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Who and Where Are You?

God said:

Beloved, everyone is Eternal and Infinite and has been around forever and ever and on such deep levels ever shall be. The general pitter and patter in the world takes up only a blink of an eye – if that – one way or another.

Much of the world seems to come across as a flash in the pan. It's here in one so-called minute, and the next it's not anywhere to be found, and you wonder where it went, and you wonder where you have been and what you thought were doing or not doing.

GFP Newsletter - 8/21/2018

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Love is a miracle. If it happens, and you are totally involved in it, then it takes all the energy from fear, from self-condemnation, from doubt, from sadness, from misery, from anxiety. And once the energy is taken away, all those concepts are only corpses; they lose their grip on you.


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..And Here You Go Again!

…And here you go again!  Quantum leaps are beginning as a proactive measure to make sure you will be ready for the changes coming before the end of the year. As you move closer to your brightest self, you may feel troubled by the negative around you.  Remember to radiate Unconditional Love from your heart and you will receive the same in kind. It may be challenging to find the Divine Spark in others but, it is there.  The Universe is always available to help and guide you through the process. Set your goals and move toward them the best you can…I know you can do it! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 21, 2018

Many of you are still integrating energetically from the recent powerful shifts you have moved through. The sun is assisting you in that process. The best way to ground in new energies is by putting your focus on your body. Eat the foods it is asking for. Allow it to move in whatever way it wishes to in your own intuitive dance. Spend time outdoors and feel your feet connect with the earth. Lie on the ground and let the earth energy wrap you up with its grounding support. Commune with the plants and animals. These are just a few things you can do.

There is no greater expert than your body on what it needs to integrate any energetic shift. Allow it to take the lead. Support it in whatever it is asking for. Know that there is a natural intelligence within that knows exactly what to do. Trust your intuition. What works for one person may not be what another requires. Experiment. This is how you will bring forth your own ancient knowledge, and step into being the empowered master of your own vehicle. What wonderful times you are in that are allowing you to make these discoveries of your own amazing abilities! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Chugging Right Along

God said:

Beloved, take a stand on what you will allow to rock your boat. All is not lost. You are not in the grips of a vise. If you are a captain of a ship, you haven’t sunk your ship yet. You got off course for a minute. You don't have to take it so hard. You were not attacked. You did not fall overboard. You have the option to take disappointments more philosophically. You don't have to take even one occurrence so hard. When all is said and done, you don't have to be done in.

You don't have to take life harshly. You must not. Beloveds, learn the art of letting go. You don't have to get hung up and be at the end of your wits because of a mistake. A mistake doesn't have to be a fatal flaw. Let it go.

GFP Newsletter - 8/20/2018

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All the religions live on fear; they make every child fearful. And the fear becomes the psychological atmosphere of your being. So you are never total in doing anything, you are always hesitating - whether it is right: what you are doing, is it going to lead you towards reward or towards punishment; are you coming closer to God or going farther away? Each step is full of fear. And because of this, religions have been able to exploit you.

A man who has no fear cannot be exploited. He lives his life according to his own light. He has a lifestyle which is his, not borrowed, not given by somebody else.


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A Sacred Space…

How often do you allow yourself to have those ‘not so good’ moments?  You may have always been or worked toward becoming a happy person…then something broadsides you.  In an instant you lose your ‘happy persona’ and the people around you wonder what happened.  They may even become upset that you are not the way you’re ‘supposed’ to be.  Oh darn! (Smiling)

Remember, my dearest child, you are human!  You will have your moments.  This is not something you need to apologize for…it is you being you.  It is wonderful to please others, however, pleasing yourself and practicing self-care during times of sadness/grief/pain the most important thing.  Allow that sacred space so you can move through it in a way that works for you.

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Daily Message ~ Monday August 20, 2018

On your enlightenment journey, there may be times when pain will be a precursor to expansion. Think of a chick that has outgrown the egg. The discomfort from being in a space too small is what gets it to break through the shell and emerge as a new version of self.

So what if your pain was simply an indicator that you are ready for a bigger, more expanded expression of you? What if the pain was so that you simply couldn’t stay the same and settle for for something smaller than what is your greatest potential? What if it was a wonderful sign that you are ready to birth the newest, most expanded version of you?

When you stop resisting and start to accept where your soul is trying to lead you, you move through those changes as quickly and efficiently as possible and break through to the other side where the wonder and discovery of new potentials awaits. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Choose Both the Finite and Infinite

God said:

Beloved, develop your listening skills. For the most part, you know how to chatter very well. Listen more. Go back to the beginning. Go basic. There are stones you don't have to lift. Talk is one of them. It's good to settle into a modicum of silence. Cover your bases.

Attend to what is yours to attend to. Attend to what you have not been attending to all along.

GFP Newsletter - 8/19/2018

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How can you doubt if you don't believe? It looks strange, but it is not. Belief is an effort to repress your doubt. So underneath every belief there is doubt. But if there is no belief system, there is no place for doubt to exist.



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