A New Day has Dawned!! by Lisa

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A New Day has Dawned!!



by GLR Lisa Gawlas


If these days aren’t getting curiouser and curiouser.  Yesterday (March 17th) I knew was the third day, the last day of the serious ball of energy morph that was once the field I read.  What I didn’t know was if I would be able to see anything for my scheduled reading, or if I would get a nose bleed from the attempt.  Let me tell ya, a little nose bleed isn’t going to keep my nosey nose out of the field of light!!  Not on a new day anywayz!

Brazil will make UFOs information available to public

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Brazil to record UFO sightings

Brazil is to officially record any UFO sightings in its vast airspace and make the information available to researchers, according to a government decree published this week.


Brazil to record UFO sightings

In 2009 there were almost 400 reported sightings to the Ministry of Defence of UFOs throughout Britain Photo: GETTY IMAGES

The text calls on military and civilian pilots and air traffic controllers to lodge any experiences with unidentified flying objects with the Aerospace Defense Command in Brasilia along with any material proof by way of photos or video.


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March 18-25, 2012


Beloved Ones,

As you each go through your cleansing and releasing process, you are finding that you are beginning to feel a sense of mastery as you complete the learning, comprehension and understanding that these events have brought to you and the opportunity for greater spiritual growth and evolution that has taken place within you. Life is ever evolving and in these times this growth has been moving forward in leaps and bounds! Each Soul on Earth has been experiencing the changes taking place within them with amazing grace. It has been a mighty struggle to swim upstream against the current of ingrained and well established structures and you have all come through with flying colors.

Heavenletter #4132 Dreams Will Come True

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Heavenletter #4132 Dreams Will Come True




 March 18, 2012 

God said: 


What you are doing as you grow in life is creating an empty space!

Fullness is emptiness, beloveds.


When you are attached, you are full of expectations.

You are full of more than expectations.

ESU “JESUS” SANANDA - I am as near as your very heartbeat.

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I am Esu Immanuel Sananda, named “Jesus” by dark ones on your place many years after my departure. I come in the Radiance of God-Aton. I come in service to that Being, and unto the greater good of The Creation, within all Universal Laws.


Posted by indianinthemachine2 on March 17, 2012



I have said, and it is so: I am as near as your very heartbeat.

The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~17~12 ~ The Gates of Heaven, have Now Opened~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~17~12




~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~ The Gates of Heaven, have Now Opened~


Photo of Cloudships over the Mountain


Greetings Love Beings~ We Are Happy to Report to All of You, that we have successfully broken through the resistant energies. YEEHAW! The Gates of Heaven have now opened and we have intense Energies that are Now Pouring through into the Planet and all of Humanity. These Energies are what dreams are made of, the One Collective dream we all share together.




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