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Voila!  Now that the energy of the recent celestial events has washed over your Earth plane, you will be able to spend less time in anticipation and more on the fact that you are watching evolution happening right before your very eyes!  Some of these changes have been in process for many years and you, you lucky and amazing person, get to see them firsthand!  Your world is moving closer to a time where transparency will be commonplace and sound may only be used as an enhancement (instead of a requirement) to express thought.  Take a moment and let that sink in. (Smiling) Be proud; The Universe is in awe at how quickly you are learning! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday February 1, 2018

Judgment is looking at something with a focus towards what is wrong with it and using that assessment to perpetuate separation. Observation is looking at something and seeing it as an opportunity for your own expansion while staying in a place of connection.

Judgment is an act of resistance or rejection, while observation is an act of inclusion and acceptance. As judgment is the precursor to separation, many human beings will go out of their way to avoid judgment, often denying themselves their own preferences in order to please others.

Dear Ones, if someone is judging you, the fact that they are judging you tells you they are not qualified to do so. They do not know your soul’s agenda, your path, your purpose, or the bigger picture of what you are wishing to experience. All they know is that whatever they are judging about you would not be their individual preference.

GFP Newsletter - 1/31/2018

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When I say to you, "First be selfish," it does not look spiritual.


Your mind is conditioned that unselfishness is spiritual. I know it is, but unless you are selfish enough to know yourself, unselfishness is impossible. Unselfishness will come as a consequence of knowing yourself, of being yourself. Then unselfishness will not be an act of virtue, not done in order to gain rewards in heaven. Then unselfishness will simply be your nature, and each act of unselfishness will be a reward unto itself.


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How Scientists Found “Paranormal Perception” Channels Within Human Beings

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

In 1976, a presentation was given at the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) on a paper published by the Institute on behalf of Hal Puthoff (now part of the To The Stars initiative that received and released the recent UFO Pentagon footage) and Russell Targ.

The paper was titled “A Perceptual Channel For Information Transfer Over Kilometer Distances: Historical Perspectives and Recent Research.”

Puthoff, who held a PhD in electrical engineering from Stanford, at the time was commissioned by the CIA/DIA and Stanford Research Institute to direct the Stargate project, which was one of many secret government programs that remained hidden from public knowledge for more than 20 years.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 31, 2018

Surrender and acceptance allow you to both untether yourself from what is holding you back and stay open to receiving what supports you and best matches who you are. They work together beautifully to keep you out of resistance and in flow, which is the fastest way to move forward with the greatest amount of help and comfort possible.

While they may seem simplistic, we urge you to not underestimate the ability of these two powerful aspects to lead and transform your life experience in the most empowering ways. The best way to fully comprehend what these elements can do for you, Dear Ones, is to consciously start to experiment with them and feel the magic for yourselves. You can’t turn a concept into a reality if you don’t give it a fair try. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Changing of the Guard

God said:

On the surface of Life, everything changes. Everything seems to change before your very eyes. Nothing stays the same. Nothing stays. You have to keep catching up. Business is no longer as usual.

In the Depths, Life is ever Eternal and never-changing. This is the Eternity you keep hearing about.

On the level of the ephemeral world, nothing stays fixed. In one sense, Life, what you call Life, is shifting sand. It never stays where it was.

You race along. You desire to get caught up or are being caught up to.

You are in a time warp. You want to catch up with time, or you wish to get past it.

All the while, you hear Me say that time does not exist. Yes, I have told that you that Life, Life Beautiful as well as Life fractious -- Life, altogether is illusion right from the get-go.

Of course, the Magnificence of Life also exists down to Earth.

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For some, seeing is feeling.  There is a need to see and touch before you can evoke a feeling.  The Universe is asking you to practice your feeling today. (Smiling) If you have seen and touched a rose before, you know what it feels like and how it smells.  The rose does not need to be present to recall that feeling.  But, what of something you have never seen or experienced before?  Ask to be shown!  When you become more in tune with feelings that do not have a basis in physical reality, you will become more open to what The Universe is saying to you.  You will become more skilled in listening and understanding.  It is one of the reasons you chose to be here now. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/30/2018

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Socrates says, "Know thyself; anything else is secondary." Knowing thyself, you can be unselfish.

In fact you will be unselfish; it won't be an effort on your part. Knowing thyself, you will know not only yourself, but you will know the self of everyone. It is the same; it is one consciousness, one continent. People are not islands.

But without teaching people how to know their own being, Christianity has played a very dangerous game, and one which has appealed to people because they have used a beautiful word, unselfishness. It looks religious, it looks spiritual.


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Total Lunar Eclipse In Leo: Nurturing Our Heart’s Desires

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on January 31st. These eclipses are also referred to as ‘Blood Moons’ due to the reddish color that occurs, and interestingly this is also a ‘Blue Moon’ as it will be the second Full Moon of the calendar month of January. And last but not least, this Full Moon eclipse will also be a ‘Supermoon’ which occurs when Full Moon’s are closer to the Earth causing them to appear bigger. This combination of all 3 things hasn’t occurred in North America in over 150 years. However, it did occur in Eastern parts of the world on the lunar eclipse on December 30th 1982 which was a Blue Moon outside of North America.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 30, 2018

Dear Ones, do you believe you can have it all? Do you believe all your dreams are available to you? Or do you believe you can have only have a limited amount of success in the creation of your desires? Do you think it is greedy, unattainable, or will result in bad things happening to you if you have it all?

What if things are not coming together for you because you are not thinking big enough? Your soul will always struggle with your attempts to stay small because it is always seeking expansion and your highest life expression. It is not interested in supporting you in limitation or staying in a state of contraction or denial, for it knows that by denying your gifts and experiences nobody wins.

Having it all is embracing the full potential of continual expansion and growth based on what your unique aspect of Source wishes to try, contribute, and express at any given moment. There is no end point, just new platforms to create from. And it is that evolution that supports the entire universe.

So if you are frustrated because you are having trouble manifesting something your heart desires, take the time to examine whether you are aiming for much less than what is really available to you. If you knew for sure you could have anything you wanted, how much different would it be from what you are trying to create? Is there room for expansion?


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