GLR Bill Ballard ~ Heart Chakra Activation
Movement "I DON'T PAY" is spreading across Europe (english subs)
You Are Worth The Time of The Ascended Masters By Jim Fargiano
Multidimensional Consciousness - by GLR by Suzan Caroll Ph.D.
Mayan Documentary Will Show Evidence of Alien Contact, Says Mexico
~The Galactic Free Press~ 2~22~12~ ~Universal Staff have Taken There Positions~ The Separation of the world and the Planet Continue's~
2/22/2012 -- Tornado Warnings in Tennesse -- severe weather outbreak in TN, VA, AL, KY
Really pretty daytime UFO orbs 2012.02.21 in Sävedalen [Sweden].wmv
Lucas ~ ITU ~ International Telecommunication Union ~ Globalists Pushing UN Internet Control Treaty ~ 22 February 2012