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Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 10, 2018

Dear Ones, if you are seeking happiness and don’t know what it is that makes you happy, you are still further along than you think. You know what doesn’t make you happy, and that is a wonderful place to start.

Don’t push against your conditions but rather commit to becoming a happiness detective. Try new things! Listen to your instincts and what your soul is drawn to. Don’t be caught up with the ideas of good or bad, right or wrong, and understand that experience is what has the value to you. Think of what you used to love when you were younger and see if you can incorporate those aspects into your life now.

More than anything understand that you have been busy letting go of the idea that suffering is somehow noble and makes you worthy. This is a powerful shift which result in the releasement of the martyred paradigm. Allowing your soul to lead the way based on preference and what brings you joy is how you will step into your shimmering and shining highest expression of self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 4/9/2018

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The scientist becomes aware of the outer world, the mystic becomes aware of the inner world. And the inner world is far richer.


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How I Learned To Let Go Of Controlling Everything In My Life & Found Ease & Surrender

by Derek Lovell, Collective Evolution

Trying to have control over every aspect of our lives, ‘White Knuckling’ it, or having ‘The Death Grip’, are common mechanisms for many of us. I have tried to control everyone and everything in my life at various points and that control stripped away any of the joy and deep connection that I was ultimately trying to create through these deep rooted control mechanisms. But it never worked.

This is one of the ways I have come to learn what control looks and feels like to me, how I have overcome this habit, and how I have finally found ease in my life and let go of the control that used to rule my life.


We are all watching our own movies play out in every moment and no one will ever see or feel how life looks like through our lens. We are the main character of our movies and everyone else is simply in a supporting role.

You are the star of your own movie. Why would the main character of their own movie ever want a supporting role to tell them how to star in their own movie? That’s right, they probably wouldn’t. (Keep that thought in mind next time you feel called to tell someone what to do)

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 9, 2018

Dear Ones, if you wish to walk a path of beauty, you must navigate by seeking out beauty. If you wish to walk a path of magic, you must acknowledge the magic that surrounds you and allow that to show you the next steps to take. Do you see? Your continued focus allows you the unfoldment of that which you desire. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Next Phase

By now, you have noticed that your Earth plane is in the next phase of this wonderfully massive shift.  Many emotions have been coming up to be cleared and you may feel weary and worn out.  Take heart, dearest child; the work you are putting in now will have benefits for phases that have yet to arrive.  This information is known to you, but bears repeating both as a reminder and to make sure it is a part of your conscious awareness…

Genuinely express and practice compassion for yourself and others.  If there is no compassion, there can be no true understanding.

Breathe!  Overwhelmed seems to be the ‘order of the day’ with this shift.  It is best to be mindful of it, so you can stay centered in peace and calm.

Practice transparency.  The further along you move into the new ways of being, the more challenging it will be to hide behind untruths.  Untruths have become (and will continue to be) glaringly obvious in your daily life.  Astounding, is it not? (Smiling)

Be kind…to yourself and others.  Regardless of who or what you are dealing with daily, the need for kindness will be paramount!  This goes hand in hand with compassion.  Kindness shows that you are truly listening and understanding what is going on around you.

Remember to play!  There is quite a bit of ‘heavy lifting’ going on now and play is one of the keys to releasing stress and anxiety.  Color with crayons, dance, find a playground swing, sing, enjoy or create music.  You know how to… give yourself permission to be and enjoy being child-like again.

GFP Newsletter - 4/8/2018

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There comes no point in meditation when you can say, "Now it is the full stop." There is no such thing as a full stop, because you are carrying the whole sky within your heart, a whole universe in your being.

Meditation is trying to find the ultimate limit. You always feel that you are coming closer to it; you are always coming closer, and closer, and closer. It is always coming closer, but you never reach it, because the limit that you seek is just like the horizon - you can go towards the horizon, thinking that it looks only a few miles away at the most, where the earth and the sky are meeting, but they do not meet anywhere. So as you go on, your horizon also goes on receding; you will never reach to the horizon. What is true about the inner consciousness is also true about the outer space.


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A Pointer…

The Universe would like to point out…it is not your decision to determine what is right or wrong for another.  You can only determine what is right or wrong for yourself.  If you choose to put yourself in that place of judgement, you may be ignoring some very fundamental facts about your own inner processes.  If you find yourself being triggered by what you perceive as another’s ‘wrong’, it could exist within as well.  This is where your fun begins! (Smiling) Today, you are being invited to look at those triggers, acknowledge and release them.  Remember, nothing is gained from judging others.  You may, however, lose an opportunity for growth. ~ Creator

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Entwined We Are

God said:

To you, I give thanks. I give thanks to you from the bottom of My Heart. Beloved, always know with assurance how much you mean to Me and all the Waves and Waves of Love just the thought of you gives to me. I know your love. I feel it. Do you feel My love, too, as it radiates through you?

Every night I put you to sleep. Every morning, I wake you up. Do you feel My Presence in your life? Be sure to know that I am attentive to you. I do not ask you to sacrifice. I do not believe in sacrifice. I believe in Joy. I ask you to enjoy. Joy isn’t a sacrifice. Definitely, stay away from sacrifice. I don’t want it. I seek your Joy. I want nothing less than your Joy.

GFP Newsletter - 4/7/2018

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There are things which you can never do too much. For example, you cannot love too much; more is always possible, and there is no limitation anywhere.

I am taking the example of love because that will be easily understood. The same is true about meditation: you cannot meditate too much, because silence knows no bounds - it is an abysmal depth. You can go on and on, and you will find there is always much more to be explored.


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The Slow Burn

As quiet as it may seem, there is much going on behind the scenes.  You may be compelled to move things along, to push through the ‘slow burn’ that is going on now because you are anxious for the next great leap forward.  The Universe would like to remind you…events will and are happening for a reason, at the perfect moment for the perfect outcome.  As challenging as it may be, allow Divine Timing to take the lead; the outcome will be exactly what is intended. ~ Creator


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