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Daily Message ~ Monday January 22, 2018

Dear Ones, when you are in what feels like no man’s land – that phase of the unknown where you have detached from the old and have not quite connected with the new, please know you are in a place of profound progress towards your next great adventure that better matches your energy and intentions.

It is much like being mid-flight in an airplane. You have left one place and have not yet landed at your destination. Even though you may be above the clouds and not able to see the progress being made toward your goal, there is much forward movement happening.

You set the intention, bought the ticket, arrived at the airport on time, and boarded the plane. Now it is time to allow the others – the helpers whose job it is to support your dream – to do their work and highest service until it is time for you to land.

We understand it can be difficult to stay in surrender, faith, flow, and trust when much can seem undefined, but the fact that you are an in-between stage is proof positive that your journey has begun. In fact, it is an indicator that you are well on your way and in the phase where the most progress is being made!

So just like you would during a flight we encourage you to do whatever supports you in being as comfortable as possible. Read. Nap. Meditate. Take care of your immediate physical needs. Understand you are in a temporary phase that will soon be forgotten. And above all, don’t jump out of the airplane before you have a chance to land in a great new space of wonder, possibility, and potential. ~Archangel Gabriel

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Divine Sparks

Take a moment and look around you.  On your Earth plane, there are 7 billion examples of how The Universe works.  Each of you has your own set of unique experiences, life goals, disappointments and great moments.  There is, however, one thing you all have in common; you chose to be here now, in this moment.  In that respect, you are equal.  Today, you are invited to look at your fellow humans…not as what you perceive to be ‘lower’ or ‘higher’, but as participants in the same journey.  When the differences begin to melt away, you will begin to see each other for what you truly are; sparks of the Divine during this incredible time of your history. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/21/2018

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Mind is fear. Mind is a coward and is always concerned about security, safety, certainty. The world of love and the world of meditation is pure insecurity; it is moving into the unknown with no maps in your hand, with no guidebook to lead you, not knowing where you are going, not knowing where you are going to land finally.

Mind naturally always is worried, creating questions about where you are going, what you are seeking. Remain within the mundane world where things are objective and where superhighways exist which have milestones, which have maps, which have guidebooks, and you know exactly where you are going, and you know exactly where you will reach. But the world of love, the world of godliness, is just like the open sky. The birds fly, but they don't leave their footprints for other birds to follow.


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The Playing Field of Life

God said:

No offense, Beloveds. Concede. My One All-Seeing Actual Vision of Life overtakes all Human Viewpoints by a Mile. How clearly I see Life and how your vision is obscured. Look over My shoulder. I give you the God’s Truth, whereas you vouchsafe an opinion.

I bless you for your good Heart for Humanity.

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The Gateway

During this shift within a shift within a shift, a lot of your old stuff may be brought to your attention.  Keep in mind; this is not The Universe’s way of torturing you or making you feel more guilt.  Instead, it is a way to bring to your conscious awareness the areas you need to work on.  In becoming consciously aware of past issues, it becomes possible to heal and release them with love.  You may choose to shy away from very sensitive issues, however, it is in your best interest to deal with them now rather than ‘waiting for a better time’.  This is your chance, your time and your experience…you will deal with it how you choose.  The Universe is respectfully asking you to embrace the healing presented now.  It is the gateway to the next step of your freedom. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/20/2018

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Here you will find many people who have known what it means when God dances with you, what it means to say a total "yes" to existence.

It is not on your part an effort; you just drop the achieving mind which has been given to you by the society. It creates in the mind ambitions: ambition for money, ambition for power, ambition for prestige, ambition for God, ambition for heaven - but it is all ambition. In a mind which is ambitious for money and ambitious for prestige, ambition for God, ambition for enlightenment, ambition for nirvana are not different. They are all ambitions, all decorations for the ego. And God cannot be a decoration for your ego; neither can enlightenment be a decoration for your ego.

When you are not, then the whole existence starts showering thousands of flowers upon you from every dimension, from every direction.


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Holy Purpose

God said:

Ego is a false God. No longer give reverence to ego. Ego may serve a purpose. The true purpose of ego is to help you let it go of it. In this sense, ego serves a tremendous purpose. In this sense, ego serves a Holy Purpose. The dissolution of ego is worthy.

The swelling of ego is a distraction from your True Purpose which is simply and unequivocally service, not necessarily primarily to yourself. Ego is full of fancy. Ego is fanciful. Your ego is not meant to be highlighted. No bowing down to ego. There are to be no flourishes. Ego is not meant to be a velvet cape that you swirl as though you were a toreador ready to subdue a bull.

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Cultivating Depth, Meaning & Deeper Connection For True Intimacy

by Jack Adam Webber, Collective Evolution

Sex is easy, and can provide a form of instant intimacy. But it’s not enough for deeper connection.

While good sex alone can’t sustain a soulful relationship, a lack of a sexual connection usually spells ruin. Sexual intimacy pales in comparison to being deeply seen, respected, and held in a relationship—when a like-minded person participates in our deeper growth and development. This is soul sex.

As a relationship progresses, its depth increases, however slowly or imperceptibly. This process tests both partners: their tolerance, emotional triggers, trust, needs, and true desires. This progression happens in the context of giving and receiving love, both conditional and unconditional.


Conditional love based in agreements is a given for us in intimate relationships, and to varying degrees among different couples. Unconditional love happens as well, though less commonly, as we hold sacred space for our old wounds and disgruntlements, as well as for the ways our partner differs from us and for which we nonetheless offer support.

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The Incredible Journey

Take a moment and ponder this; you are all family, connected by your love of each other as Forever Beings.  You are kindred spirits sharing an incredible journey you asked to experience.
Today, you are invited to embrace this and move through your existence knowing that each human you come in contact is a true brother or sister.  Showing and becoming Unconditional Love is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself and others. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/19/2018

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Forget everything - we are not here to achieve anything, we are here just to enjoy these few moments that are available to us. It is another thing if while you are enjoying, suddenly you find God is dancing with you - that is another thing. You were not dancing for God, you were not waiting for Him; your dance was so beautiful, your dance was so total, your dance was so intense that the dancer disappeared.

In that moment you will find God dancing with you. And don't make much fuss about it - "God danced with me" - because if you make much fuss about it, you may not find the same dance again; you will be always, from the corner of your eyes, watching for when God comes. He never comes in this way.



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