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The Miracle of Healing

God said:

Within Healing lies a relationship through which confidence is imparted. Without effort, something passes through the doctor who imparts healing and the patient who absorbs healing. It is also possible that it is the patient who creates the healing the doctor brings. Something happens that is beyond calculation. Which one is the healer or the healed isn’t so easy to say.

A cheerful attempt at camaraderie and determination to heal and to be healed go only so far. Healing cannot be reproduced or manufactured. It cannot be faked. Healing comes just like that. It comes when you are not looking. There is a connection between the healer and healed. It is definitely not style We speak of. It is not about impressing one Will upon another’s Will. Not at all.

Christ was not looking for a name for himself. In healing, something deep happens, or it does not. What happens is above the world.

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The Veil

During the next few days, you may experience a great deal of change.  Things you thought were true will be shown to be otherwise.  Things you thought were false will begin to show their truth.  This shift is necessary for you to begin seeing your world for what it truly is rather than through a veil of perceptions.  Some of it may be disappointing but, most of it will be amazing.  Either way, it will be an amazing journey of self-discovery! ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/29/2018

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Everybody is living a phony life, and the real being is following you, waiting for the moment when you will understand that your whole life is false. But there must be something real; otherwise, there could not be anything reflected in the mirror. If there is reflection, reflection is not a reality, but there must be someone who is being reflected.

Get ready, and don't be afraid, because it is not your enemy, it is you; it is your very divine being.

But there may be fear, because the moment you find your real being, your phony self will have to die, will have to disappear. And you have decorated it with so much care, educated it with so much trouble, have made it respectable, prestigious - all this will disappear, and the being which is just innocent like a child.... And you will have to start your life again from scratch; but it will be a real life.


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The Very Strong Connection Between UFOs & Nuclear Weapons Storage Facilities

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The photo you see above is a real picture taken in August of 1952, it’s a photograph of multiple UFOs taken by the Coast Guard photographer at the time above a US military installation, a common place for UFO sightings.  The photo was classified by the US government, and then later approved for release. It was witnessed by multiple ‘professional’ people.(source)(source)

There is no shortage of pictures and videos when it comes to UFOs, here’s another ‘official’ example you can read about from the Canadian military. Here is another one the Pentagon recently released.

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Daily Message ~ Monday January 29, 2018

There are two predominant energies enlightening human beings are often reluctant to acknowledge within themselves or express – grief and anger. They feel the emotions are not spiritual enough, are not valid because they are not in line with their highest selves, or do not wish to add what they consider to be a negative emotion to the collective. Dear Ones, we urge you to take the time to lovingly create a space to fully and safely feel any unresolved emotions you may have.

Your emotions, all of them, are part of your human experience. Not acknowledging them does not make them not exist, it simply keeps them as an active part of your energetics. If you don’t take the time to fully experience them and honour them, they will frequently bubble up in their desire to be loved back into wholeness.

If you have lost someone you love, your grief is a beautiful indication of how much you cared. Even though you know through your beliefs that the soul, and your relationship lives on, albeit in a different form, it is perfectly appropriate and recommended to allow yourself time to grieve the loss of the physical presence of that person in your life. You go through a profound energetic shift when a loved one transitions, and your grieving process is what allows you to process that shift. Your tears are cleansing and healing.

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Twiddling Your Thumbs

God said:

There may be value in twiddling your thumbs. In every exercise and every movement you make, there is value. In crying, there is value. In laughing, value sings to the High Heavens.

Of course, in silence there is value. In everything under the Sun, there is value.

In every dance, in every song, there is value. In all the nursery rhymes, there is value. In hop-scotch, there is value. In pattycakes, there is value. In cartwheels, value abounds. In standing on your head. In shaking your head Yes, there is value.

There is more value going on than you have any idea of.

In every beat of your heart. In all activity, and in all repetition, there is more going on than you know.

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Consciously Kind

As you move through your day, please remember; even though you may not be aware of it, you can be (and often are) an inspiration to every person you meet.  Your words and actions have the ability to change another’s reality in ways you never knew.  As you take each step today, be consciously aware of how you are presenting yourself.  Are you kind, gentle and compassionate or are you hurried, abrupt and hurtful?  Are you disinterested in what others say or do you pay attention to what is really being said?  Your free will is always in play.  Even though it may be challenging, do your best to be consciously kind.  The Universe is there to support your ever step. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/28/2018

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Forget yourself, just even for a few moments, and it will give you an insight into existence for which you have been searching for many lives.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 28, 2018

Why not go on a quest for beauty today? Why not, with your focus and intention, choose to see the many ways beauty can show up in your life?

It may be in the intricate natural beauty of nature, or in the loving touch of a mother comforting a child. It may be an act of kindness or generosity, or simply taking a moment to give thanks for the abundance that abounds in your own life. It may be in moving into an alignment that allows you to feel your own beauty as a divine and beloved aspect of Source energy. It may be appreciating the arts, or a unique combination of words or ideas, that activate certain emotions and feelings within you.

When you stop to see the beauty and wonder around you, you shift the energy of your Now moment. You see the magic and miracles that abound, which can only help you fall in love with your reality. And falling in love with your life results in a deep satisfaction and comfort that supports both your present and your future.

We also encourage you to add to the beauty of the whole, understanding there is a myriad of ways you can do this. Shine the shimmering love of your soul. Embrace the love and power of your own contributions.

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A Seeker of My Knowledge

God said:

You may have played around with the idea that, in the manner of a genie, how I might bestow upon you the whole contents of My Creative Intelligence just like that. Ho, ho, what a plum this would be for you in this world, even as I say once again, Beloveds, that, because of Our Oneness, all My Children already possess the Totality of Knowledge natural, yet may not have it so quickly at the tip of your tongue.

In your daydream of such an explosion of Knowledge in the world, it may not have occurred to you that you could be overstepping? Taking too big a bite in one swallow? That you could fry your mind? Be blown away?

Beloveds, assimilating and understanding are not quickies. You can’t just sit down and absorb an encyclopedia all at once. Something has to settle in, and you to get comfortable. Something has to click.

You don’t want to stuff your mind. As a matter of fact, your mind is already stuffed.

You do desire accrued wisdom that goes beyond information.


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