Find the Peace within by Kalpully

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Find the Peace within 



by GLR Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin



"Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace, to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances." 

In the frantic nature of this modern world, how do you find peace? How do you protect your peace from the influence of the world around you?

Tonight as you get ready for bed, imagine your peace. Imagine holding it in your hand, play with it. What does it feel like? Now place it gently in your core. Visualize how you are going to protect it tomorrow and the next day and all the days that follow. Hold your peace within, connect to it every day and protect this precious gift from the influence of the outside world.

Jury Finds Occupy Seattle Protesters Not Guilty of Locking Down Chase Bank March

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Jury Finds Occupy Seattle Protesters Not Guilty of Locking Down Chase Bank

March 16, 2012

By GLRs Occupy Seattle Media


On Thursday, March 15th, five Occupiers who shut down a Chase Bank in the city of Seattle on November 2nd of 2011 heard their verdict: not guilty. When the unanimous decision by the jury of six was announced today the shock and elation, of the five occupiers and their supporters swept the room. “This sets a totally new precedent,” said one young woman.

"The Gift" - a message of spiritual awakening from Adamus Saint-Germain

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A brief recap of "The Gift," a message given by Adamus Saint-Germain at the monthly Crimson Circle meeting on January 7, 2012. Adamus talks about 2012, tools and tips for awakening humans, and leads a beautiful DreamWalk with your Soul. (The DreamWalk experience is posted elsewhere on this channel.) To hear, see or read the full message, please visit the channel library at

~Say Goodbye to Apathy~ by Aruna

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Politics is mandating your attention away from economic issues. More than twenty countries are actually bankrupt, including the United States. Most of these continue to meet their obligations by printing money. When this comes to more awareness, there will be one of the biggest downturns ever in human conditions. Air transport, except containers for world management and personal air carriers, will totally cease. No travel overseas will occur except by sea. Are you able to live without international travel? If you are considering a move to another country it must occur before this happens. There is a most demanding need for joining a community. Are the lights on in all countries? No.


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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles



“All that is hidden must now be revealed.” That statement reflects a profound Truth that is affirmed by all world religions and spiritual aspirants whenever the end times that we are now in the midst of are discussed. For several decades, sincere and dedicated people have been focusing on everything that is wrong with Humanity and our institutions, and they have used every possible opportunity to tell the masses about all of the negative things occurring on the planet. Their intent was to wake people up from the mesmerized stupor in which so many of us function. The problem is that our thoughts and feelings are creative, so when we encourage people to focus their attention on all of the maladies that are causing Humanity’s pain and suffering, without giving them viable solutions to solve the problems, we just incite fear and anger. This actually feeds and empowers the very maladies we are trying to expose, and it makes everything much worse.


Integral Soul Vibe Report March 2012 ~ INNOCENCE ~Nancy Leilah Ward

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Wave after wave of energy is rolling through our multidimensional physical reality, pushing us toward new experiences and sometimes wiping out the old. Many of us are facing changes deep within our consciousness and/or in our outer lives. This can leave us feeling wobbly and off balance. It’s helpful to practice grounding our energy into the earth, to spend some time in nature, to breathe deeply and call the light of the cosmic consciousness into us, to experience ourselves as part of the All That Is.



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