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Daily Message ~ Friday May 8, 2020

We spoke yesterday of being open to receive what exists beyond what you can see as being exactly what is required to invite miracles into your life. Many of you still doubt that miracles are available to you. So how do you know you hold the energy to attract miracles? It is simple, Dear Ones, because the fact is you are already a miracle of creation and you can always attract more of what you truly are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/7/2020

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People are upside down, because the without has become more important than the within. The without has become all-important, and the within is completely ignored, forgotten.

The real treasure is within. From the without, you can get only hints of the inner treasure; from the without, only arrows pointing to the innermost core of your being; from without, only milestones. But don't cling to a milestone, and don't think that this is the goal and you have arrived.


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Daily Message ~ Thursday May 7, 2020

What loud energetic no’s are holding you back from receiving? Do you believe in miracles, in magic, in wonder? If you do, do you believe they are available to you? Can you shift into having complete trust in your own soul, along with the help of a universe that adores you, to lovingly flow you forward in the most delightful, supported ways? Being open to discover and receive what exists for you beyond what you could imagine is exactly how you invite miracles into your life. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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AstroEyes Evolutionary Astrology – Cathy Lindsey
This Scorpio Super Full Moon is a powerful and emotionally charged one…making things feel a bit uncomfortable at times! This Scorpio Full Super Moon is also a healing Moon. Scorpio pulls us into the Magical and Mysterious depths of our Soul. Scorpio’s energy is about deep psychological transformation…..through the unconscious (dreams, imagination, emotions), as we then acknowledge this, we begin to communicate with our consciousness. Through our deep desires….we learn to let some of those intense desires go and begin to create the unknown through trust. With this Scorpio Full Moon, desires peak through emotional intensity and experiences…..even if they are hidden (Scorpio).

GFP Newsletter - 5/6/2020

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Half of you is male and half of you is female. If you are a woman, then the female part is on top and the male part is hidden behind, and vice versa. Once you have become aware of this, then a new work starts: your inner woman and inner man can have a meeting and that meeting can remain absolute. There is no need to come back from the peak.


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Moving Forward

Over the next few months, The Universe will be showing you how implement the information you have received.  You have stepped out of your comfort zone and done it with an amazing amount of grace and fortitude.  It is now time to put these changes to use in your everyday life. (Smiling) If you are unsure about how to proceed, just take one step in the direction of your choosing.  The Universe cannot make decisions for you but will be your guiding light as you move forward into your new life. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 6, 2020

You are in a time where you are realizing you cannot navigate moving forward through the mind because there are too many unknowns. This is highly beneficial to you because it redirects you to begin to navigate through the heart.

When you are in a space of not knowing, the way forward is follow where your heart is calling you. If you do not know, feel into what feels expansive for you.

Just as you will clearly feel contraction if you are in resistance, you will feel expansion when your soul is giving you a resounding yes. Your natural response to the freedom of expansiveness is far greater peace, comfort, and joy.

Again we wish to reassure you that you do not need to have all the answers, Dear Ones. You simply need to be able to identify what gives you the feeling of expansion, which is a heart-centred response, and keep flowing forward in that direction. That is where your grandest discoveries will be. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/5/2020

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Life is a very mixed puzzle. Whatsoever you make out of it is going to be arbitrary, you cannot figure it out in reality. My suggestion to my sannyasins is to forget all about figuring out what it is. Rather, live it; rather, enjoy it! Don't analyze it, celebrate it.


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A Different Path

The opportunity you Earth plane was given with this time of change is unprecedented.  Some may feel it extreme but, the grand scheme of things, Nature is doing what Nature does. (Smiling) The reset button has been pressed and the whole of humanity has been given the chance to change course.  The Universe knows some will participate and others will not…and that is okay.  Enough of you have received the message to begin travelling a different path toward a kinder, gentler, wiser and more compassionate reality.  Remember the experience, dear child and grow! ~ Creator


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