The Arcturian Group ~ We Speak To You Of Trust

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The Arcturian Group ~ We Speak To You Of Trust



Marilyn Raffaelle | Oneness Of All | February 19 2012


Dear ones, we greet you in these times of tremendous activity taking place all over the world, although you are not always aware of it. We see much happening with regard to the exposure of events that have been kept from you. Many are speaking out and many more are trying to speak out. It is a new time for all. Do not get discouraged as you read about the many works of negativity, but instead realize that these issues are coming to mankind’s’ awareness as a preparation so to speak, for more information to come. Many will be shocked to find out how they have been deceived by those pretending to have the peoples’ best interests at heart while instead holding only to their own best interests.


Hilarion, Make the Future Yours Now By Following Your Own Light

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Hilarion ~ Make the Future Yours Now By Following Your Own Light



Channeler: hilarion

Hilarion, Make the Future Yours Now By Following Your Own Light


What is called a change in frequency or dimension is actually a change in your light.


Reblog ~ Astranout Edgar Mitchell Tells Local NBC Affiliate Aliens Are Here ~22 February 2012

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Reblog ~ Astranout Edgar Mitchell Tells Local NBC Affiliate Aliens Are Here ~22 February 2012



BZ Riger: I post this interview today because of the interest and excitement that accompanies the link as it is passed around various social media outlets. The interview is being spread by people who don’t normally talk about UFO’s or other mind stretching subjects but there is genuine interest as they share this video friends and family . (see article and video below)


Astronaut Edgar Mitchell Tells Local NBC Affiliate Aliens are Here


Posted: 07/25/2008


LAKE WORTH, FL — Dr. Edgar Mitchell is one of only 12 people who walked on the moon, but it’s child’s play compared to the intergalactic shuttling he says is going on between alien planets and earth.


“I don’t know how many or how they’re doing it. But I believe they’ve been observing us for some time. We see these craft all the time,” says Mitchell.


Beyond Environment: Falling Back in Love with Mother Earth

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Photograph: Plum Village

Beyond Environment: Falling Back in Love with Mother Earth

by Jo Confino


Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh explains why mindfulness and a spiritual revolution rather than economics is needed to protect nature and limit climate change.


Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh has been practicing meditation and mindfulness for 70 years and radiates an extraordinary sense of calm and peace. This is a man who on a fundamental level walks his talk, and whom Buddhists revere as a Bodhisattva; seeking the highest level of being in order to help others.

~The Galactic Free Press Up and Down we Go, where we end up...

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Conundrums, Choices & Clinging On!

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a message from Sarah-Jane Grace


Energetically speaking, these are tumultuous and somewhat rambunctious times. In fact, on most levels there is a sense of shift, movement and change! It feels like everything is speeding up but slowing down at the same time, and it can be hard to know if we are coming, going or are hovering somewhere in between. Yet, despite this seemingly uncertain and unknowable climate, deep within there is a strong sense of certainty beginning to rise and surface! A true time of paradox and conundrums!

~Dreaming the Shift~ Aluna Joy

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~Dreaming the Shift~


Dreaming the Shift

By Aluna Joy Yaxk’in & the Star Elders

February 19, 2012 ~alunajoy/2012-feb19.html




Way back, when I was still living in Mt. Shasta, I had a powerful dream that has never left me. The dream was so surreal . . . and familiar . . . and odd that I never thought to share it until now. Let’s face it. It is hard for us visionaries out in the world. We are either labeled psychos or geniuses. But at the risk of either title, it has come time to share this dream now, because I am seeing clues in our world that this dream was not some random strange dream; but a prophetic one.


Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, February 22, 2012 Alot Happening

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Oracle Report ~ Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Posted on


February 22, 2012

by Gillian


Oracle Report

New Moon Phase

The last couple of days have been rather challenging, calling on us to practice the skill of moving fluidly with the flow of events. This continues today, but there are a few things to be aware of that may help. The energy is like being in heavy traffic. Patience is required, and so is give and take.


Pleiadian Message 2012 ~ A Wake Up Call For the Family of Light

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This Pleiadian Message was communicated through Barbara Marciniak in 1992! From the book "Bringers of the Dawn"

Lia Shapiro channels the (pleiadians), bringing New Messages of Hope, Light and Spiritual Growth. Accelerate Your Evolution now by opening yourself up to ...

Nordics - (pleiadians)

The (pleiadians) are a collective of extraterrestrials from the star system Pleiades. ... The (pleiadians) reside on the planet Erra, which is almost as large as Earth, ...

(pleiadians). The (pleiadians) are alien beings from the star cluster in the constellation Taurus known as the Pleiades. Barbara Marciniak claims

The (pleiadians) are said to resembloe humans in form. (pleiadians) are extra-terrestrials whom originate from the planet Erra. Pleiadian Aliens have a unique

The Pleiadian Times Newsletter

Barbara Marciniak and the (pleiadians). Books ... The Pleiadian Times. Feel free to read the following articles from a sample issue of The Pleiadian Times:

The (pleiadians) Book - A Collection of Channelings

"The (pleiadians) Book" doesn't exist as regular book with ISBN, it's a collection of texts Don Showen posted to Usenet-News. Please consider the text for

Hand Clow 2012:

Read AstroFlash! by renowned astrologer Barbara Hand Clow at each New Moon for free. Includes personal forecast, plus analysis of political scene and global


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