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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 21, 2018

The area of your life that you feel most blocked in is likely the one where you feel there are little to no options for improvement. While it may seem that way to you from where you are, this is never true. To believe so is much like painting yourself into an energetic corner, Dear Ones. It is settling for constriction and constraint, which is a very uncomfortable place to be, indeed.

It is not that there are no options for improvement, for there is a vast and varied universe available to you to pull from. It is just that you cannot see those options from your vantage point, and for most humans, seeing is believing. Take a moment to stop and really examine your self talk about that topic. Is it so limiting that you there is no room for you to allow new solutions to come forth?

You are part of a team. You are a member of the ground crew. Your team of helpers are there, always, to assist you in the areas beyond what you can see. As a human being, your first response is to navigate within what you see are potentials. When you have exhausted those options, it is time to pass the baton to your team who can see all the potentials and possibilities that you simply cannot see from your vantage point. Further, they can lead you to those potentials the most direct way possible.

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The Theory of Relativity

God said:

No matter how much you may yearn or even mourn for something you don’t find anywhere you look, remind yourself in Truth, nothing is really lost. You may not know how to bring your precious jewel up to the surface, yet it exists somewhere hidden to you from the surface of the world. With know-how, you would know how to find it, whatever it make be, the lace tablecloth your mother loved, your check book, a lost love letter, a lost phone number, a lost thought, a lost love.

Of course, you always have an important reason to seek its return to you right where you can pull out whenever you want.

The Essence of Truth is never lost, which isn’t to say that you are promised to have it safe and sound in your hand and to possess it in your preferred way. Of course, the return of what you lost matters very much to you. Beloveds, I do not hold this out to you as a guarantee just like that Certainly, what you lost is stored in your Heart.

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The New Elders

Dear one, you have learned many important things over the course of your lifetime.  Today, you are invited to step into the past and find that one person, that one game-changer and remember the most beautiful thing they taught you.  During the next part of this shift, that particular lesson will be very important to your growth.  Whether it be a grandparent, aunt, uncle, family or best friend; embrace the feeling you had when they first brought it to your attention, then share your story!  Some of the most profound, wonderful and amazing things can be learned this way and a strong, cohesive bond can be forged by relaying sound, positive, truthful information to others.
It is time…time for you and those around you to step into your new roles; become the elders of tomorrow for a new generation.  Revel and take joy in this new ‘homework’ assignment. (Smiling) It may be the most important of your Earth plane existence. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 2/20/2018

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I am neither for anything, nor against anything. My whole approach is that you should find a deep, relaxed contentment with yourself and existence. Then whatever else happens is just differences in your individualities.


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World Renowned Chef Opens 5 Star Restaurant To Feed The Homeless & Fight Food Waste

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Finally, thanks to the internet we are becoming aware of just how much food is being wasted on a regular basis. Supermarkets are throwing out astronomical amounts of unsold food that is actually perfectly fine to eat. When the amount of homeless people who don’t always have access to food, and the many families that are struggling every day to put food on the table to feed their children, is this really the option that we have come up with? To simply throw the food in the garbage because it cannot turn a profit?

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Ancient Cultures Suggest Morning Meditation May Lead to a Deeper Experience

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

According to the beliefs of several ancient cultures, the early morning hours may be ideal for meditation and spiritual reflection. New age and spiritual circles will also claim that if you wake between the hours of 3am and 5am, you may be going through a spiritual awakening.

Although it’s difficult to prove if any of these claims are true, I would like to share some beliefs of the Secoya tribe of Ecuador. This indigenous tribe’s way of life is entwined with its traditions and ceremonies, even today, when most of the world has become Westernized.

Spiritual Hours of Shamanic Healing Ceremonies

The shaman elders of the Secoya conduct powerful healing ceremonies using plant medicines. In their culture, they plan these gatherings during late night hours and early morning. They believe that each night, at around 3am, benevolent spirits descend upon the earth. As well, the spirits of most of the earthly creatures are finally at rest.

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How the Shamanic Medicine Iboga Can Resolve and Heal Childhood Trauma

Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times

Imagine being able to go back in time to relive those experiences from your childhood which have had the greatest impact on your life. Imagine being able to witness yourself as a child, but from the perspective of yourself today, looking at traumatic events with the understanding and compassion of an adult.

On the cutting edge of human health and mental wellness is the exploration of the effects of childhood trauma on the long-term health of human beings. Dr. Robert Block, former President of the American Academy of pediatrics remarked, “adverse childhood experiences are the single greatest unaddressed public health threat facing our nation today.”

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There Is Something Nice about Snow

God said:

Beloveds, have in mind that all is well. Go for it! At the same time, be strong in knowing that nothing on Earth has to derail you. You are not here on Earth to be stalemated.

Nor is Life a question of “letting the best man win.” Winning in Life isn’t an issue. Living Life without the idea of either winning or losing is a good idea. You don’t have to have your own way. Life is about more than having your way or not having your own way. Stay away with all your might from the perspective that Life has to go precisely one way or another. There is always more to Life.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 20, 2018

An amazing thing happens when you make your self care a priority. At first you may need to concentrate more on yourself if you have had a habit of putting others consistently ahead of your own needs in order to get yourself balanced out. But then what will happen is you will have more patience, more energy, and more stability for others because you will already have everything you need. Your self care serves everyone, and sets a wonderful model for others to honour their own needs, too. To be clear, selfishness serves the one, while self care serves the whole. There is nothing selfish about making your own self care equally important as everyone else's. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Do you choose to be weak or strong? You may believe this comes from how you were raised, where you come from, what you have experienced or how you live your life. The Universe is here to tell you that both things come from within and depends solely on your thoughts and actions. Jut like making a conscious decision toward joy, happiness, love, inclusion and peace…it is your choice, it has always been your choice. ~ Creator


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