EARTH ALLIES REPORT 1.3.12: Death of Taxes?... or maybe something much bigger: FREEDOM... Freedom from DEATH AND TAXES... ~ by Predrag/Saint Germain

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Lets start with truly amazing story from Germany, where Anonymous Donor stuffed envelopes with 10,000 Euros during this weekend... and what is even more surprising, the Anonymous still continuing to gifting businesses that serve people... from Soup Kitchens to Daycares...


Even editor of local news is so excited saying: "...“Every editor dreams of such a story!” says Noske..."


I feel this is the most rewarding energy we can experience... True Gratitude with lot of love and joy... I can even feel joy of Anonymous donor who is still laughing thinking how tax office cannot even touch this money... and especially as it comes from completely anonymous source... And yet, he even did not ask for receipt for his personal tax return!?...


Power Path ~ March Forecast 2012: Opportunity Lena Stevens~Opportunity.

Lia's picture

Power Path ~ March Forecast 2012: Opportunity Lena Stevens


Photo of Cloud Ships in Mt Shasta


The main theme for March is Opportunity.


Whew, we have managed to get through January and February with a few instinctive and emotional scrapes and bruises and have landed into the more grounded, certain and stable influence of March. We are in a period now of practical transformation where how we approach what we know we will have to do, will determine how it all comes out. The practical side is important as well as addressing your physical environment and the theme of bringing the body along.


A story of FreeDom and Forgiveness - how to BE FREE against all odds.

glr_Andrea's picture

by ANdReA


Napoli, Italy, 1976...



...two Carabinieri -Italian military policemen- get killed and a man is arrested... Giuseppe Gullotta. 

He confessed...

But was innocent!


Among those who questioned him, Renato Olino, a former Carabiniere.


22 years after the fact, Giuseppe Gullotta is set free, because he did not commit the fact. 


The story: Giuseppe was caught and questioned with other two men.

2012, LET'S COCREATE A RENAISSANCE OF LOVE by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Lia's picture

Kauai Beach 



by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles



The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that through the collective consciousness of Humanity we have reached a critical mass, a tipping point, that will enable us to utilize the celestial alignments that will take place this momentous year of 2012 to cocreate

A Renaissance of Love on Planet Earth.

Planet Alert March 2012

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February 28 2012

Here we are in March already; time has definitely speeded up. Did any of you have heart challenges, or back problems this past month? The moon was in Leo this past full moon on February 7, 2012, and Leo rules the heart and back. Many people experienced some physical challenges during, before, or after that full moon, which was on 18 degrees Leo. This is the degree of Christ Consciousness. This consciousness is now open for anyone to experience. It is time to think with your heart.

An Anonymous Donor and Envelopes Stuffed with Cash

AnaShyNa's picture



An Anonymous Donor and Envelopes Stuffed with Cash

The German city of Braunschweig has a new benefactor. An anonymous donor has been stuffing envelopes filled with 10,000 euros in cash into the mailboxes of charitable organizations. His latest contribution was an anomaly. A local hospice found the money under its doormat.

Thanks to Nuriel





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