~ The Alignment Period~

Lia's picture

Be Right Back - Transitionary Governemnt council Meeting

glr_Andrea's picture


We take a brack to inform everyOne that we'll be offline for a few hours.
The Press will be stopped for 2 hours from 930am pacific time to 11:30 am pacific time (18.30 to 20.30 CET) as we will be in the Transitionary Governemnt council Meeting.
We will resume our Service at 1130.
We remember everyone that would like to join US in the next council Meeting to contact us at
BRB EveryOne
MotherFatherGod & The Entire Earth and Ground Crew Staff.


~The Push Pull of Solar and Lunar Energy~

Lia's picture

The Push Pull of Solar and Lunar Energy



Holy blowing winds batman!  I should have taken note from the sharing that came thru me yesterday about tornado like winds, because that was the theme of the readings yesterday!

My first reading yesterday… my lord, talk about blowing my brains all around.  In her reading she (as well as everyone else for the day) was standing about on the middle of the Mesa Cliff facing the intense winds of March.  Now imagine you are in a super powered wind storm and you are walking directly into the wind.  Welcome to the first half of March.


I think we will all know what it feels like to be sand blasted!!

The 2nd reading started out equally as intense… actually, moreso!  She was infused with this gyroscope energy.  Inside a massive bubble of energy that was spinning vertically as well as horizontally all at the same time.  She was molecules spattered about in this gyroscope energy bubble thing WITH the winds of March blowing at her.  Phew!!


SaLuSa 07~March~2012

Lia's picture



SaLuSa 07~March~2012


More of you are beginning to believe that the changes are becoming significant, and the details are there for those who are prepared to search for them. After several disappointments a stage has now been reached where events have moved on, to a point where the dark Ones cannot stop or reverse what is happening. Their days are numbered and they face the embarrassment of losing their position and wealth. Often both have been gained through bribery and corruption, and for them the unspeakable is happening. Not only are they being forced to give up their position but to lose their ill gotten gains. Justice will be meted out according to their crimes, and a valuable lesson will have been learnt. They are treated no less or differently to any other soul, and will make good the damage they done.


Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 7 2012~ Solar flare energy trumps everything

Lia's picture

Oracle Report ~ Wednesday March 7 2012


by Gillian

Oracle Report | Gibbous Moon Phase

rare 21-leaf clover

Today’s story is all about the Sun. The Sun unleashed an X-5 solar flare yesterday and the coronal mass ejection and will reach Earth tomorrow. The close alignment of Earth and Mars and tomorrow’s Full Moon (when the Sun and Moon are in opposition) will bring higher potential for geomagnetic effects. This energy is already reaching us, however, amping up our emotions and the body of the Earth and will also send us back toward the aggressive Mars energy that we’ve been trying to work out of. This will play out with people overstating their cases, saying things that are bizarre or wildly inappropriate, uncommon or even strange behavior and reactions, crying fits and extreme reactions, impulsivity that leads to accidents, having to repeat or re-do things, and such.


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