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The Love of Which God Speaks

God said:

For those of you who find it hard to love, or to even relate to love when it comes to your own feelings, then never mind about love. Turn your thoughts of lack of love to fullness of appreciation. You are one who appreciates. When you feel appreciation, that is the love of which I speak, beloveds.

Just as gratefulness is a form of love, so is appreciation. Appreciation is strong, but it is not overwhelming. You don't make demands of appreciation as you do of love. You don't put violins around appreciation. You just let it be what it is. Love doesn't have to be high-flown either, yet you have expectations you draw around love, as if it has to be a great crescendo, a once-in-a-lifetime sunrise, an eclipse of everyday emotion, an entry into a musical!

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As humans you want to live forever for the good times.

You all have high hopes for 2018.  Much has been promised and much will be delivered!  The awakening process is proceeding apace, and this not new information, it is just further confirmation of what we in the spiritual realms have been telling so many of you over the last 2 or 3 years.  Yes, that long!  Nevertheless, major changes are occurring all over the world as humanity’s collective intent to awaken continues to intensify.  More and more are daily choosing to live only lovingly whatever arises, and the powerful energies that these choices are putting into effect keep intensifying.

The collective choice to awaken has been made, and is irreversible as you well know, so let go of your doubts and intensify your efforts, while at the same time totally forgiving yourselves whenever it seems to you that you that you have not been holding your intent purposefully enough.  You are all doing great work to assist in the awakening – as you truly intend – even when it seems that you have forgotten to intend !

When a New Year commences many make all kinds of resolutions that they believe will enable them to live better – more efficiently, more productively, more courageously, more lovingly, more compassionately, more thoughtfully, more happily, etc., etc., – and then, very quickly, those resolutions get forgotten.  All those resolutions, made and forgotten, are but signs of a deep sense of dissatisfaction with the self.

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Daily Message ~ Friday January 12, 2018

Dear Ones, you have always done the best you could in any specific moment in time. What you consider to be poor choices are reactions that come from being wounded, overwhelmed, out of balance, and/or disconnected from your own alignment with Source and your own divinity.

If you have regrets about a behaviour you demonstrated or something you did, or didn’t do, having forgiveness for yourself is essential, for to not forgive yourself is to perpetuate guilt and shame, two lower vibrating energies that will keep you out of balance and more likely to continue in behaviours that do not match who you are and how you wish to be.

If you wish to truly shift into a higher expression of self that is able to more consistently show up in ways that reflect who you really are, forgiving yourself and releasing the guilt and shame associated with that time is truly the best way to do so. Making your healing and evolution a priority will ensure you will not ever be so out of balance as to make those same choices again. It is time. It is time to unconditionally love yourself, so you can show up as the love that you are. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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A Bright Tomorrow

Now is the time, most dear one, to add tools to your ‘toolboxes’.  Yes, you were born with your original gifts.  These have served you quite well up to this point, however, it is time to grow and learn new thing to help humanity move toward the light!  For every bit of darkness that is on your Earth plane there is a multitude of bright lights leading the way to a more compassionate tomorrow.  This is not a war or a fight, just a lesson in becoming.  It is time to become! ~ Creator


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Busting Open the Chemtrail Denial Subterfuge

by Julian Rose

As we swing into the New Year, many are going to be feeling more than a little impatient that the perpetrators of the toxic air-born emissions which create engineered clouds over vast areas of our skies, still remain largely anonymous.

Anonymous by name, but no doubt to be found within the ranks of military industrial proponents and psychopathic secret society hegemons: those who hide behind the 1991 Hughes Aircraft atmospheric aerosol patent. The patent that formalized an engineering technique which alters the climate and sickens the planetary population with its debilitating fall-out.

There is a red line test that almost instantly reveals people's awareness about these, and related, military activities. Just put the question “What do you think about 9/11? And how do you feel about chemtrails?” You might be surprised to find that those who you consider reasonably intelligent and quite thoughtful individuals, appear to be neither when asked to think about these two actualities.

This response to the first question would be quite typical “It's obvious, 9/11 was an al-Qaeda mission led by bin Laden. There's nothing suspicious about it.” And on chemtrails “They don't exist”.

What one runs into when confronted with such an unquestioning response, creates a genuine human dilemma. Where can one turn if fellow human beings are unwilling to examine, in any detail, incriminating evidence that stands behind such crime's against humanity?

GFP Newsletter - 1/11/2018

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The first thing to be remembered about my attitude about the future is that all predictions are guesswork. The future remains always unknown and takes strange turns which no one would have ever conceived.

Moreover, my approach to life is to not be bothered with past and future. The past is no more, the future is not yet - all that we have got in our hands is this moment. The past is dead and the future is unborn.


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Peace Unto You

God said:

I am telling you that it is not essential for you to be upset by what occurs in life. I understand you find things upsetting. Everyone finds certain things upsetting. What I am saying is that it is not necessary to let so many events get to you. I am suggesting that perhaps you can cut down on what you allow to upset you. Will you consider this as a favor to Me?

Your balance does not have to go off-kilter as often as it does. If you must get upset, perhaps you can ration upset and keep it for only special occasions?

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"Be a Tree" Grounding Exercise for Children - to feel stable, calm, and increase focus

by Jessie Klassen

(excerpt from Jessie’s new children’s book, “The Sapling”, now available worldwide on Amazon, Barnes and Nobel, and smashwords)

Trees provide the perfect example of the importance of staying grounded to be strong.

Grounding does for us what roots do for trees.

When we are grounded, we feel strong and able to handle anything that comes our way, just like the roots of the trees hold them steady when the strong winds blow.

Often times, simply being out in Nature, hugging a tree, or barefoot on the grass is enough to stabilize and calm our energy. But, sometimes we need to do more.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday January 11, 2018

Dear Ones, whether you consider yourself hard done by or blessed is going to have everything to do with how your day will unfold for you. How you declare yourself to be is exactly how the universe will respond to you because we will always honour you in your self expression. Is it time to reevaluate how you define yourself and if that matches what you would like to experience more of? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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The Next Big Jump…

The current lull in activity may leave you saying, “Wait, what?!”  It has all the signs of a rest period, however, the overwhelm and tension is still in place.  Please remember there are layers (think alternate dimensions) within each shift so, even though it feels quiet and a little boring, there is still a great deal of ‘busy’ going on.  It is very important to remain grounded during this time, take immaculate care of yourself and keep breathing (Smiling).  The next big jump is on its way. ~ Creator



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