Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . Clarification On Last Update from Sheldon

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Today I received a telephone call from a PAO member. After reading this week's update, he wanted clarification. What did it mean: our many responsibilities, resume our sacred service, introducing you to the duties of full consciousness and your many responsibilities. What responsibilities?

Here's the quotes from the update:

Choosing Your Intentions: Second Uranus/Pluto Square: September 19, 2012

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Copyright 2012 by Barbara Hand Clow



In my analysis of the first Uranus/Pluto square on June 24, 2012, I suggested we are awakening the human heart. Now in September, the field of the Uranus-Pluto squares is locked firmly in our lives like a vise-grip; anybody noticing? This field is intensely creative, which causes our thoughts to manifest all around us, so we are challenged to clearly and wisely intend what we want to create. Whenever we navigate reality by means of clear intentions, we utilize quantum forces—the highly accelerated energy field that creates events based on what’s in our minds. Because more and more people have learned how to create this way, miracles are happening.


I’ve already described the historical and economic trends playing out during the seven squares in my analysis of the first square. You can refresh your mind on these general trends and long cycles by reading “Welcome to the Truth” listed in News on my website. In my analysis of this second square, I will examine the quality of Earth’s creative (quantum) fields at this time.

Saul: The Apparent Interminability Of The Waiting

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John Smallman – August 28, 2012


We are all one. You know that. It means, among many other things, that we in the spiritual realms are constantly aware of you doing your best to awaken yourselves and all of humanity from the illusion.


It is a difficult and sometimes exhausting task that you chose to take on, and we honor you dearly for your courage and your persistence.


You are succeeding! It just seems that it is taking far longer than you expected to achieve fulfillment of that undertaking, and so it has become a chore for you, whereas when you agreed to do it you engaged with it with enormously high hopes and incredible enthusiasm.


Feeling disconnected from 3D drama?

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My partner in this work and I just compared notes and found we both are 
feeling quite disconnected from this place right now. If you are, too, 
then some of this information I just received may be for you, too. Take 
what feels right and ignore the rest.


A Possible Glimpse Of A Future Timeline. By, Bella Capozzi. August 29, 2012.

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August 29, 2012


* For the past few weeks, I’ve been asking my Team to help me more clearly remember the details of my nighttime activities.  I’m aware that I bilocate, and have been doing so  since I got here.  However, the experiences are often fuzzy, and I can’t always figure out what it is I’m actually doing or what the purpose of those activities are.  I know I’m part of an Away Team-a group who embarks from our Mothership on missions to help humanity.  My areas of focus are primarily the women and children, and the oceans.  Last night before I went to sleep,  I asked my Guides and God if they could unlock my memory some more, allowing me greater access to what my role is in the Ascension Process, and my connection to the people of Earth.  And this time, they certainly did not  disappoint!

Kryon (South Africa): Entering into a New Phase of Evolution

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Wednesday, 27 June, 2012  at Riga, Latvia  (posted 28 August, 2012)

Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of magnetic service.


Once again it's beautiful to be here in Riga, in Latvia. The weather is much warmer this time and life is beginning to happen. The spring feeling is here and the love begins to flow.


Once again, we are approximately six months away from the 21st day of December 2012 and many changes are coming to all of you, without exception, on a personal level on a European level and on a global level. All the changes are for the good; they might not look good in the moment but the love will come. Many people in power will begin to lose their power and the vacuum they'll leave will be quickly filled with people moving to a more loving and caring reality. We are entering into a new phase of evolution and evolve is love spelled backwards and forwards.

Pisces Full Moon ~ Release the Past Kelley Rosano

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The Pisces Full Moon on August 31 ends the month with our second Full Moon in thirty days. This is termed a Blue Moon and it is highly active. The planets are in a dynamic engagement creating a supportive system. For instance, powerful Pluto and action hero Mars are in harmonious energy flow to both the Sun and Moon. This influence can give us the capacity to dig deep to find the resources, power and drive we need to make our dreams real.


“A dream is a manifestation. Just like what you live is a manifestation, but a dream is quicker and easier to achieve, and not so troublesome if there’s something you don’t want.” ~ Abraham


We want to be aware of our (positive and negative) energy, thought patterns and intentions. We want to turn worrying and complaining into prayer and affirmation. For instance, if we are worried about money, we are using our mind power to focus on “lack”. The subconscious holds far greater power than our consciousness mind and believes whatever we tell it. The subconscious mind is like our Genie in a bottle. “Your wish is my command.” For instance, by stating this aloud:

“I could certainly use more money.”

Coming Back to the Goddess

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Coming Back to the Goddess

Native American Butterfly Goddess


The Goddess Energy isn’t just about women. It’s the balancing energy we need in each of our psyches.


There is a hidden Goddess in every woman, the Sleeping Beauty within. In our consumer society, so often we chase the outer beauty, sometimes completely ignoring the beauty within. Sometimes, we even go “to the other side”, without ever discovering, how beautiful, strong, precious we were. This is the purpose of this Goddess portraiture – to discover the Beauty within and bring it out – for you and everyone to see. This is very important – so important, that my clients even travel with their Goddess portraits. At these times of change, we need to be gently and frequently reminded of our inner beauty and learn to love ourselves.


How does the Goddess Portrait work?

Pass the Joy

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Welcome to Brenda's Blog


by Brenda Hoffman for


Summary of Brenda’s August 29, 2012 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at  Many are moving to new homes or new places within their homes, workplace or school by the urgings of their inner-being. Even though such moves may not seem logical, they are the building blocks for your new physical life of joy and love.

Crop Circle or Crap Circle?

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Crop Circle or Crap Circle?

Late August Messages


Wansdyke, near Furze Hill, Wiltshire, UK. Reported 21st August

My first impression when I saw the image  at Wansdyke  was that it displayed none of the beauty or precision of the Arcturans’ diagrams. It’s not symmetrical in the least. When I checked the comments page on, this came up:



It’s fascinating to learn of the many things people see in these messages.

The images below are perfect—as we have come to expect from our Galactic families.

Oxleaze Copse, near Stitchcombe, Wiltshire, UK. Reported 23rd August.



Hackpen Hill (3), near Broad Hinton, Wiltshire, UK.  Reported 26th August.

A Message From The Angels Your Life is Happening NOW

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A Message From The Angels



My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can feel today. Why wait until your lives are serene to feel the peace that resides naturally within you? Why wait until you have that home, that relationship, that job that you are creating before being happy? Why not look in the mirror and love yourselves today, even if you are not yet the person you ultimately desire to be?


Your life is happening right now dear ones. In this moment, with this very breath, you have an opportunity to feel anything you desire to feel. It has nothing to do whatsoever with your outer circumstances except for the fact that you, as human beings, find certain feelings easier to bring forth within you when your circumstances are as you wish. However, if you can find the feelings you desire within you, bringing them forth from the very heart of God, then your circumstances and your lives, by the very nature of the laws that the universe is governed by, will fall into place to match.


S.Calif Earthquake swarms jangled nerves

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An unusual swarm of hundreds of mostly small earthquakes struck S. California over the last 3 days....


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New Court Filing Reveals How the 2004 Ohio Presidential Election Was Hacked

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A new filing in the King Lincoln Bronzeville v. Blackwell case includes a copy of the Ohio Secretary of State election production system configuration that was in use in Ohio's 2004 presidential election when there was a sudden and unexpected shift in votes for George W. Bush.

The filing also includes the revealing deposition of the late Michael Connell. Connell served as the IT guru for the Bush family and Karl Rove. Connell ran the private IT firm GovTech that created the controversial system that transferred Ohio's vote count late on election night 2004 to a partisan Republican server site in Chattanooga, Tennessee owned by SmarTech. That is when the vote shift happened, not predicted by the exit polls, that led to Bush's unexpected victory. Connell died a month and a half after giving this deposition in a suspicious small plane crash.

Full Story... (truthout)


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