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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 5, 2020

We wish for you to pay attention to what happens to your body when you are in resistance. You will feel a contraction of your energy. There is no expansion and no movement. Because your energy is closed off you cannot create or receive.

You have a choice to do one of two things. If your resistance is letting you know something is not an energetic match to you, you can simply accept that input and redirect into something that is. If your resistance is due to some part of you that is desperately seeking your attention and healing, it is time to explore that aspect and tend to it as your own loving guide and parent, giving it whatever it needs so it becomes willing to get back into expansion and movement.

What you cannot do is resist the resistance into some kind of positive result because it will only perpetuate more of the same energy. Resistance is a stalled energy. All it will do is keep you dancing around the same issue until you discover what information it can provide you with. By being willing to explore the purpose of the resistance you shift into acceptance and automatically move back into forward movement. You release your participation in the perpetuation of the energy that was keeping you tethered to the unwanted.

We wish for you to be aware that if you are in resistance you are not able to receive. Resistance is a no energy. Acceptance is a yes energy. If you are consistently focused on your no’s you cannot discover the abundance of supports and solutions that always exist for you.

GFP Newsletter - 5/4/2020

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I am not a philosopher. Always remember that I am a poet, not a philosopher. Remember always that I am not a missionary, but a musician playing on the harp of your heart.

Songs will go on changing... you need not cling to anything, then there will be no confusion at all.

The people who are always hankering for consistency can never enter into the mystery of life. Consistency is something manmade, it is arbitrary. Existence is not consistent. And now even physicists agree with the poets and the mystics.


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Take a look at your Earth plane experience so far…what do you see?  Yes, there may be negatives but, there are more positives than you can count.  Sometimes The Universe may place a not so good situation or experience in your sphere to remind you of how lovely, wonderful and right the positives can be. (Smiling) So, when you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed, remember that all things will seek and find the perfect balance. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday May 4, 2020

It is so important as you prepare to step forward and create from the platform of the new to not let the chatter of your mind talk you out of the knowing of your soul, for your soul’s wisdom is your empowered operating system and essential for navigating this next transformational phase of your incarnation. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/3/2020

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Be perfectly clear about it. My effort is not to strengthen a certain mind, my effort is just the opposite of it: to give you a state of no-mind -- a state which has no knowledge, a state which functions from not knowing, a state of innocence.

I use contradiction as a device. I say one thing, out of your old habit you cling to it; the next day I have to contradict it. When I contradict it you have to drop it. But you may start clinging to the new thing that I have said; I will have to contradict it again.

This will go on, you will go on clinging to this, to that. One day suddenly you will become aware what is happening. I don't allow you any certainty, nothing to cling to.


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The Balance of Head & Heart

Today, The Universe is asking you to go deep into your heart and assess your emotional state.  Is it coming from old, learned programs or your current connection to All That Is?  Moving forward, this discernment will be particularly important.  If you choose to revert to your most primal instinct, the ‘us vs. them’ may overwhelm the good.  If you choose to receive input from your connection, Divine Truth will be available to guide and support.  That is one of the truly beautiful things of being human…embracing the balance of the head/heart and free will. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday May 3, 2020

The flow is an incredibly efficient system that contains both action phases and lull phases. It is by embracing both you will harness the support and inherent gifts that exist in both phases.

Humans have a tendency to know in their hearts what phase they are in and rather than accept and embrace that knowing, make themselves wrong for it and try to force their way forward in energies that are not supportive. This is another form of resistance that rarely produces desired results because it consists of forcing rather than flowing.

Dear Ones, trust what you know. If your efforts are not being supported in one area, you are not wrong, or bad, or lazy, or permanently blocked. The energies are simply saying, not today. Redirect. What does your body really require? What is the best use of your time? What would you really like to do? What would feel good?

Don’t let the chatter of your mind talk you out of the knowing of your soul. Rest easy in the knowledge that by waiting until your efforts are supported you will be far more efficient in the long run.

If there is one thing you can count on, it is that every lull is followed by a period of forward movement. The greater the lull, the more important it is to embrace your preparation for the great wave of action that is sure to come and sweep you forward in the most profound and amazing ways. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/2/2020

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If you become confused by listening to me, that means you have heard me. The more intelligent you are, the more confused you will become. And I use contradiction as a technique, I go on contradicting myself.

Why do I contradict myself? I am not teaching a philosophy here. The philosopher has to be very consistent -- flawless, logical, rational, always ready to argue and prove his statements. I am not a philosopher. I am not here giving you a consistent dogma to which you can cling. My whole effort is to give you a no-mind.


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Eternal joy awaits your awakening.

To start with, a metaphor: humanity is out surfing, an enormous wave is approaching, therefore . . .relax, but be ready and allow this magnificent wave to carry you along for an exhilarating ride into the new era which you have all been working so assiduously to bring into being for a very long time.  You will not fail to rise up on it, because you have great expertise and you have been practising with powerfully focused intent to be ready for this precise moment, and you are ready, and you will rise to the occasion.  You will be filled you with joy and wonder as you finally come to know yourselves, the true You, at One with all of God’s divine Creation.  Your awakening is to be spectacular, way beyond anything you could possibly imagine, in fact way beyond anything that even someone who has had the most uplifting and inspiring Near Death Experience could possibly imagine.  Your divine inheritance – infinite Joy – awaits your awakening.

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During this time of change, many of you have been finding and releasing some of your deeper wounds.  The growth and learning you have experienced remain with you for lifetimes.  The Universe is inviting you to take all you have learned and help others who have not yet started their journeys.  The quiet knowledge and wisdom you possess will draw those who are ready and willing to begin.  This is the birth of a new level of understanding and open communication between you and The Universe. ~ Creator


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