~Love says: Thank You for coming together as ONE ~ your sharing!

glr_Andrea's picture

~Love says: Thank You for coming together as ONE ~ your sharing!



~That's IT! Thank you for answering... see how easy it is to simply share... to come together as ONE? Here it IS. And it's You who made it. See? You are not alone on your path, even if those close to you may not walk in the same direction, or are simply behind trying to catch up with what's happening... there are lots of Being feeling and experiencing similar paths.

This is what it means to come together... to share... to step up into the Onness!

We All Love You as One big Heart ~



The Earth's Core

glr_Andrea's picture

Comment by The Press: Conscoiusness rising does indeed create what could be felt as loss of concentration, and brain waves are affected because they shift to Higer vibration, shifting from the left brain to the right brain before uniting in harminic balance. This process happens when we shift from the mind to the Heart. This is why it feels like confusing. It is a Re-Tuning of Our Core.

Be Blessed in Love


glr_Andrea's picture

How can it be both, Ron? That question comes to my mind, and perhaps other minds as well. We live in the paradox: having the experience of being human while receiving flashes of something more. Those flashes are reminders of who we are beyond the drama. Yes, we all have that spark of Divinity in an earthly vessel. Our challenge is to fully honor both.

From one Human to Another

glr_Andrea's picture


From one Human to Another




by GLR Kelly MacInnis


I have been meaning to write for some time. I have seen you struggle with all the changes going on. Trying to make sense of it all. Trying to figure out what might happen. I have seen you reading every post looking for answers. I have felt your pain and frustration as things don’t seem to be going as expected. I have watched you struggle with the increased energy flowing into and around you, not knowing what to make of it our how to fully integrate it. I have heard your call and I am here to help.


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