Lucas ~ Seperation Is Thinking From The Mind Not From The Heart ~ 17 March 2012

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Lucas ~ Seperation Is Thinking From The Mind Not From The Heart ~ 17 March 2012

A beautiful day to reflect it was yesterday. As the afternoon was becoming the present  all worries  and sorrows had found their solutions.  So balance was found  again. I was online reading and offline reading my post and came across several things having the same theme: separation.


The lack of respecting diversity or  respecting other ones choice is felt dearly.  separating is being cut off and is  apart from and not united. It is even an illusion to think if you separate yourself  by merely thinking as being a apart entity and act like it or think like separated from that what you not want, as it is part of the wholeness of the One. separation is nothing more than an illusion. And that illusion can become so real as you want it to be. But this separated reality is still part of the One.


Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Worthiness

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You are worthy

As a beautiful spark of Creator light, you are indeed worthy of all that you desire. Decide on clear boundaries and limits and firmly decline to let others step over them. When you value yourself, you become open and friendly, slow to take offense and quick to forgive.


Angel wisdom reminds you that you are like-able and truly love-able. Do not let others press your buttons, or tell you otherwise. Begin by loving yourself. If these seems difficult at first, ask for your angels to step in and surround you with love. When you feel our love it is easier to take the next step towards loving yourself.


Firming up the Process | The 2012 Scenario

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Firming up the Process | The 2012 Scenario

Written by Steve Beckow


I’d like to continue with my exploration from yesterday (1) of what I can bank on around the 2012 scenario when I lack certain knowledge. I think it’s important in the weeks and months ahead to have a process that helps us choose what version to accept among competing versions and what side to support when we lack certainty.

What can we fall back on to restore our confidence and courage when we don’t have the assurance of certain knowledge and face an attempt to make us fearful and hesitant?


Our Discernment

My obligation to discern makes it vital that I look to see what remains consistent and uncontradicted within and among the versions of events presented to me. It requires me to ask: What’s the most probable, possible, and plausible of outcomes? What’s the most likely account and outcome of things?


The manuscript of survival ~ part 105 ~The Fog Is Lifting

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 105

 17 March 2012 ~ 9:44am |  Aisha North

Today, the topic will be a short review of the things that have happened so far in this period, in other words, a short recap of just what these last energy bouts have been all about. As we have already mentioned, on the outside, much will seem to be the same, but that is not the story if you venture under the surface. When we say the surface, we are alluding not only to your bodies, but also the crust of your little planet, and the layers of energy harbouring there. As you might be well aware of by now, not only you but also the whole of your planet is nothing but a living and breathing field of energy, a moving field of currents, never at peace, always transmuting and forever changing. Energy never stays still, it is always seeking new outlets to shift and move about, and although everything around you seems to be solid, nothing really is.

SanJAsKa: We are truly your Family from the Skies

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SanJAsKa: We are truly your Family from the Skies

Posted by Wes Annac


Thanks to Lisa (Wolfke74) for the Image

- through Wes Annac-


Clusters upon clusters of ancient energy stargates from periods in your history dating back as far as Atlantean times have been coming online in exponential rates, and this has been happening in accordance with the expanding and reawakening of the many chakras in the spirit complexes of man that have until now been kept closed.


~Space Weather Update~ Entering a Solar Wind Stream Wind Speed 666

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GREEN SKIES FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY? NOAA forecasters estimate a 20% chance of geomagnetic storms around the poles on March 17th in response to a high-speed solar wind stream buffeting Earth's magnetic field. Northern Lights could descend all the way down to Ireland, concluding St. Patrick's Day with a flourish of heavenly green. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


Just outside Edmonton, Alberta, photographer Zoltan Kenwell started celebrating a day early when this display appeared on March 16th:



"I have never seen the auroras dance so quickly before. It was an unbelievable show," says Kenwell. "The view looking straight up was incredible. I laid down in the middle of a field and just watched in total amazement. Here is a time-lapse movie."


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