By Tom Polansek and Ann Saphir

CHICAGO | Thu Aug 9, 2012 8:18pm EDT


(Reuters) - A ruling in the case of failed futures brokerage Sentinel Management Group could make it more difficult for customers to recoup money lost in the much larger collapse of MF Global, according to Sentinel's bankruptcy trustee.

A federal appeals court on Thursday upheld a ruling that puts Bank of New York Mellon ahead of former customers of Sentinel in the line of those seeking the return of money lost in the 2007 failure of the suburban Chicago-based futures broker.

'Occupy the Seed!' Vandana's Call for Seed Freedom

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'Occupy the Seed!' Vandana's Call for Seed Freedom + Free Seed Saving eBook

Sebastian von Holstein |
Sunday, 26th August 2012

Following on from the Occupy movements that have taken the world by storm, Dr. Vandana Shiva has planned a two-week campaign named the Seed Freedom Fortnight of Action, also known as 'Occupy the Seed'. To help launch the campaign we offer a free vegetable seed saving guide eBook.


image from

(thanks to Ami)

Creating Awareness for Seed Freedom

The campaign is symbolically set to begin on Mahatma Ghandi's birth date on October 2, through to October 16th. It will seek to improve awareness of the growing threat that patented seeds pose on both our crop diversity and personal freedoms. It will also act to improve our relationship with a universal food supply that humanity has grown to take for granted.

In a video entitled Seed Freedom, Vandana Shiva states that while "farmers [continue to] have their seeds in their hands, there will never be poverty, never be hunger." However, large corporations such as Monsanto have created what she refers to as a "seed emergency", preventing farmers from accessing and controlling their own supply of seeds, by genetically modifying, patenting and then circulating 'sterile' seeds. Farmers who continue to grow seeds traditionally often suffer from cross contamination and run the risk of being sued by Monsanto, under the pretence that they have stolen 'modified genes.'

Israeli Soldiers Break Silence

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Israeli Soldiers Break Silence


It’s hard to hear, but I take it as a sign that we’re going in the right direction; that consciousness IS changing.

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.

Their testimonies expose “the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories.” Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.

They include “looting and destruction of property.” Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel’s militarized occupation.

Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what’s done in their name. “In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done.”

BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:

“We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)….have always served in the front lines” (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it.”

“We….served….long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people.”

“We(‘ve)….seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides.”

“The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country.”

“The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF’s human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society.”

“We….know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end.”

“We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements.”

U.S. Infants Prescribed Antipsychotics; Drugsters Fined Billions

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U.S. Infants Prescribed Antipsychotics; Drugsters Fined Billions


The doctors—WHAT were they thinking? And the parents? They weren’t. Was it a case of, “please make my baby stop crying so I can sleep?” I guess the marketing works.


Why have Antipsychotic Prescriptions in Children Skyrocketed?

By Dr. Mercola

MASS UFO SIGHTINGS | August 31, 2012 | Cancun, MEXICO.

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On August 31, 2012 at 10: 30 pm there were more than 100 luminous objects flying over the sky of the hotel zone of Cancún, were observed for 15 min approximately. This video was taken at the end, the reason why only some of them are already. An impressive spectacle!" Courtesy of ZonaOvniSpain

Don't forget to vote on the Video!

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Thank You to Steve Beckow


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