HEAVEN #4106 ~ MOTIVATING POWER ~ 21.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

Motivating Power

Heavenletter #4106 Published on: February 21, 2012

God said:

Will follows desire. Desire first. Will will follow. There has to be an idea first. There has to be something you will with all your heart, and, therefore, Mine. Thy Will be done works on both sides, as if We have sides. There is no other side but Mine.


To will is not meant to be something hard to do. In fact, will is not something you do. Will doesn't mean working hard at it. Determine what you will for, and then let it be. Let it come forward. Let it reveal itself.


Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/21/12

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More is happening behind the scenes at this moment than is being reported to you either through your worldwide media outlets or even through our trusted channels of information. We wish at this time to relay some of what is transpiring to you, but due to matters of security and safety concerns for our allies in the field, we must resist the temptation to share with you some of this rather exciting information. Let us just say that more is happening beyond your perceptions at this time and that these matters are of the nature of what we have assured you would take place. This information will be shared with you, you can be assured of this, as we do wish to keep you informed every step of the way and you have certainly earned the right to be included in all our discussions, however, as we have said we must protect our many men and women in the line of fire and as such must for now maintain an air of secrecy. This will not be for long however, and in time this cloak of secrecy will be removed for all that is transpiring to be revealed to your entire world.


We are continuing to apply the pressure to all those yet stubbornly aligned with the Cabal and their oppressive agenda, and the screws are tightening all around their leaders, officers, and soldiers throughout the world and even throughout space. These forces that remain to continue their resistance to your new system will also be taken into custody when the time is appropriate, but for now, we have them safely bottled up where they can do no further harm to our forces of light or to you, the citizens of Earth.

Accelerated Movement and Joyful Abandon ~ Archangel Gabriel ~

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Accelerated Movement and Joyful Abandon ~ Archangel Gabriel ~by Galactic Love Reporter Shelley Young
posted on 18th february 2012

Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so pleased and honored to be with you today. We are dancing with joyful energy for the reunions that are happening within the energy of the group today, and of course, when we mean group we mean not only the people in the room at this moment but also those who will enjoy this transmission on your internet at a later time.


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