~Space Weather Update~ WE are In a GEOMAGNETIC STORM:

Lia's picture

GEOMAGNETIC STORM: Polar geomagnetic storms are underway following the arrival of a coronal mass ejection (CME) on March 7th at approximately 0400 UT. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, phone.


Shortly after the CME impact, a burst of Northern Lights appeared over the US-Canadian border. Shawn Malone photographed the display from the shores of Lake Superior:


"I was lucky to catch this brilliant outburst of aurora activity that was very active for close to an hour," says Malone, who has also made a time-lapse video of the display. "The aurora had no problem shining through the moonlit skies."



AnaShyNa's picture





By FutureDataBank.com (For Immediate Release)
3-6-12 © 2012 FutureDataBank.com

PHOENIX (FutureDataBank.com)- CNN, CNN breaking news, and Anderson Cooper have been caught red handed creating staged CNN war room scenarios regarding Syria and other stories that are simply manufactured Hollywood news designed to dupe the ignorant masses of America and the world into believing war propaganda. Damning footage has emerged of ‘Syria Danny’ – the dubious “activist” who appears on mainstream news each and every week begging for a US or Israeli military invasion – in which he apparently coordinates gunfire and explosions to be staged during his interview with CNN.

Syria Danny preparing his report for CNN is told by camerman: "Tell them they are falling down, and we're taking bodies from underneath them". Hip boots please! This is a staged "report" and only proves that CNN is manufactured news. (Watch the clip below)...



Living without boundaries - by ANdReA

glr_Andrea's picture


~ Living without boundaries ~



For how long has Humanity lived into rules?

Laws… boundaries…?

Centuries? Millennia? Yeah, even more in fact!


So are you surprised that it suddenly seems so difficult to Live on Your Own Trust?

Should not surprise anyone. I AM not surprised this is happening.

I AM not surprised when I see BEings looking around for clues about where to move to, or what to do NOW, or how to act…


Following laws has been part of the Human race for so long, that when these limits are suddenly taken away… the feeling that rises is a feeling of Being Lost… no references… no leaders… just You and YourSelf to rely on.


glr_Andrea's picture

Okay, lately I've been handling questions from friends and subscribers. I won't promise that I will continue down this path, but today's topic is also a request. After watching the Project Camelot interview with Bob Dean and Clifford Stone last night, I decided to talk about this since Bob described his NDE. I will begin with my own story. (Project Camelot interview:http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=uC4t1FEk5LE)

BREAKING NEWS - Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-06-2012

glr_Andrea's picture


BREAKING NEWS -  Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report


...as not seen on the mainstream news




by ANdReA



Could not wait… I told you things were silent just to give a little Rest before Upgrading again to Higher Level… And… Here IT IS!


Did we not tell you? Did we not tell you it was only the beginning? Well, it still IS the Beginning, the Beginning of The Shift. It IS Underway NOW.

Fasten your Heart Seatbelt and EnJoy the Ride… It’s a JOY RIDE into the TRUTH OF LOVE! ALL Toghether as ONE! For ONE WE ARE. 



Lee Harris – Energy Forcast March 2012 – Lead, Nurture, Love …….. – 7 March 2012

glr_Andrea's picture

Lee Harris – Energy Forcast March 2012 – Lead, Nurture, Love …….. – 7 March 2012




My aim for these energy forecasts is to publish them online by the 5th of each month. As I sat at my laptop over the last 3 days to see if it would come through me, “No. Rest” was the instruction I repeatedly heard. I was happy to follow that instruction, and yet another part of me noticed my awareness of those who might be waiting for this forecast, and felt a slight pull in your direction.


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