~Space Weather Update~ Sun Still Quiet

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BLUE MOON: The full Moon of August 31st is a "Blue Moon," the second full moon in a calendar month. But could the Moon actually turn blue? Today's story from Science@NASA discusses the possibilities. [video]


RADIATION BELT STORM PROBES: Most spacecraft try to avoid the Van Allen Belts, two doughnut-shaped regions around Earth filled with "killer electrons." This morning, NASA launched two heavily-shielded spacecraft directly into the belts. Mark Staples of Little Lake Santa Fe, Florida, photographed the Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) lifting off just after 4:05 am EDT:



"I am about 150 miles NW of the launch pad, but I could easily see the bright flame as the Atlas V cleared the trees and clouds," says Staples.

The Internship of September!! Are You Ready to Go Thru the Doorway Of Full On Application??

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I remember doing a reading recently where the lady was looking like a glass (like glass of water) only there was nothing in the glass except the residue of what used to be there.  I also understood this phase she is in is like being placed in the dishwasher and completely washed clean of all that old sticky debris in preparation for her next fill up.  Now granted, this is actually a more common aspect that happens as we grow and integrate any aspect of our spiritual journey, but there is something about this time.  Maybe it is because so much of the planets inhabitants are going thru it at the same time.

I have been talking out loud of all that has been happening within me since the day the Ouija board experience happened.  For the first few years I was a clueless participant in this awakening and needed other people’s understandings to assure me I was not going completely insane!  Thru all those talks and communications, I would find we had staggered experiences.  Some people experienced (whatever) before me, after me, rarely at the same time as me in the moment it was happening.  Then something very strange and for me, quite exciting started happening… we were getting in sync with each other.  What was happening to me was happening to so many people at the same time.  As the years rolled by, it seemed life was syncing up with life and everyone was having very similar experiences and even very similar understandings.

When I was writing my sharing the other day about our pheromones and was reading information on the many area’s the body itself releases pheromones, one of the things that caught me by surprise was when women menstruate and live together or work closely together.  There is a chemical released out into life that syncs up the women’s menstrual cycle and it seems that all of a sudden everyone is menstruating at the same time.  It seems like itself is releasing the sync up pheromone so that all those in the higher collective of life (and quite a few coming out of the 4D collective) is experiencing the same growing pains, the same understandings, having so many of the same type of experiences together at relatively the same time!  Obviously life itself has a deep desire for a unified energy field of experience and wisdom.

Even in the readings, so many of the visuals, even tho unique unto the person in the field, shares so many similar qualities to so many others.  One of the most common themes right now is a doorway emerging in many people’s lives from their West field.  Of course, we are all now on the threshold of September and we are gearing up for a very intense time as we end a huge cycle of time and experience in our collective lives.  There is also another common theme on the other side of this doorway too… I can’t see a damn thing!  I have never been this close to the beginning of another month where we are all still on an energetic white out of what this month looks and feels like to us.  It seems many people are still taking that last lap within themselves, looking at where they have come from, releasing what no longer serves them and yet, not fully tapping into the new either (present company knee-deep in this place too.)

August really seems like it served to completely turn us inside out and upside down, creating a strange disorientation within our familiar on all levels.  I could very easily say that thru the month of August it appears as if I moved 10 miles away from my spiritual path.  Nothing seems to work the same at all, yet, the energy of what “needs to be” happens so fast that there is nothing to work on.  I will share with you a perfect example of what this means, at least for me.

About 6:30am yesterday I was looking at my online bank account and going over all the bills I have already paid for Sept and the one that is left to be paid before I go on my journey.  I was just under $100 of getting that (car payment) paid without having to use my savings to pay it (since that is my mad money for my trip.)  My reading calendar is completely full so I just surrendered to whatever.  I still have days before it is due and I really can pull it out of savings if I have too.  No worries.

Not even 10 minutes later a lady calls having an issue with booking an appointment for the 5th, she is trying to book a one hour reading but my calendar keeps changing it to a 15 minute reading.  There is nothing available on the 5th, I already have a packed day and I thought i cleared everything from that day.  I called her…. I also realized I did have a one hour opening on the 3rd in the early morning.  In an instant, we both fulfilled our needs.

Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast! – Creating The New World

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Jamye Price – Weekly Lightblast! – Creating The New World – 30 August 2012

After the releasing of July, in August we moved to a new level of personal responsibility, thus we have increased our potential with manifestation.  These levels of responsibility that we move into correlate with collective ability and collective necessity.  As a Lightworker you are to be the bastion of hope and the oracle of focus, foretelling a future into the now. 
That we have moved into a new level of personal responsibility signals we are ready for increased movement.  Quantumly that looks like a critical mass of desire for something new.  War, for example, creates an increased desire for peace, except for the few that profit from it.  We have always outnumbered them, now our power – as more of us realize our internal capability, outweighs their fortune.  Lightworkers carry the quantum information of the ability to foster peace into manifestation; first within the self, then emanating out into inspired word and deed.  Your thoughts, words and deeds now become more powerful, for you had the desire to assist with world peace within your codes of expression on Earth.

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Growt Accelerated growth is happening now

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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Spiritual Growt

Accelerated growth is happening now


Feel the waves of energy that are sweeping your planet as each of you has the opportunity to shift vibrations in undreamed of waves. It is the seeker who is an active participant in his journey who is expanding and evolving to new heights. Dip your foot into the unlimited pool of guidance and knowledge as you expand who you are. Feel your connection to all life, and of course everything around you has life force energy in some way.
Take each step of your journey with grace and humility, for it is a great honour for spirit to walk as a human. See the beautiful things and people that surround you and look for the gift in all that you do. Walking the path as a human is a sacred honour and you are all held in high reverence by those who watch over you. Walk hand in hand with your angels, your spirit self and your god each day. Invite them into your world each and every day and feel the love that swells up within you and share that love with each other.

The manuscript of survival – part 188

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The manuscript of survival – part 188

 •August 30, 2012 • 

As the time for the final countdown draws ever closer, the forces of the dark side are getting more and more desperate, and more and more devious. We have given you this warning before, but now the time has come to repeat this message. It is not a child’s game you are all involved in, and the stakes are high, so expect the other side to pull any and all tricks they can out from their sleeves at this time. And they are nothing if not devious, and they are in fact prepared to go to any length to inveigle themselves into your lives. They can come in all shapes and sizes, but for now, they seem to prefer the look of innocence. So let us just say that never has the warning ”beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing” been more correct. For that is exactly what they are, these devious entities masquerading as true bearers of the light. And even if their words and their actions seem benevolent enough, you can easily see through their mask of innocence, and smell the rotten core hiding behind this seemingly perfect facade.

For facade is all they are dear ones, and it glitters and glimmers enough to fool the most easily duped amongst you to believe them and literally show them in through the door. And when they do set foot inside your space, they will not leave willingly, and they can be mightily disturbing houseguests indeed. So again, heed this warning and take extra care of what you let into your ”house” from now on, be it in the form of words or energy of any kind, as there is much pollution about trying to sell themselves off as the truest and clearest of fresh air. Nothing could be further from the truth, so keep your eyes, ears and hearts open in order to catch the whiff of their real perfume. And when you smell it, make sure to slam the door in their faces as fast as you can, and do not open it no matter how hard they implore you to do so.

Time to stand up for ourselves!

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Time to stand up for ourselves!

Posted on August 30, 2012 


It is time to be strong and stand up for our rights! We are the many and the dark ones are the few, so why do we continue to accept their insanity of what is? It doesn’t have to be this way if we just quietly resist and live our lives the way we choose as best we can for now, but we must stop believing what we are told and we must stop falling prey to their continual manipulations. This is OUR life and OUR world and yet we allow the few to continue to destroy it. What is it going to take before people wake up and fight back for what is rightfully theirs? Seeing as how they are promoting hurricane Issac as their latest mode of fear and evil, lets look more closely at it. This storm if left alone would have probably slowed down over Cuba and not amounted to very much. With a little tweaking it can now become a hurricane, stall out and dump large, flooding amounts of water on an already vulnerable piece of real estate. New Orleans can’t hold much water nor her levee’s.

How long are we going to allow our planet and our people to be destroyed by a bunch of psychopaths who have stolen our country? I say it is time we take an active role in taking back America while it is still in one piece. Do not vote for the morally corrupt people being pranced out on stage before the people. It is more of the same lunacy! Why should we vote anyway, the elections are rigged in favor of who THEY choose to have lead next? Do not vote!! We need to stop playing along with this deadly game! We need to stop buying products made by the corporations that have taken this country hostage. If they lose profits, in time they will go down!

Saint Germain ~~ The many chapters of your evolution : chapter Liberation

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Saint Germain ~~ The many chapters of your evolution : chapter Liberation ~~ 30/08/2012 by GLR Méline Lafont

I Am Saint Germain and I wish to speak to you about the many volumes that display your course of life and your evolution, leading up to Ascension. You can easily compare your course of life and your evolution to a book which consists of many volumes and chapters, one even heavier than the other. Humanity in general has now arrived at the chapter entitled ‘Liberation’. Everything builds around this theme and consists of many phases that all lead you to this state of liberation, a fact that is now taking place. Everything cleares itself and dissolves to make way for the gigantic worldly and personal liberation.
The accumulation of negative thoughts and of negativity in general occur in “snapshots” and in phases to then leave your fields afterwards, giving you the impression of being pressured. It is tiresome and it can give you a feeling of being fed up with it all, you feel disenchanted and you wonder why the same things happen over and over again, you wonder how negativity can still be incurred. I can inform you that it is not always the case of negativity being incurred as you only attract what you emit in thoughts and deeds. You are all working very hard with the Light and are evolving into higher and higher Lightbeings. So this is not a matter of incurring more negativity but rather of letting it rise up from your self through your self in order to, once and for all, leave your fields definitely.

Tampa jail may scale back due to few RNC arrests

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By HOWARD ALTMAN | The Tampa Tribune
Published: August 29, 2012

Republican Convention 001

 Police officers walk a man to a holding cell after they found him with a large knife during a march on Sunday. (AP)

TAMPA -- The Orient Road Jail was ready.

Temporary fencing ringed the jail and a Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office patrol car blocked the entrance. Booking facilities for non-convention arrests already had been moved to the Falkenburg Road jail.

But instead of struggling to deal with an influx of protesters arrested during the Republican National Convention, Col. James Previtera had a different problem today – how to trim the hours of detention deputies.

Keshe Foundation Promo Intro Video – 30 August 2012

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Uploaded on 29 August 2012 by keshefoundation

Keshe Foundation Promotional Introduction Video (english version)

This video is for promotional purposes and explains in a simple way what the Keshe Foundation is about and how we work. Please share !

The link to the Governement Invitation Letter:http://www.keshefoundation.org/en/introduction/the-kf-center/123-events/312-t…

Tropical Storm Isaac Continues to Dump Rain on Louisiana

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ABC News

Ted Jackson/Times-Picayune. A young man checks out a flooded Toyota Highlander left parked along the Mandeville Lakefront in southern Louisiana. The car was floating and its horn was blaring as Tropical Storm Isaac battered the region with strong winds and high tides.

As slow-moving tropical storm Isaac moves away from New Orleans, surrounding areas of Louisiana are expected to see almost two feet of rain and more dangerous floods by the end of the week, while seven tornadoes have spun off from Isaac in Mississippi and Alabama so far.

A tornado that touched down in Gulfport, Miss. has caused the most damage, where significant destruction to homes has been reported. Carlos Redmond, a spokesman for Harrison County Emergency Management said they're still assessing the damage.

Choosing Your Intentions: Second Uranus/Pluto Square : 19 September 2012

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Barbara Hand Clow – Choosing Your Intentions: Second Uranus/Pluto Square : 19 September 2012 – 30 August 2012

In my analysis of the first Uranus/Pluto square on June 24, 2012, I suggested we are awakening the human heart. Now in September, the field of the Uranus-Pluto squares is locked firmly in our lives like a vise-grip; anybody noticing? This field is intensely creative, which causes our thoughts to manifest all around us, so we are challenged to clearly and wisely intend what we want to create. Whenever we navigate reality by means of clear intentions, we utilize quantum forces—the highly accelerated energy field that creates events based on what’s in our minds. Because more and more people have learned how to create this way, miracles are happening.
I’ve already described the historical and economic trends playing out during the seven squares in my analysis of the first square. You can refresh your mind on these general trends and long cycles by reading “Welcome to the Truth” listed in News on my website. In my analysis of this second square, I will examine the quality of Earth’s creative (quantum) fields at this time.

51 Fantastic Uses for Baking Soda

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I don’t mean to sound seditious here, but I have a rebellious plan to combat the ills that many corporations are perpetrating in the name of fighting grime and germs. My main gripe is about the environmental pollutants from cleaning and personal care products that we wash down our drains and into our water systems, resulting in situations like the chemical triclosan (a pesticide added to many products as an antibacterial agent) being found in dolphins.

So the simple plan is to encourage everyone to use baking soda in any of these 51 applications. Besides showing kindness to aquatic life, we can also protect ourselves from the array of toxins in household cleaning products. Conventional cleansers can expose us to multiple chemicals linked to asthma, cancer and other documented health problems.

Baking soda also makes a perfect stand-in for many personal care products, which are adding their own twist to the toxic tangle of pollutants and personal health (mainly in the form of synthetic fragrance (and it’s almost all synthetic), sodium laurel sulfate, and parabens).

Heavenletter #4297 What God Has Proclaimed You , August 30, 2012

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Heavenletter #4297 What God Has Proclaimed You , August 30, 2012 

God said: 


Unto My heart have you come. Unto My heart you belong. You have always wanted to belong. You have not always felt that you did. Now you know where you belong, where you ever belong, where you are ever wanted, where your place is, where you are treasured, held high, seen with the Eyes of Truth.

You are worth gold. Never mind what the world may say. I, God, your Father, say you are a diamond, and I wear you in My heart. You are a Divine Gift I have given to Myself. I take care of treasures. Know this, you are the most valued in My Kingdom. Arise now from your bed of nails and proclaim yourself God's Proclaimed Love.


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