Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-16-2012...

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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-16-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media



by ANdReA


Our daily update regarding Mother Earth=Heart’s Energy is quite calm today. At least compared with the last days. Although High Gear Energies still coming from the Universe (yep, not only from the Sun, our Planet is getting interesting Energies from the opposite side as well!) our Beloved Mother is resting, trying to keep up with all uncosciuosness=ego that Humanity is releasing and/or fighting against right now due to the uplift of Speed by which everything is unfolding right Now.

Bill Ballard (Feb 5 2012) ~ Cleaning House For The 5D Shift Starts With Ego ~ Re-trigger

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Bill Ballard (Feb 5 2012) ~ Cleaning House For The 5D Shift Starts With Ego



February 6, 2012


Bill Ballard |  Shift Frequency | February 5 2012

Dealing with ego is something each must address.To do so we must identify what ego is within the illusion.

The Role And Purpose Of Ego


Ego consists of all we have known, been taught and think ourselves to be. It is the aspect of Self that informs individual and separate experience. These individual experiences feed our souls – the mind aspect of Creator Source – and allow Source to experience and know the lower material levels of consciousness.


~Allowing the Diminishment of The Ego~ Excerpt from: ~A NEW EARTH~ by Eckhart Tolle ~ Re-trigger

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~Allowing the Diminishment of The Ego~



Excerpt from: ~A NEW EARTH~
     ~ by Love Author Eckhart Tolle  ~



The ego is always on guard against any kind of perceived diminishment. Automatic ego-repair mechanisms come into effect to restore the mental form of "me. " When someine blames or criticizes me, that to the ego is a diminishment of self, and it will immediately attempt to repair its diminished sense of self through self- justification, defense, or blaming.   Whether the other person is right or wrong is irrelevant to the ego.


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~The Release of The Ego~


by Sri Ram Kaa and Kira raa


The Path of Self-Ascension is truly the Journey Home. It is a path of discovery of the loving realignment of your consciousness with your Authentic Self: the Divine Energy that is known as the Soul. The challenge before all humanity is to release the dominance of the ego, (or personality-self), upon our experience. Since most people are completely identified with the ego, it takes attention and life experience to learn the difference between the ego-identity and authentic soul energy.


Spiritual practices offer us the gift of connecting with the soul’s energy. As a being of love and light, your heart knows that this soul energy is not of the earth. It is transcendent and cosmic. And it harmonizes with the earthly bodies. Self-Ascension is the process of shedding the dominance of the ego and finding a new context for your identity.


We'd Love to know what you're Feeling

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As Energies are coming in at a High Speed Gear and all that's not aligned with it might wobble all aroud to find a place it might hide, we'd really Like you to share with US and All your experience about this time in Now. How are you feeling... emotionally, physically... doesen't matter. We open a space to share whatever happens. If you don't feel like putting your name on it it does not really matter, simply share aout of pure Onness and find out what others are feeling.


Thanks for Sharing Love


All Your Team in Service for Humanity and Love

MAKING THE NEW YOU from 'Your First Contact" by Sheldan Nidle

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from 'Your First Contact"
by GLR Sheldan Nidle


Illustrations by Miriam de Vera
Good day! This is your guide, Sandara, speaking.


So far, the journey into your ever-expanding consciousness has explored the reasons you stand poised at this important juncture in your reality. We are now approaching the part of this cruise that I most enjoy. As an exo-biologist, I have been schooled in the many aspects involved in transforming your present body into a fully-conscious one, or a 'New You'.


Loves True Dominion a message to all of us from the ALL of US

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Loves True Dominion




A message to all of us from the ALL of US

by GLR Yojman 


As beings of the great Love Ray to Humanity, it is Wise to use the Power Ray
in deliberately giving our God Presence Dominion:

Mighty I Am, take command of our outer self here today.
Take command of our every thought, feeling, spoken word action and reaction.
Produce  that True Perfection, hold Your dominion.
Reveal to me the perfect thing and things to do,
and through me, AS ME, do it all perfectly!
Because, I Am the open pure heart, through which flows the
Age of Freedom for all Humanity.


2012 Spring Equinox: The NEW Coming Online GLR~ Denise Lefay~

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2012 Spring Equinox: The NEW Coming Online GLR~ Denise Lefay~




Tell me about neurological symptoms! I just spent 24 hours in bed with diarrhea, fever and pains all over my body and a boiling brain too! I slept most of the time but when I was awake I sensed all the areas/chakras being painfully under scrutiny one by one. When I asked what’s this, I just got the answer: welcome to the equinox, this is the beginning of the equinox energies for you!



This Comment was written by Aya on March 16, 2012, and because it’s a very correct insight (and sorry, symptoms too for many) into what’s obviously already being felt by many ultra sensitive people, I wanted to include it in this spring Equinox article. Thanks Aya and feel better soon. ♥



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