Heavenletter #4821 Published on: February 5, 2014
God said:
With all My heart, I want you to know how loved you are, how bless-ed you are, how you are My One Beloved. Often I call you My Child, My Child of Love. You are My Child, and you are under My love, not merely My domination. And this is where Free Will comes into play.
It is not wholly that you are left to your own devices. Guardian angels, Who are beautiful rays of My energy, watch over you, stubborn you, who think you are on one journey when you are really on another. Surely, your journey is more than making a living, more than finding your fortune on Earth, more than building a house, more than what is called success. To live for the material world alone bores a hole in your heart, and you feel emptiness. All the gold of the world is not enough. All the accumulation of even knowledge is not enough.