Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-02-2012...

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by ANdReA



The changes going on on Planet Earth=Heart are not only about changes in the governements and banks... this is All part of an Energetical Change due to the Blasting of LOVE Energy coming to the Planet. As Gaia as well has to release lots of old density, as well as All HUman Beings are due to, we'll start a daily update of Her Activity and of Her Clensing. 

These cleansing activity is supported by Sun, and can be seen through the activity of Vulcanoes, Earthquakes, and severe Wheather outbreack. Here's the first daily Update for Mother Eart=Heart shift.  

These changes are nothing to be afraid of, fear only makes the process more difficult by giving Gaia more to clean. By simply lining in Ones Heart and sending Her Love and Gratitude for her caring for US, we help her going thorugh all this process in the softes way possible. She's not going through all this Process to put US in danger, whereas to Help US and Her in OUR ASCENSION PATH.

The Illuminati's worst nightmare comes true

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The secret is out. The secret that the Illuminati have been trying to suppress for thousands of years.
The Global Coherence Initiative is a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.
Use your iphone timer to countdown the prayer sessions. Millions of hearts combining with unprecedented force to change and heal the world we live in. Think of it as instant concentrations of focused vibrational energy and raised frequency. Oust the darkness, and beam the light. Blessings to you!! We are winning!!!!!

HEAVEN #4116 Hours in the Day , March 2, 2012

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HEAVEN #4116 Hours in the Day , March 2, 2012 


God said:


When you feel that you have too much to do, know that that feeling is something you learned. You learned to be overwhelmed. You learned it. Now learn that you can accomplish everything. Give yourself credit. Why hobble yourself?

You can get everything done. You can get everything done better when you give yourself credit.

Of course, in the world, you are being stretched. That's what the world does. The world preoccupations are there so you can burst through them.

You may have told yourself: "There aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish all I have to."

And you are the same person who may have told yourself: "I have to have a good night's sleep, or I am not good for anything."

SaLuSa 2-March-2012 - Mike Quinsey –

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Mike Quinsey – SaLuSa 2-March-2012

posted by Galactic Love Reporter Laura


Laura: Please read all channeled messages with discernment, all messages can be interfered with by the channelers’ mind or by lower dimension entities.

Message channeled by Mike Quinsey


Live each day as it comes, as you never know what to  expect when so many changes are on the verge of taking place. There can be  little doubt that our allies are achieving great progress on many fronts, and  that soon you can look forward to a period of explosive happenings. Already you  are seeing how extensive our probes have been to remove corrupt individuals form  the banking fraternity, and that has not yet finished. So as you can see, not  only has the corruption been uncovered, but also those responsible. Once these  disclosures gather steam, you would be surprised at how many people are coming  forward with more information. The breakthrough has uncovered plots that have  involved trillions of dollars, and the most outrageous and audacious acts to  steal from their rightful owners. We intend that such monies are returned to  them providing they were legally acquired in the first place. Much money that  has been misused has come from the public purse, and in fact astronomical  amounts are involved.

3/2/2012 -- Severe weather is breaking out = Midwest, South, Southeast PREPARE NOW

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If you live, or know someone who lives in Missouri, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, West Virginia, Virginia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, and possibly even Michigan... 

Currently, 200am CST 3/2/2012 -- Southwest Missouri -- severe is breaking out -- Hail detected , severe thunderstorm warnings issued by the NWS -- be prepared for quick tornado development , and strong damaging winds.

Also.. North Georgia heading towards South Carolina -- damaging winds detected , strong cell thunderstorms reported.

This is JUST THE START of todays severe weather . BE PREPARED these storms are fast moving and very strong. 

link to all the systems you will need to monitor this outbreak:

Solar Update~Live Aurora Cams C~Class Flare

Lia's picture

C3 Class Flare Update and links to Alaska web Cams.


from Space Weather~ MAGNETIC DISTURBANCE UNDERWAY: A disturbance is rippling through Earth's polar magnetic field on March 1st. "The magnetometer needles are swinging here in Norway," reports Rob Stammes of the Polar Light Center in Lofoten. Bright auroras have been sighted in Sweden and Finland


Solar wind
speed: 470.7 km/sec
density: 2.8 protons/cm3

explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 0056 UT

Mystery force shaking North Carolina coast

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Mystery booming noises have people worried in Southport, N.C...

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~ The Galactic Free Press ~ Daily Update ~ 3~1~12 WE are ALL Going HOME~

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~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 3~1~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~ WE are ALL Going HOME~


Photo By Will Harader


Greetings Love Beings~ Welcome to the Roaring Energies of March, that are bringing in some intense energy. If one's Heart is not open and ready for this energy, it will be difficult for them. Everyone on this Planet has a contract they signed with Love to go through this Transformation Home into The Light. However, if they cannot release the illusion, the flowing river will just pick em up and bring them, one way or the other, WE are ALL GOING HOME. 




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