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Daily Message ~ Thursday August 2, 2018

Dear Ones, surrender is the entry point of the flow and an activation, if you will, of your guides and helpers and the energetic support of the universe. It is showing your intention to step into forward movement. To surrender and then not be willing to move would be much like putting a destination into your gps but never putting your car in drive.

Understand that surrender is the first step. Being willing to be guided, to follow the path that then unfolds, is the action phase you must participate in. Do not be afraid of choosing a wrong direction, for the flow will sweep you up and lead you to where your soul wishes to be. You cannot get it wrong.

The final step is committing to staying in that surrendered, supported movement with your trust long enough to experience tangible results. Understand that the most progress is occurring behind the scenes when it seems nothing is happening. Use your faith and trust to discover new potentials. Give feedback through your gratitude.

This is the higher vibrational operating system that you will all be getting familiar with as you move forward on your enlightenment journey. These are the essential tools for empowered co-creation you have been seeking and they are right there for you, just waiting for you to pick them up and discover the magic they can bring you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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You Are as Fine as a Star That Twinkles in the Heavens

God said:

Beloved, life does not seem to want to be pinned down. It wants to roam the range. Naturally, you want life to be hail-fellow well-met. Instead, life seems too often to be like a pig-in-a-poke. What a fine kettle of fish life is. Did your life happen to skid on a banana peel?

You may wonder what all the fuss is about. What is this attention on landing at a destination about? You might as well relax in the first place. It’s okay to keep rising and not have to plop down somewhere. You don’t have to nail yourself down. Life just keeps rolling around like clouds in the sky, and life is like a well in the country that just fills up to the brim. Hail to life!

GFP Newsletter - 8/1/2018

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When meditation deepens in you, your thoughts, your feelings, all start disappearing. Meditation makes you a silent pool without any ripples - so silent that it looks like a mirror; you can see your face. And it takes nothing from your intelligence or from your feelings; it only makes everything more authentic, more real, more total, more pure. Intelligence reaches to its highest peak, just as love reaches to its highest peak.

To know your being and to be centered in your being you have found the meaning of life, you have found the purpose for which you have come here on this planet. The intention of existence is revealed to you.

Socrates has said, "Know thyself." In those two words are contained all the scriptures of the world.


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Speaking Truth To Your Heart

There is a lot of information from many different sources in your world right now.  Some will resonate with you and others will have a dissonance.  Some will speak the truth to your heart and some will not.  In seeking your truest path, practice discernment.  It is best to listen to and ‘follow your gut’…move toward what feels right to you.  Accept or deny, it has always been your choice! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 1, 2018

We wish to remind you that your flow has a steering wheel. It is called gratitude. When energies are particularly intense it can be easy to become focused on your discomfort and forget to use the very important tool of gratitude, which can make you feel quite out of control.

When you choose to see what is working for you, not only do you step back into co-creation by giving vital feedback to the universe, you also shift out of resistance into acceptance, which immediately creates more comfort and peace in your present moment. You might be amazed to discover how much a simple, heartfelt prayer of thanks can soothe the soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Art of Freedom

God said:

Beloved, of course, freedom comes from inside you. It may well feel to you that freedom, as well as lack of freedom, come to you from somewhere else. Yes, it is possible for you to be imposed on.

Your experience may be that you are restricted by one thing or another, and not necessarily by your own volition.

Acknowledge that you contribute at least somewhat to your path of life. Don’t be quick to hold others responsible for your choices. At the same time, don’t be too quick to consider fault on your behalf either.

GFP Newsletter - 7/31/2018

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First drop from your head to your heart. But don't stop there; it is only an overnight stay, a caravanserai. You can have a little rest there, but it is not the goal. Drop from the heart into the being.

And this is the secret of meditation, that wherever you are - in the head, in the heart - it doesn't matter, meditation brings you from the head, from the heart, to the being. Meditation is the way to your own center of existence, where there is no question of getting stuck. You are it. Who is going to get stuck in what? There are not two things, only you - you and your absolute glory.


Beyond Happiness, Beyond Sadness

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How funny, consciousness reveals itself as awareness being present.

The reality is the now and all nows are present always.

I am here and the LIVING UNIVERSE is talking to me. I listen and hear what here is like, the experience of all that's happening within and around me and I am amazed at the all that's happening, REALITY. Hummmmmm, or Ommmmmm and Auuuuuuuuuummmmmm, Ahhhhhhhh the many ways of hearing the here being present.

There are so many hearing the Here they just don't know it's all NOW. LOL

Beyond happiness, beyond sadness, there is an experience so real all of Creation is built upon it and all Creation is the celebration of NOW.

YOU HAVE THE ALL, what else can you accomplish but SHARE THE ALL with Everyone present? Seems to me that's what LOVE IS, BEING SHARED, FREELY

When I open my brain I feel all sorts of things and all I FEEL IN NOW IS LOVE, BEING PRESENT, lol.

I am a right brained being, I was not so given to follow the "rules" the left brainers seek to make up just for their own benefit. lol

Yep I heard the different drum and dance to the beat of my HEART = EARTH so joy can be shared.

Well since I have the moment in HEAVEN to be in HEAVEN I will be in HEAVEN where ever I am for I AM HEAVEN ALWAYS. ❤️

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With all the changes going on right now, you may feel weak and a little helpless.  Things that were solid and dependable feel as if they are falling away faster than you can count and it may make you feel lonely.  Never fear, my darling one!  Feelings such as these are temporary at best.  Allow The Universe to show you the way to safer, more peaceful ground.  Allow Unconditional Love to wrap you in its warm embrace and know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all will be well if you choose to allow it.  Remember, you are never alone! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 31, 2018

A reader recently asked, “Why are some of us still dealing with so many lower frequency experiences in our reality, even though we have applied everything we have learned to move beyond them? What are we not understanding? How do we move beyond these experiences?” We would like to address this today.

We understand it can be disconcerting to be so dedicated to your own growth and evolution and have challenging situations occur. In no way does this mean your work has been ineffective! There are many reasons why this can occur.

While in some instances, it can be an indicator of an aspect of you that is still looking for your love and attention, in many cases these experiences are not because you haven’t grown, but rather to show you how far you have grown. It is an opportunity to show up from your latest level of attainment and see how differently you handle it compared to how you might have handled the same situation a year ago, five years ago, ten years ago. How can you gauge your growth if you don’t have experiences to see how far you have come?

In other circumstances you may have an experience because your soul has volunteered to bring balance and stabilizing energy to others who have not yet been able to create that for themselves. Many of you hold the role of both anchor and filter. In other words, you are there to bring the love and the light using your energetics to be of service.


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