Tree is to Earth as Human is to 'God~Goddess' ... or “Compassion”

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Tree is to Earth as Human is to 'God/Goddess' ... or “Compassion”

  16 March 2012 
GLR~A Lightworker


Mother Earth is a soul, at one point in time she could have been very similar to a human in form but always a soul, a consciousness. This consciousness chose to incarnate as the beautiful green Earth because this 'soul' knew it would be exactly the experience it required in order to grow as a being, that is part of the universe.


Earth Changes Report: Mar. 16/2012

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Several events are about to happen ~ Michael through Ron Head

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Several events are about to happen ~ Michael by Ron Head

March 16, 2012

Now we move our discussion to a more practical level.  We must talk about what will happen in your immediate future.  Several events are about to happen almost simultaneously.  Each of these would alone be a major occurrence.  The abundance programs are moving to fruition.  The criminals in your financial, governmental, and religious sectors are about to be arrested.  And some of the necessary earth changes will begin. 


To those who do not expect these things, it will appear very chaotic and fearful.  Your calm and confident demeanor will be much needed.  All of our messages have been preparing you for this.  It will be much less severe than it might have been, due to the amazing work you have all done.  Now you must be prepared to hold a space of peace and calm for all around you.  You were chosen for this work because you are the strongest and best.  Much depends upon you, but our trust in you is complete.  You are experiencing a slight period of seeming calm, but please know that a great deal is about to surface.  Be ready, dear hearts.  All will soon be revealed to you.  We are complete for now.


The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~16~12 Resistant Energies, it does Not matter~ The Light Has the UpperHand~

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The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~3~16~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ Energy and Event Update~Resistant Energies, it does Not matter~ The Light Has the UpperHand~



Greetings Love Beings, WE are Moving so Quickly, that Now Humanity has to play catch up to us. After we released yesterday's Wonderful Update, we quickly began receiving information for today's update. However, due to the resistant energy on the Planet right now, we are unable to release this yet. You See, we truly are all in this together and All of these events are based upon Humanity's Consciousness.


The Prophecy of Peter Deunov (Beinsa Douno) ~ 1944

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Peter Deunov 1944 Prophecy

This I just received from my friend Michael in Canada and thought that I would share it on my blog.  I have read other writings of Peter Deunov of Bulgaria and consider him to be a true Server of the Good and truely an inspired and illuminated teacher and leader.  Here is the text that I received in it's entirety.


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