Derailing Contact Update From James Gilliand

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Looking from the Off Worlders perspective concerning the way humanity is going about contact it is obvious why it has not happened on a global perspective with the benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced visitors. This includes the ones based on the interior and under the oceans. There have been agreements made with low level ETs and the powers that be that are engaging not only them but other dark forces to continue in the separation, greed, disempowering game. When the majority of the planet is asleep, dumbed down, controlled and does not want to take responsibility for their own awakening, healing and self empowerment mass contact is not an option. The only way mass contact can come is if the majority of the people are ready for it. If you build the consciousness and maintain the environment they will come. This does not mean contact is not happening, it is. It is happening on a much grander scale than one would imagine yet; even the UFO
community censors it. 

Jamye Price – The Energies Of September

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Jamye Price – The Energies Of September – 31 August 2012


August Review
We continued clearing family karma in August, just as we had done in July.  What you had avoided, whether consciously or unconsciously, came to surface (I typo’d service there, how appropriate!).  Our family holds more meaning than just the actual people we are related to, they represent the family of Life.  If you have a great relationship with your mother but some unconscious challenge with the Feminine, it has been surfacing, perhaps through your family, co-workers, friends or even through movies, dreams, etc.  Teeth and joints were some ascension symptom themes, as we clear past patterns that cemented through resistance and resentment.  The denser structures of our body hold the denser emotions, so I recommend tapping and toning to help vibrate those denser structures.  We also had a brain capacity upgrade.  While its manifestation will be different for everyone, you recognize that you are having it by transposing words, momentarily (or permanently – depending on your needs) losing vocabulary and memory.  Some may also be noticing vision changes, which temporarily results in blurred vision, as we open to more interdimensional sight.   

Doctors and nurses form a divine connection and use Reiki before surgery

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Doctors and nurses form a divine connection and use Reiki before surgery.

A Reiki circle in a theatre prior to an operation
This was shared on Facebook by Martha Glatt.

Very good news! Reiki in Cordoba Hospitals: Physicians, physician assistants ... all meet together in a Reiki circle before surgery to meditate and relax before the same ... well connected with the divine energy called Reiki

Soon this may cease to be news and become part of everyday life!


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust Trust is to believe all things are possible

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Friday, August 31, 2012


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Trust

Trust is to believe all things are possible
Trust that you are worthy and deserving of all that you desire to create in your world. If you do not feel worthy, then it is time for some forgiveness of yourself and perhaps others. It is really about an inward forgiveness that holds one back. It is time to let that go so you can move forward into your new beginnings. The old must leave so that the new can enter. It is the cycle of life that happens all around you, it is only the human who resists change and tries to master that energy.
Nurture the divine presence within you and watch it bloom and grow. This allows you to tap into your own natural knowingness and all the answers to the questions that you seek. Ask your angels to help you to feel this energy and trust it. As you believe, so shall it be.
Affirmation: "I trust that I will receive the wisdom and information that I seek when I need it. I am walking each day hand in hand with spirit and my higher self."

Visionkeeper – What does it say?

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What does it say?

Posted on August 31, 2012

This picture has grabbed me continually when I shuffle through my pictures for my posts. I love it yet I pass it by. I decided today to not pass it by and find out what it will finally tell me though my words. I find the shapes gentle and beautiful. That is what I love so about nature, it curves and swirls and is soft, not straight and rigid. The incredibly beautiful ferns in this picture bend with such perfect grace. They are soft and supple and this tells me that we too must learn to be soft and supple and bend with the flow. If we are rigid we are susceptible to snapping under great pressure, like trees in a hurricane. Look at the plant life that survives such storms. Always the ones that bend and the houses of straight and rigid lines are torn apart. There is so much we can learn from nature if we just take time to look and see what it offers for guidance.  The dead leaves that get swept downstream in the current tell us to go along with the flow, do not swim against it. The flow in the current will carry us along with ease and deliver us to where we are meant to be.

Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 31, 2012

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Mike Quinsey - SaLuSa, August 31, 2012 


The dark Ones really thought they had won the day, and the New World Order was within their reach. However, they reckoned without your resilience and determination to stand up to them, and in the relatively short period since your present century started, you have exponentially increased the Light on Earth to defeat them.

They still make noises and believe that they can still interfere with the plans for Ascension, but the fact is that they are now no more than a minor irritation. They no longer have the power or support to achieve any real measure of success, and are witnessing the demise of their empire.

What we are dealing with now is the system that they set up that still functions. It does for example stand in the way of Disclosure but with each day that passes their obstruction is being removed. Once Disclosure becomes officially approved, it will open the floodgates to many other aspects of our ongoing relationship with you.

~Space Weather Update~ Crackling With C Class Flares

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BLUE MOON: Tonight's full Moon is the second full Moon this month. According to modern folklore, that makes it a "Blue Moon." Strange but true: Most blue moons look red, pink or gray. On rare occasions, however, the Moon can actually turn blue. A video from NASA explains how.


Richard Sears photographed the waxing full Moon last night from Atwater, California. It was not blue:


For more pictures of the Moon--red, blue, and otherwise--browse the realtime gallery:



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By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)  

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence 
in the Andromeda Galaxy.

(A Message from my Andromeda Group-Self)

Dearest  Ones,

We  come again to confirm to you all, that the development in the heavenly realms is progressing!
We are more exited  every day, that the immensity of highly increased Light in the universe will soon affect your world in a way that all veils of separation from it will cease to exist!
This Light is Light from Source Itself which is Empowering all realms of creation, to call them back to their own Origin of Self-Existing Radiance.
It is no longer allowed in your universe that creations can continue which do not love and worship Source Itself and through this love allow Source to become fully Obvious and Acknowledged in the heart of Beings in whatever dimension or form they appear.

Oracle Report - Friday, August 31, 2012

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Friday, August 31, 2012


Full Moon Phase - Blue Moon in Pisces

Today is the  Blue Moon (the second Full Moon of the month).  Blue Moons cause emotions to run full spectrum, vacillating from one extreme to the other.  They also cause us to have the utmost clarity into situations.  But we can't forget that Full Moons are due to the placement of the Sun and Earth, and since the Earth is conjunct Chiron (and opposing the Sun), our emotional responses and the clarity that is being bestowed is doing two things: wounding and healing.  Stay in the prsent moment today.  The clarity is bringing foresight, but we need to focus on the here and now because too much projection into the future is going to get us off track.  Don't be tempted to chase something.  Remember that things are still in the process of re-forming; nothing is set in stone. (Photo taken this morning by J. Chumack, Dayton, Ohio, posted on


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