~Humanity's Choice is Now Clear~ Universal Love is Free~ BREATHE

OdiStar's picture


Greetings, Many Blessings,

Miracles and Magical Synchronistic Events.

Synchronistic Events, only Occur in True Reality and is Your Indicator of "Being Present in the Moment of Now! Its a New Day..... Live it in Love, Live this Enjoy, and Know that Great Transformations, Great Changes are Underway for the Betterment of all of Human Kind. Humanity's Choice is Now clear. They are done with duality...and we are Here to Answer this Prayer in True Equality and Love for ALL. We are not here to save Humanity, for Humanity is now choosing to Save Themselves. Its Now up to all of us Standing in the Light to Guide the Way into the Truth. Out with the old in with the NEW! 

Grand Energies began Pouring in through the 111 and now a Series of Events, have already been set in motion to manifest and are in process.


The Earth Allies



You can Join the Earth Allies All day today for Family Fun Day In the 5d Room, All At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

We are Currently behind for Our Monthly Funding Goal Which Keeps the GFP Flowing In 24 Hour Service. If You have not made a Donation this Month, Thank You for Your Love and Support for this Very Divine Mission. You can Share at this  Link: http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate

Total Received 711.77$

Goal 4000$


Table of Contents

It is not possible for you to be separate from Creator. ~by Ron Head


spiral galaxies

Michael and the Councils of Your Higher Selves

We are here today to bring you another look at the subject we brought up in an earlier message.  That subject is the make-up of who you are, of who we are.


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Spiritual Guidance: The Light of a Brand New Day



Conveyed through Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Vibrations that are purer than you can yet imagine are making their way to your evolving minds and hearts, and if you let yourselves believe that spiritual evolution is real, you’ll experience the benefits it has to offer.


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Lisa Gawlas ~ The New Energy Atmosphere of Life: Like a Fish learning to Breath Air!


Lisa Gawlas - 13 January, 2014


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Earthquake Shakes Puerto Rico, Causing Minor Damage


By: Associated Press, 01/13/2014

Puerto Rico


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Grandpaw Peter Koyote ~ OHHH MAMA...

Video Link


Published on Jan 12, 2014


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~Death is the Beginning of Life ~ Part 1/4~



Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm

Dedicated to Stephanie Sautter – A departed friend who I haven’t really gotten to know yet.

It’s no secret that death is feared and misunderstood. Most people assume that we stop existing and enter an eternal slumber when the body dies, and the idea of ceasing to exist has driven a lot of people to fear death.


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The Oracle Report for Monday, January 13, 2014


By: Oraclereport.com, 01/13/2014

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, analyze, prepare, digest, magic


Moon: Gemini/Cancer


Ruling Mahavidya: Kali



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~Life Transitions The Death And Rebirth Of Self~


Sometimes a part of us must die before another part can come to life. Even though this is a natural and necessary part of our growth, it is often painful or, if we don’t realize what’s happening, confusing and disorienting. In fact, confusion and disorientation are often the messengers that tell us a shift is taking place within us. These shifts happen throughout the lives of all humans, as we move from infancy to childhood to adolescence and beyond. With each transition from one phase to another, we find ourselves saying good-bye to an old friend, the identity that we formed in order to move through that particular time.


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Visionkeeper ~ The Deer Trail ~ 13 January 2014



007After a rare day of 50 degrees in January and a drenching night of continual downpours, almost all of the snow has gone. Just a few white patches remain here and there, especially noticeable a narrow, winding, deer trail through the underbrush of young Pussy Willows sprouting up all over. Once carefully concealed by summer growth, it now stands out like a well-lit runway at night. One can see now where they go when nobody is watching. Nature has revealed their well-kept secret and exposed their life to me.


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Lindsay Ball ~ The Pink and Silver Flame of Love and Compassion


Lightworkers.org by Lindsay Ball - 13 January, 2014

The Pink and Silver Flame of Love and Compassion
communicated by The Crystal Team through Lindsay Ball


“The pink and silver flame is a very special gift which is being shared at this time for all those who are ready to understand the intention and purpose of its creation."


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Heavenletter #4798 Remember This, January 13, 2014



God said:

Remember this: There is no debt. No one owes you. And you do not owe.

This is another way of saying to let go of expectation. Sometimes you have to let go of the expectation that everyone will follow through. Not every human being does.


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Elizabeth Trutwin  - 12 January, 2014



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S0 News January 13, 2014: Weather Modification, Fireball, Rare Quake

Video Link


Published on Jan 13, 2014


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1-12-14 Bill Ballard ~ Integration and Fusing of Incoming Energies into The Physical Form

Video Link




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Natalie Glasson – The Divine Answer By Mother Mary


OmNa.co.uk - 13 January, 2014

natalie glasson

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 09-01-14-www.omna.org


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Selacia – Tap Power Of January 15th Full Moon – With Process For Success in 2014



Selacia.com - 13 January 2013



Each year begins with a mix of energies, but this is the first year in a long while offering you the positive possibilities 2014 does.


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Suzanne Lie – Part ONE of Gaia’s Astrological Reading For 2014


SuzannaLiephd - 13 January, 2014


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Laura Bruno – Mirror, Mirror …



Laura Bruno - 13 January, 2014




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Wes Annac – Embracing And Healing Pain – 13 January 2014


Wea Annac - 13 January, 2014


Written by Wes Annac, the Aquarius Paradigm


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Pam Younghans – NorthPoint Astrology Journal For Week 13th January, 2014



NorthPoint Astrolody - 13 January, 2014



Highlighted Aspects this Week


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Thanks to Petra and Lejo

Traveling through the transitional zone – the ‘no-man’s-land’ between the old energy and the New (the actual awakening process), is one of the most difficult and challenging times. It is a time where it’s easy for us to feel completely lost, extremely vulnerable, very confused and so very alone.


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“There is a Lot Happening Now” Prepare for Change



Kp Message… “There is a Lot Happening… Now”

Quoted from Cobra, Prepare for Change!!!!


[ Red DragonFly came to Give Us a Message that Grand Events are Unfolding, and the Fairy and Elemental Kingdoms were Cheering!!! PS~ He Posed for the Picture and would not leave until  this was taken, LOL]



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~Humanity's Choice is Now Clear~ Universal Love is Free~ BREATHE


Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles and Magical Synchronostic Events. Synchronostic Events, only Occur in True Reality and is Your Indicator of "Being Present in the Moment of Now! Its a New Day..... Live it in Love, Live this Enjoy, and Know that Great Transformations, Great Changes are Underway for the Betterment of all of Human Kind. Humanity's Choice is Now clear. They are done with duality...and we are Here to Answer this Prayer in True Equality and Love for ALL. We are not here to save Humanity, for Humanity is now choosing to Save Themselves. Its Now up to all of us Standing in the Light to Guide the Way into the Truth. Out with the old in with the NEW! 


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~Keep Calm~ Solar Wind at 745 Wow New year Engeries Com'n at ya 12 January 2014



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Space Weather Update~ Solar Wind Speed Intense at 728


SOLAR WIND: Earth is entering a fast stream of solar wind that could spark auroras at high latitudes. NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of geomagnetic storms on Jan. 12th. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

CYGNUS AND THE ISS: This morning, Jan. 12th, a robotic arm on the ISS reached out and snagged Orbital Sciences Corporation's Cygnus supply ship, which reached the ISS on time despite a launch delay last Wednesday caused by stormy space weather. The docking at 8:05 am EST marked the first successful contracted cargo delivery by Orbital Sciences.


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Archangel Michael 2014 Outlook


Archangel Michael 2014 Outlook

Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano

From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We welcome you at this wonderful and most glorious time. You are now opening to the wonderful aspects of yourself as you move deeper into the depth and breadth of your heart space. You are now opening a new doorway as you move into your year of 2014.
It is now about moving to the fruition of your soul’s divine plan and your purpose and mission in this lifetime.

Many of you are continuing to tie up lose ends from your year of 2013 and crossing over into 2014. In 2013 many of you had come to a threshold. If you have tied up loose ends in your life, both in the physical third dimensional realm, within yourself and in your relationships, you have moved to a basis of truth within yourself, the being-ness of you. If you have done this you have moved to a threshold at the end of 2013 to move into 2014.


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Metatronic Frequency Report: 1/13/14 – Comet ISON’s Gifts & Metamorphosis of Ruling Structured Bodies



Today is a 3 Frequency day with a 44 Sub-frequency influence and a 555 Active Potential.

The I AM Keyword phrases for 3, 44 and 111 are:

3 – I AM Joyful Creation

44 – I Am Structured Power & Metamorphosis

555 – I Am Multi-dimensional Christed Consciousness Unified

I would like to address the 555 Frequency first.


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Desperate parents turn to medical marijuana in last-ditch effort to improve their children's lives News Desperate parents turn to medical marijuana in last-ditch effort to improve their children's lives by Annika Smethurst


Cheri O'Connell with daughter Tara and son Sean.

Eight-year-old Tara was having up to 60 seizures a day but has made a miraculous recovery since her mother , Cheri started giving her liquid cannabis made in Nimbin.

Doctors at one of Victoria's leading hospitals have acknowledged the "remarkable improvements" in the girl's condition one year after she started taking the drug.


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Why Do Lights Sometimes Appear in the Sky During An Earthquake?



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Earthquake Report for 12 January, 2014




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Ukrainian Protesters Hold Up Mirrors to Police – Forcing Them To “Reflect”



RedPillPhilosophy: Ukrainian protesters are now creatively holding up mirrors to cops, forcing them to see themselves in the reflection. A powerful way to remind these thugs in uniform WHAT they are doing…



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Volcano Report




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Fire in the Sky News/Worldwide Large Meteor Outbreak Alert!


MRMBB333, 1/12/14

Published on Jan 11, 2014


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Eyes on the Sky: Jan 13 thru Jan 19


Eyesonthesky.org - 1/12/14

Published on Jan 12, 2014


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What's up in space


SOLAR WIND: Earth is entering a fast stream of solar wind that could spark auroras at high latitudes. NOAA forecasters estimate a 45% chance of geomagnetic storms on Jan. 12th. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

CYGNUS AND THE ISS: This morning, Jan. 12th, a robotic arm on the ISS reached out and snagged Orbital Sciences Corporation's Cygnus supply ship, which reached the ISS on time despite a launch delay last Wednesday caused by stormy space weather. The docking at 8:05 am EST marked the first successful contracted cargo delivery by Orbital Sciences.


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Cobra ~ Fall of the Archons Update ~ 12 January 2014


2012 Portal - 12 January, 2014



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KRYON Mini Channelling January 11, 2014 - Lee Carroll

Video Link


Published on Jan 12, 2014

KRYON's message through Lee Carroll 'Mini Channelling' dated January 11, the first on 2014 - Boulder Co USA /////////////////////////// Meditation dr. Amber Wolf


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Overcome the Fear of Going All the Way

Video Link


Published on Jul 18, 2013


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The Oracle Report ~ January 11-12, 2014


The Oracle Report, January 12, 2014

Saturday, January 11 - Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gibbous Moon Phase: trust, analyze, prepare, digest, magic


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Hilarion ~ January 12~19, 2014


The Rainbow Scribe - 12 January, 2014


Beloved Ones,


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The Creator Writings ~ "Was It Something I've Done?"


The Creator Writings - 12 January, 2014




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Montague Keen ~ January 12, 2014


Montague Keen - January 12, 2014

I wish to start by thanking everyone most sincerely for responding to our call for help to restore the sacred energy to Planet Earth. When this energy is fully restored it will remove many of the illnesses that beset so many of you. Your bodies need this energy in order to live full, healthy lives. It will also enable crops to grow, and to produce good wholesome food with pure energy in it. This has been denied you and you have had to struggle to survive.


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Gaia Portal ~ Stratum of Higher Gaia Light now covers the planet


Gaia Portal - 12 January 2014



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