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While You Are Waiting

While you are waiting…
Take some time to breathe.  Go out in nature and listen to Earth’s beautiful song.
Take note of challenging feelings and past experiences; they are the key to releasing so you may continue to grow.
Allow yourself to be guided by what is in your heart.  The mind and the powerful tools of logic serve you well, however, without the heart, love can become hidden.
Find your balance.  During, and all through this shift, finding and maintaining your balance will be one of the ways to successfully navigating this momentous time.
Listen!  Listen to the sound of your own heartbeat, to others and to the still, small voice inside.  It will be your guide, your compass on your journey through your lifetime.
Forgive.  Take time to forgive yourself and those you feel may have wronged you.  This is not something you will be able to carry as you move forward.  Your growth is much too important to be weighed down by such things.
Love!  Always love!  Love yourself, who you are and what you will become.  Love your past.  Without it you would not be where you are today.  Love your fellow human beings.  Yes, even the ones that appear unlovable. (Smiling) All things on your Earth plane have to potential to leap forward in and with love.  Without love, the soul may wither and waste away.  There is no need to hoard what there is an endless supply of.

GFP Newsletter - 1/25/2018

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A well from which water is not taken out is not granted fresh sources, and the old water becomes stale, and even poisonous.

Once you start feeling the fullness of your spiritual being, then go on giving to the deserving, to the undeserving - never discriminate! Whoever is ready to take, give it to him. And existence will always be giving you a thousandfold more to be shared.


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What's Wrong with Modern Wheat?

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Considering the high rate of wheat consumption, one wouldn’t suspect that the wheat industry has created a massive problem. Yet, looking at the facts surrounding this industry and this food source will give you pause.

The documentary What’s With Wheat examines the dynamics that shaped modern wheat and the business around it. It offers insights from many experts in the field who’ve conducted extensive research to help you understand why wheat has become so problematic for many people. The film gives unprecedented details of why wheat may be one of the key reasons behind many health issues.

The Wheat Dilemma

Wheat has transformed dramatically since the inception of modern industrial agriculture. Almost everything about wheat has changed. The way it’s raised, the hybridization, the way it’s processed, and the amount that we’re eating.


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25 Jan Daily Message ~ Thursday January 25, 2018

Dear Ones, the amount of judgment you experience towards others is directly proportionate to the amount of fear and feelings of powerlessness you still carry within you. Judgment is the by-product of assessing threats, and leads to separation. Whenever a person chooses to separate, it is because they are afraid.

When you have worked through your fear and have stepped into your authentic power, you are not disturbed by the choices or behaviours of others because you recognize you are the empowered creator of your own life expression. When you are feeling secure in your own ability to create your judgment simply becomes observation. You honour others where they are on their paths without feeling threatened or responsible for their behaviour.

This is why it is so important to step up as your own loving guide, parent, and best friend. From your more empowered place, are your fears really valid, or are they merely conditioning and old belief systems? It is time to trust your wisdom, your evolution, and your ability to not only create the safe space you require and deserve, but to also create what it is you wish to experience.

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The Quiet

It is very quiet, is it not?  In this moment, there seems to be a collective holding of the breath.  Energetically, you may feel you are walking through a small town at 3 a.m.  Everything is closed, nothing is moving and you feel, well, almost bored. (Smiling)
Dearest one, you were given this rest period because, in the next few days and weeks, the quiet will be replaced with a huge burst of energy and learning.  Rather than viewing this “now” as something to be slogged through, think of it as a “recess” with grounding and self-care as the order of the day.  When you move into the dizzying pace that will arrive shortly, you will be thankful for down-time you have now. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/24/2018

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The moment the mind stops bothering you, you, for the first time, are healthy, sane. For the first time you are really born; you are free from the imprisonment of thoughts and fears. For the first time you have attained to the most delicious phenomenon in existence - freedom.

This place is not for the mind; this place is for those who can leave their mind outside the gate.

Come inside, dancing and joyous. And when you go back, you can pick up your mind or anybody's mind - that will do, because they are all insane, and once in a while to change them is always good; you will have some new gossips to hear.

But here you have to be absolutely without mind. This is the only gift I can give to you: to help you to be without the mind. And then all the treasures of existence are yours.


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Life is a most wonderful gift, but how you use it is almost entirely up to you.

Humanity’s awakening process is progressing beautifully.

And that is, of course, to be expected.  It is a divine plan to awaken you from the dream in which it seems that you had become lost.  However, dreams are but ephemeral wisps of unreality in which you cannot really become lost.  You are a little like a small child who hides in a dark closet or in the dark space under the stairs and then believes that it is lost and abandoned.  It bursts into tears, terrified, screams for help, and then its mother, father, or older sibling comes rushing to rescue and comfort it.  And, as a result, it learns that they are always there for it, and that it can never be truly lost or abandoned.

As the beloved children of God you are eternally embraced by and held within the field of divine Love that is the Reality in which all of creation has its eternal existence.  You can never be truly lost or abandoned because there is nowhere else, and within it you have no needs because God has already given you everything, which of course is LOVE, and that is what you are.  You only appear to have needs when you refuse to accept the Love that enfolds you, and then you seek satisfaction of those apparent needs outside yourselves in the illusory world of matter – the dark closet, or dark space under the stairs – that you collectively constructed in order to play the game of separation.  Your only need is to know that you are not separated.

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Terraforming Planet Earth and Human Consciousness with Electromagnetic Interference

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

The rollout of 5G is happening now, in spite of many legitimate concerns about public safety, and in spite of the fact that former FCC Chairman turned corporate lobbyist, Tom Wheeler is more concerned with making money than our health.

According to Wheeler, the rollout of 5G will require an enormous increase in the number of cell towers, all pumping electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) far higher than 4G into our environment.

“To make this work, the 5G buildout is going to be very infrastructure intensive, requiring massive deployment of small cells.” ~Tom Wheeler

Experts and industry leaders will tell you there is nothing to be afraid of, yet similar to the rollout of psychotropic medications, like antidepressants and ADHD meds, these products are simply too new for us to have any understanding of the long-term effects.

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Deep in the One Ocean

God said:

A sense of incompleteness seems to chase you, as if there is something you are missing and may never find what this is. Yes, you have a longing, yet what has flown is emptier than your Heart’s longing. For all you know, you could be longing for a longing.

When you have a tooth missing, your tongue finds the gap.

It can’t be that your soul or part of your soul is missing, yet what is this vagueness that follows you around? You know not its name. You misplace or forget altogether what now seems to be a blank. You would like to send out a search party. Perhaps you lost your address. Could you be a missing person? Can you possibly be missing from yourself. Could you have been crossed out, and no one let you know? Why weren’t you told?

I tell you now to go out into Nature, and I will restore your Soul. You will recall yourself to yourself. You will discover what you are doing here on Earth. No longer will you feel away or apart. Pull off your socks. Let your bare feet touch the grass. Recall fresh air. Inhabit the Universe up close. Right this moment, you are finding yourself. You just haven’t quite gotten the hang of Infinity. You can’t hold Infinity tight. There is no table of contents for Infinity that you can look up. There is more to Life on Earth than meets the eye.


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