Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Emotions~Let your emotions heal

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Let your emotions heal
This enables you to open your self and your heart to greater love. Ask your angels to help you dissolve any feelings of anger, resentment, regret, unforgiveness, worry, sorrow and any other emotion that needs to be transition into another state of energy. See the gift that lives within each experience for it is always there. Ask your angels to help you transition any energies that no longer serve the growth of your soul.


Release and transformation is sometimes difficult to start, however the end rewards are worth the effort and journey. Remember to journal your progress as it will help to show you how far you have come when you stop to pause along the way.

Your inner being – your soul or higher self – is not something that you have. It is what you are.

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Your inner being – your soul or higher self – is not something that you have. It is what you are.




by GLR Owen Waters, Original Post 28 August, 2011  


Your complete consciousness is your inner being. All of the so-called parts of your mind – the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious parts – are all facets of your one, complete consciousness, your inner being.

Integral Soul Vibe Report February 2012 ~ by Nancy Leilah Ward

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Integral Soul Vibe Report February 2012 ~ by Nancy Leilah Ward





Loving Ourselves and the Crystalline Energy


Continuing with the feelings of ennui and urgency, February has been a month of turning inside out and shining Light on parts of ourselves that we’ve kept in the dark. This has rendered me frozen in place at times or swirling within whirlpools of emotion. Welcome to the 4th dimension!

The Shift in the Dynamics of the Heart as Gaia Utilizes Cosmic Forces for Change

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The Shift in the Dynamics of the Heart as Gaia Utilizes Cosmic Forces for Change


J: Today is a mirror day, 21 and 12.


Gaia speaks now. She has drawn energy from the Solar Heart and the Galactic Heart into the dynamics of the heart chakra systems in the planetary consciousness on a soul level. Gaia has channeled powerful cosmic forces from the heart of Creation through the central force of the Galactic heart and the Solar heart, anchoring the universal laws of co creation in a new dimension of consciousness for the New Earth.


There is a new plane, a new dynamic energy on the planet now, affecting every level of capacity for consciousness to receive and transmit frequencies that generate a high plane of light through the heart meridian centers of the individual and collective reality. This powerful new dynamic requires focused co creation through heart energetics. By doing so, it limits the capacity for energy to flow through the lower dimensions and expands the capacity for energy to flow through the higher dimensions. This is relative to each individual as well as to the collective.



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