~Quick Update from the Press~

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~For the Last 24 hours, we have had some events, where we had to halt the daily updates. We will resume them this evening. We are assisting the Planet in releasing alot of built up energy, and we are sure many of you are feeling this as well, as we are all connected in this Journey!! Thank You for Having Patience and For Your Love and Support~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff


~We send all our Love~

Benjamin Fulford – Second Update – 21 February 2012

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Benjamin Fulford – Second Update – 21 February 2012




It would appear, Mr. Stone, that your investigative work ( http://www.jimstonefreelance.com/fukushima1.html ) is gaining some traction on the Net (below… and your letter to Mr. Rense).  It is becoming more difficult to dismiss your comments.  Your photos and supplemental information are looking more like a strong testament to the high level of technical care that the Japanese exercised in reinforcing the Fukushima facility.  


The camera bomb would have been much more destructive if the Japanese had constructed a weak facility.  It looks like they did their homework and they knew what they were doing.


HEAVEN #4107 ~ THE YEAR OF THE HEART ~ 22.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

The Year of the Heart

Heavenletter #4107 Published on: February 22, 2012

God said:


You have picked up that glorious peace is on its way, full-steam ahead. A union of hearts is on the march. Hearts are on the rise. Hearts are surpassing the mind. Thoughts are following hearts. Hearts are leading. You exemplify My heart and My thoughts. You have picked up the beat. You are drum majorettes of love. Hear My heart. You hear the rumble of My thoughts. You are listening for it. Hearts bow down in love as hearts rise up in love.



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