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Published on Aug 30, 2012 by paradoxman316

A channeled message that came out recently as a "Communiqué from Our Commanders" and the Galactic Federation of Light seemed to call on the people to facilitate violent arrest and overthrow of the cabal. While I too feel impatience that these individuals have not been dealt with yet, I do not advocate violence as the manner to do it. Such messages, to me, can only lead to more abuses. The message indicated that the Higher Forces cannot accomplish this. It is up to the people of earth to do it. In a real sense, this is true; however, the real transformation can only occur through the power of Love, not violence. I recommend being very leery of any message, no matter where it claims to come from, that advocates violence.


SanJAsKa: Your Love Energy is Very Real and Potent

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 by Wes Annac



While you are undergoing your Lives and going through the last lessons that you have set out for yourselves before remembering your higher dimensional Heaven which exists all around you, we have been working with much of ourselves to bring forth the physical manifestations that are to see your entrance into Heaven proceeding as smoothly as it has been planned to.


You may look around your beautiful world at present and note that much change does not seem to have been made and that the lessons you are going through can be a bit more difficult than you had originally anticipated but dear souls, you came to this wonderful world to learn and learn you have done!


You are all undergoing the lessons that are breaking your physical and mental shells while exposing yourselves to the pure realms of Creation which lay beyond your perception of such veils. There have been many physical happenings as of late unfolding on your world and each event signifies the coming of your future in its own wonderful way.


Resonance Mandalas of La Maná

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Resonance Mandalas of La Maná



In 1984 a large cache of over 300 artifacts was discovered by a small group of gold prospectors led by engineer Dr. Elias Sotomayor in a tunnel 300’ below ground in the jungle-covered mountains of La Maná, Ecuador. Accurate dating of the artifacts is as yet impossible by the latest methods, as the thermoluminescence technique would be unreliable due to years of exposure to sunlight since their discovery. The lithic technology and geometry presented in the artifacts denies placement in known cultural contexts from the region, suggesting that they may predate the known cultures from the region. The symbolism presented in the forms and in inlaid designs and script on the La Maná artifacts most closely relates to those of the Sanskrit culture known from southeast Asian contexts, and has toured Europe in the Unsolved Mysteries Exhibition. The script is consistent with the logographic form of Sanskrit, the mother language from which the Mayan and Egyptian glyphs have descended. The geometric analysis given herein suggests that the La Maná artifacts encode fractal information regarding the resonant properties of calcite mineral, informing the design function of the Orion pyramids of Giza, Egypt - the production of Electrum water.

RNC, Tampa Florida protests, Occupy the Midwest, Women's Equality

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Published on Aug 30, 2012 by

The 99ers appeared out of nowhere to protest Tampa's Republican National Convention and spoil Mitt Romney's party. OWS Week has had a busy seven days also covering Occupy the Midwest Conference in Detroit with the theme "another world is possible" and Women's equality day in the big apple. OWS Week also took a trip across the land to shed light on LAPD Oppression and Harassment of Homeless and Occupiers.


The Sine Wave Alignment of Sacred Sites

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The Sine Wave Alignment of Sacred Sites



A perfect circle bisecting the Earth describes the alignment of sacred energetic sites: a hoop of light. To the southeast of the Sphinx, directly east of the smallest pyramid is the massive limestone wall that defines an angular alignment not observed elsewhere in the Giza complex. The Wall of the Crow is a 600’ long by 30’ high megalithic wall undercut by a portal with a lintel that is among the largest fitted stones on the Giza plateau.

The interlocking masonry of this entrance to the plateau is highly reminiscent of the stonework found in the Andes, especially the megalithic site of Saqsaywaman, in modern day Peru at the ancient Inca capital of Cuzco. Giza’s giganticWall of the Crow does not share the pyramidal alignment to the geographic poles, but is angled 5° north of due east. The wall defines a division of two hemispheres along a circumference line around the Earth ’as the crow flies’, passing through Giza’s antipode in the Pacific Ocean at 30°S 149°W. Along that straight line path lay the Angkor temples of Cambodia to the east and the Nazca lines of Peru to the west, an alignment described as the Sine Wave of ancient sites by Jim Alison. The Wall of the Crow begins and ends at nodal points of the Magnetic Resonance structure, revealing the intimate relationship between the invisible resonance patterns and the layout of the limestone pyramid complex at Giza. As well, itsname is another psychoacoustic reference to flight and the sine wave pattern produced by the flapping of a bird’s wings, just as observed at several of the sites along its defined planetary circumference, like the Nazca hummingbird.

This Sine Wave circumference is one half of a quadrupolar alignment that is offset to the same degree as the Earth’s magnetic North pole from the geographic N pole, the axis of Earth’s rotation. A line perpendicular to the Wall of the Crow, passing through the center of the Great Pyramid at an angle of 5° west of due north, describes the pyramids’ alignment to the magnetic N pole, which fluctuates position near 78.3°N 104.0°W in the Canadian arctic. The distance from the magnetic N pole to Giza in miles is identical to that of Giza to Angkor, both about 4,754 miles from Giza (F#359) along a pair of perpendicular circumferences quartering the Earth. These two intersecting circles of aligned sites define the axis of the quadrupolar standing waves described hereas Magnetic Resonance. If a great circle is drawn around Giza passing through all of the points at this 19.1% distance from Giza, Angkor is exactly 25% of its circumference away from the magnetic North pole. This isosceles triangle of sites delineates the two prime meridians passing through Giza, at prime resonant distances. This analysis focuses on the straight-line phi relationships along these quadrupolar axes to reveal the nonlinear acoustic standing wave structures underlying the framework of Alison’s Sine Wave model.

Mitt Romney's Biggest Flip Flops

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Rolling Stone
August 1, 8:00 AM ET | By RS Editors

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney (Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Is GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney "a strong believer in stating your position and not wavering," as he once bragged? Or is he, as his onetime presidential rival Gov. John Hunstman called him, a "perfectly lubricated weathervane"? Take a read and decide for yourselves.


Suzanne Lie ~ Mytre And The Acturians ~ Part 3 ~ It It Real?

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 ~ 30 August 2012

After I ate familiar food with my crewmates, we stripped down and swam in the lake. Then, we lay down on the warm rock and talked about nothing. We told jokes, laughed and finally feel asleep on the warm rocks. When I awoke, the sun was low on the horizon and my friends were gone.
Suddenly, I was engulfed by the deep sorrow that I had not been able to feel about leaving my beloved family. I was alone now, so I could cry like a baby, and I did. As I cried, images from being on the Mother’s land with Mytria, laughing with her, and making love filled my heart.
Slowly, I realized that those images were stronger than the feeling of grief and I began to focus on the feel of the images. As I allowed the feeling of deep friendship, love and fun to fill my body, I began to understand what the Arcturian meant by “perceiving with emotion.”
When my emotion was sad, all I could perceive was that I was alone on a rock that was once filled with love. However, as I gave my sorrow a voice, my perceptions began to change. In my mind’s eye I actually saw that which I was remembering.

Wes Annac Something Is Happening Here; UFO Night And The Clear Waters Of Our Ascension

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Written by Wes Annac on Tuesday, August 28, 2012



This was the best sighting I could snap a picture of on my camera and what is interesting is that this light did not appear in the sky; only on the camera. Other small specks of ‘light’ are specks on the camera lense


I’ve just finished a very interesting discussion with the Hathors about the energy we are receiving, which you dear readers will see soon. What they have told me on this night seems to be quite a confirmation of things I and many others have felt within ourselves quite recently; that is, that a shifting or tipping point seems to have been reached or at the very least, will be reached very soon.


Tonight’s discussion with the Hathors has not been the only confirmation that something wonderful and grand is indeed about to happen.


Medea Benjamin and Code Pink Protest the RNC in Tampa

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The Daily Beast

Aug 28, 2012, by

Spunky Code Pink cofounder Medea Benjamin dishes to Lynn Waddell on the Republican National Convention protest scene in Tampa—and why her antiwar group started wearing vagina costumes.

Republican Convention Protst

Police Chief Jane Castor speaks to reporters as Code Pink protesters hold signs behind her on Monday in Tampa. (Dave Martin / AP Photo)

Paul Ryan stands on a foundation of lies

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The Maddow Blog - MSNCB
By Steve Benen -Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:00 AM EDT

At a basic level, what bothers me about politicians who lie, especially at a national level, is that the deceptions are insulting. A candidate who knows the truth, but makes a deliberate decision to deceive, is working from the assumption that Americans are suckers.

And last night, Paul Ryan made painfully clear that he thinks we're all profound idiots who'll believe an endless string of lies, so long as they're packaged well and presented with conviction. Jonathan Cohn suggested last night's address may have been the "most dishonest convention speech" ever delivered, and I can't think of a close second.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit

Nancy Tate ~ Wake Up Call ~ Hatonn ~ 30 August 2012

Lia's picture
I am here today to tell you that there is something coming up that will draw the attention of a multitude of people all over the globe. It is something that will ring true through so many that it will have a lingering effect on those who have been in tune with what is taking place and even with those who have not.
As we venture down the road to ascension it is a wide and angled road. It is dispersed with more pulling back on the part of so many of those have sought to keep all of humanity in collapse. It is a path that is often wrought with non-forgiveness and deceit. This path is not working any more, for those who would seek to keep strong in every turn of the road are finding that love is the answer for everything. Love is what keeps the Light energy alive and in a clearing mode. It keeps clearing the path to ascension and therefore it is a brighter and stronger path of Love.
It is time dear ones to see what is coming for all of you. It is a time for all of you to stand in your power and see what it is that you can do to keep yourselves in a state of growth and sustainance for the coming times. As the world around you falls away and makes way for the new world to emerge it is well known that there is a newness coming into being.
With this newness will come the expression of who you all are and what you are about to do with your lives.

Commentary: Questions on West Nile Virus

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ABC News
By Nicholas Regush, Aug. 29

Outbreaks of encephalitis from the "West Nile" virus are not getting the proper scientific attention. The scope of the research is too narrow.

The potential importance of polluted and unhealthy environments in which West Nile virus outbreaks often occur is being ignored due to lack of funding and scientific indifference.

To read the rest of this story, visit


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