Newmont mine "on back burner": Peru cabinet chief

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LIMA | Thu Aug 23, 2012 11:31am EDT

Andean people destroy a sign of Newmont Mining during a protest against the company's proposed $4.8 billion Conga gold mine, near the Cortada lagoon, in the Andean region of Cajamarca November 24, 2011. REUTERS/Enrique Castro-Mendivil

Andean people destroy a sign of Newmont Mining during a protest against the company's proposed $4.8 billion Conga gold mine, near the Cortada lagoon, in the Andean region of Cajamarca November 24, 2011. Credit: Reuters/Enrique Castro-Mendivil

(Reuters) - Newmont Mining Corp's $5 billion Conga gold project is "on the back burner," Peru's government said on Thursday - a sign that it will stop trying to overcome local opposition that has resulted in violence and two cabinet shuffles.

Prime Minister Juan Jimenez made the comments after a poll by survey firm Ipsos showed 78 percent of people in the northern Peruvian region of Cajamarca opposed the planned mine.

Protests spill over to other S African mines

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Last Modified: 22 Aug 2012 18:34

Labour unrest spreads to two more mines in demand for higher wages and better living conditions.

Labour unrest has spread to at least two more platinum mines after police killed 34 strikers and wounded another 78 at the Lonmin platinum mine last week.

Al Jazeera's Haru Mutasa was in Rasimone miners from the Royal Bafokeng mine have joined thousands who are protesting at the Lonmin mine.

To watch the videos and read the rest of this story, visit

8-30-12 Bill Ballard ~ Dimensional Shift at the End of 2012 ~ I Dont Know But Here Are My Feelings

Lia's picture

Published on Aug 30, 2012 by pearls2u

These past days has many different of the 2012 leaders, or way showers discussing what is to happen in December 2012. Funny as everyone is saying something different. For me, I have a heart felt opinion but truly I have no idea. With so many channeled messages as Tyberonn's Metatron or Carroll's Kryon, saying different things, and causing some confusion about the end of this year. I decided to throw in my 2 cents, and again, I have NO IDEA what's coming. Just Be LOVE! That is the best thing, and sooner or later we will hit the critical mass of those activating their heart chakras, stepping into their enlightenment process. LOVE!


~The Galactic Free Press Update ~ Great Changes are Happening Now

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Pubblicato in data 30/ago/2012 da GalacticCentral

Greetings Love Beings, We announced Yesterday we were in very exciting Energies which are on the Move across the Planet. These Energies are preparing us all for the Grand Events which are happening NOW. These events will be shocking for many as the Energies from Heaven=Love must Manifest as Decreed.

to read the full update with images and music

Transforming Desert To Farmland

will's picture


You may remember - last November - when I informed you of our Bloom the Desert project and the trial desert farm in Dubai - kindly sponsored by Ahmed - and I promised an update on plant growth and soil tests....

For those unfamilar with this kind of agriculture and what all of this means: The test results below show we reduced the hight sodium of over 12 pH to approx 8.2- with our SALT REDUCING MICROBES- this has NOT been DONE BEFORE without costly fertilizers- and is basically a first of its kind combination.

It means that arid land anywhere- anytime- can be transformed into fertilie land- using these LOW cost combined techniques we have developed- and that MINIMAL use of (organic) fertilizer would be required- this keeps the cost of farm production down.

Full story... (

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Anger & Fear No More

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Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Anger & Fear No More – 30 August 2012

Djwhal Khul here. Tashi delek.

Alright. Things are escalating for in what I might even call a compacting crunch of some sort, earth plates compacting, emotions getting kind of compounded without even realizing it. So even those with a pretty happy temperament are finding themselves agitated, maybe even downright angry.

Beneath all anger is fear. So fear would be the core emotion or the core thing to clear. Unfortunately most people aren’t per se in tune with what might be the fear and there are several things that you can do to clear fear and several things that you can do to manage anger as well.

Leader Denounces UN Security Council’s Flagrant Dictatorship

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Press TV – Leader Denounces UN Security Council’s ‘Flagrant Dictatorship’ – 30 August 2012

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei at the opening ceremony of the 16th summit of the No-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the Iranian capital, Tehran, August 30, 2012Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei at the opening ceremony of the 16th summit of the No-Aligned Movement (NAM) in the Iranian capital, Tehran, August 30, 2012

Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:36AM GMT

Using their exclusive and organized media network, they (the West) disguise their lies as the truth, their falsehood as true, and their oppression as efforts to promote justice. In contrast, they brand as lies every true statement that exposes their deceit and label every legitimate demand as roguish.”

Morgan Stanley to lose Russia chairman and president

Rain's picture

MOSCOW | Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:40pm EDT

MOSCOW (Reuters) - The chairman of Morgan Stanley's (MS.N) Russian office, a former Rosneft (ROSN.MM) executive whose team led the top Russian oil producer's 2007 initial public offer, and its president are stepping down, a spokesman for the bank said on Thursday.

Rair Simonyan, who served as president of the bank for around a decade before becoming chairman, and Yelena Titova, the bank's current president, will leave the bank, spokesman Vladimir Tumarkin said, without specifying their future plans.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Digital Journalist launches Peace message to world with white rose

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Digital Journalist launches Peace message to world with white rose


by GLR Vlad




Digital Journalist launches a peace message to humankind by posting a photo of a white rose on Facebook - hopes it will go viral as humans join in to show their love for each other.


Digital Journalist Vlad Bourceanu has today posted two messages on Facebook, each accompanied by a photo of a white rose (taken by David Preston, used from Flickr under a Creative Commons' license).


This is a totally apolitical, a-religious, a-dogmatic gesture, aimed simply at spreading the recognition among human beings that we are all human, and that it is possible to extend the hand of peace and friendship to others.


The first message reads as follows:


This is an experiment to see how many people wish for peace and love in this world. If you do, and if you are ok with the picture of the white rose enclosed symbolising these wishes, PLEASE share this post, together the picture of the white rose, on your Facebook wall (or even, if you really wish to, make the picture of the white rose your Profile picture!).


My hope is that this post and picture will go viral and global, showing everyone, in the process, how much love for peace and love itself is in the human soul. I believe that love conquers everything - let's see if this is true :-)




glr_Andrea's picture



Here we found another video posted in response to the first one.


"NeddyFlandersRollsss" Nibiru Location Confirmed! Visible In NZ


We do know the Planet is here but we also know it will not cause Earth destruction or human race extincion as has been claimed by some. Nothing can interfere with the Planet Ascension as this is happening by Divine Plan. All is following Love Plan and the more awaken to this the smoother the transition will be. Anything that might come from the sky or from Earth happens for the need of awakening of all that so choose. 

Do not fall into fear or drama as Love is the only Real answer and anything has been set time ago to Help Mother Earth and not to destroy it. 

Truth or Consequences

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Truth or Consequences

by Beverly J. Thompson



Two days ago I channeled the following message. I have been channeling for about 15 years and now have a website with many messages posted. Included are some articles written and channeled by my late husband, Rick Thompson who suddenly transitioned this past April, as well as by myself and friends. One article I feel is most interesting is on the Astral Realm that includes messages from Rick and Sanat Kumara.


I also have channeled a series of three books called "Mystery of the Universes" which I feel contain phenomenal information. The best place to read what these books are about, go to Amazon where you will find the table of contents as well as excerpts from the books -


AA Uriel ~ Time to Cross the Threshold

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As far as current energies and happenings, things may seem to be a bit unsettled for some, a bit difficult in many ways.  This is because it is the last few weeks before the equinox and is a time when many things are ‘shaking loose’ and becoming (or for some – continuing to be) unsettled.  This is the universe’s little push to try to get you to release ALL that does not serve you in whatever form that may be.  We know this phrase has been repeated ad nauseum – yes, we are sick of it as well but nonetheless it is true.  It is now, beloved – that time is upon you – truly on your doorstep and to push the door and walk through to the next experience, you cannot be carrying all of that baggage. 



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