GFP Newsletter - 1/10/2018

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I don't have to be acquainted with you personally; I know you essentially. By knowing myself, I have known you all. By dissolving my own problems I know your problems, and I know the key to how they can be dissolved.

The day I became aware of myself I came to know the sinner and the saint both. I have known those who are asleep, and those who have become awakened. So there is no problem in it. If you are here listening to me... and all that I am saying is: drop your personality, drop your ego. Be humble, and be open. Be silent, be alert and conscious, and miracles are bound to happen to you.

And remember: I will not be responsible for those miracles. You yourself will be responsible for your miracles. You need not even feel thankful towards me. Your gratitude has to go towards the whole existence. I was just a stranger who met you on the way, and we talked a little, gossiped a little - I don't have gospels, but only gossips - and then we parted, you on your own way, I on my own way.

There is no need for me to know you personally, nor is there any need for you to know me personally.

What is needed is an essential bridge between your being and my being. In silence that happens automatically.


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When Your Heart Is Full of Love

God said:

Life doesn't need preparation, beloveds. Life is not meant to be work. Nor is cooking meant to be work. From shopping to cleaning up, cooking is meant to be the easy giving of love. You already know that with love, cooking and everything else become easy. Wow, the energy love gives you. Beloveds, you could cook for the whole world when your love is on.

What is hard when love is filling your heart? What is hard about the moon pulling the tide? What is hard about a mother's nursing her child? What is hard to learn when you love, and learning fills your heart.

Nothing is hard with love. Whatever makes love hard for you to express is not love. It is something else that blocks love. Love would block nothing. Love would rush to everything.

When your heart is full of love, disappointment does not take away the love. Love is its own force. Love already knows it is not dependent upon outside factors. Love is its own king and its own servant. Love knows how to love with or without certain circumstances. Love is its own commander and its own soldier, yet love does not give orders. Love simply bursts its borders and goes everywhere. Love is like a rocket, a multi-targeted rocket.

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Have Governments Actually Been Reverse Engineering Extraterrestrial Technology?

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Recent CE articles regarding the disclosure of UFOs:

Us Department of Defence Releases A Video of a UFO Rotating In Mid-Air

US Navy Pilot From The Pentagon UFO Video Discloses A Technology That’s “Not From This World.” 

It’s hard to know where to begin when writing on a subject that seems to top the Google search engine charts year after year. It’s no secret that the world is fascinated with the idea that intelligent extraterrestrial life did, and currently could be, visiting our planet, and regularly. The unfortunate part about the phenomenon is that the world rarely sees evidence for it presented in a credible way. Nearly all mainstream media outlets, news anchors, and journalists do more harm than good, discrediting a topic that has plenty of proof behind it. Either it’s not discussed at all, or it’s done through ridicule.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday January 10, 2018

What is the one thing in your life that you perceive as holding you back? Is it health? Is it financial? Is it love? Is it an old wound that you can’t seem to heal beyond?

Ask yourself honestly if you have been using the same old approach to your challenge. Dear Ones, if you have been trying the same thing repeatedly to no avail, perhaps it is time to mix things up. What could you do differently? How can you change your thinking about this issue? Is there a new approach you could try that you haven’t tried before?

If you truly don’t know the answer to any of those questions, the answer can always be found through surrender. Surrender to the perfect solution, and then allow yourself to be led to it. Your soul, your guides and helpers, all know the endless possibilities and potentials and perfect solutions that exist.

The bottom line is if you haven’t found the relief you seek, the solutions exist beyond what you have already tried. Mix things up. Be creative. Be willing to explore and be led, and you will find your way. The only way a problem will not be solved is if you choose to stay in the energies where the solution doesn’t exist. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Some of you may feel as if you are walking a tightrope right now.  With the balancing of the energies, overwhelm and stress may be dominating your mind.  This is the perfect time to remind yourself that, even though it may seem to be a ‘do it or crash’ time, it is the exact opposite because The Universe has never left you to operate without a safety net.
Each of you is experiencing this massive shift exactly the way you were intended.  For as many humans as there are on your planet, there are ways of moving through it.  In the coming weeks and months, it will be of utmost importance to support and lift each other up and know there will always be someone there to catch your fall. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 1/9/2018

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I don't know anybody personally, but I know everybody essentially, I know everybody spiritually.

Personality is a false thing. It is a mask: your name, your address, your profession, your photograph - passport size - your identity cards. What is your personality made of? Just these kind of things.

Otherwise you come into the world without any name, without any address, without any religion, without any nation, without any race. You come as just a tabula rasa - so clean, so clear, crystal clear. That is your essentiality. But that is the essentiality of everyone, so it does not matter whether I know you personally or not. All personalities are false. And the essential being within you is the same.

The day I came to know myself, I came to know you too.


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Representing Your Self

God said:

Every day I begin our talk with what I say. Today, I ask you, What do you say? What do you say about love and life? Hmm, what do you teach, and what do you proclaim? What do you offer the Universe, and what would you take away? What kind of an alchemist do you choose to be?

Enough complaints that you consider to be prayer. Now let Me hear what you are doing, how you put two and two together and draw a happy face. What are the ways in which you serve Me in the world? How you serve another is how you serve Me, so I am asking you how you serve life to others? What dust do you stir up? What are you thinking, what do you say, and what are you meaning to do?


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Daily Message ~ Tuesday January 9, 2018

Do you automatically so no to things? How many times a day do you say no with little to no thought? The more no is your go-to response, the more resistance you are in to life.

This is not to say that you should say yes to everything, because some things will not be your energetic match or for your highest good. We are simply suggesting you stop and fully consider things before you decide whether you wish to proceed with something or not.

So the next time you are asked to do something, why not feel into it? Is it really a no? Are you responding out of habit or in ways that matched who you used to be and may not necessarily match who you are today? Why is it a no?

There are so many times the universe attempts to bring new experiences to you that you may find very enjoyable that you simply won’t allow. If you check in with your body you will get a true answer. A true no will be felt by a lot of resistance or tension in your body, usually felt in your abdominal area. A yes will feel like flow.

If you are in between, why not give it a try? It may just end up being fun. A human being who consistently is open to saying yes to life is much easier to surprise and delight. Your yes responses make you cooperative with a universe that adores you, and add immeasurably to your expansion and experiences. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Your Power

During these times of change and the shifting/balancing of female and male energy there is much talk of ‘reclaiming’ your power.  The…one…thing…you…must…remember; it was never stolen from you!  Some of you chose to pretend it did not exist for safety’s sake, others have chosen to hide or hide from it or tuck it away in a safe space deep inside so no one could touch it except for you. (Smiling)
Here is your homework for today, darling one; it is time to remember where you put your power.  Bring it out, dust it off, reacquaint yourself with your Creator given gift!  It may be a bit scary at first, but it is possible.  It is your birthright, it is time and you can do it! ~ Creator


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