~The Galactic Free Press~ YeeHaw~The Gates of Love are Bursting Open~

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~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~17~12


~Bringing Humanity Home~


~Energy and Event Update~

YeeHaw~The Gates of Love are Bursting Open~



The True Love Energy cannot be denied, as Mother Earth=Heart is Transitioning Herself and All of Humanity into a Blue StarSeed Nation. This is inevitable. The Marriage of Humanity with God=Love Energy and Humanity's Complete Awakening is an unstoppable event, because it has already occurred. All incoming events have been predestined by LOVE. This is a Done Deal.


Artwork by Father God


Some Days to Observe

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 From Doreen Virtue Angels Numbers~222 ~ Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don't quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.

Charles Walford -Close Encounters Of The Home Counties Kind: Two ‘Alien Aircraft’ Sightings In One week In ‘UK’s UFO hotspot’

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-Close Encounters Of The Home Counties Kind: Two ‘Alien Aircraft’ Sightings In One week In ‘UK’s UFO hotspot’ – 




by Galactic Love Reporter Charles Walford 17 February 2012 Thanks to Lucas


They hover in close formation against the backdrop of a cloudy Kent sky.

The two mysterious bright lights were photographed on January 6 floating over Chatham.

Less than a week later four similar lights were seen over Essex, shining brightly against the dawn.

The remarkable sightings were made just 30 miles apart in an area now dubbed the country’s UFO hotspot.

The first image was captured by Ernestas Griksas, 21, who was taking a picture of a cherry-picker outside his home in Chatham at around 1pm.


Archangel Gabriel ~ 17 February 2012 ~Those who carry hope within their hearts are those who embody the trust and innocence of the purified Soul~

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Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Archangel Gabriel ~ 17 February 2012


~Those who carry hope within their hearts are those who embody the trust and innocence of the purified Soul~


Beloved Ones,

I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love called hope. This most essential quality is the cornerstone of all other attributes of the Divine heart. With hope firmly entrenched within One’s heart, all things remain possible. Hope is the belief in the eternal order of all things in Heaven and Earth, that all is well and that in a greater perspective – that which the Creator perceives – the manifestation of miracles is a common occurrence and all that is required is this quality of Love to bring them forth. Those who carry hope within their hearts are those who embody the trust and innocence of the purified Soul, One whose trials and tribulations have brought this quality of Love to the forefront as an innate belief that at some point the tide of the wheel of life will flow back in favor of the One who holds this attribute within them.


Quantum Physics Confirms Ancient Science Was On To Something

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Quantum Physics Confirms Ancient Science Was On To Something



by Galactic Love Reporter Ryan




The ancients have deciphered consciousness in ways modern science is just now coming to terms with. They have discovered everything is a fluid energy and the so called solidity of the world we see around us is only an illusion. Everything, including our consciousness, is a constantly flowing energy that has uniqueness based on the variance of vibrations. However, it all originates from the SAME infinite source.

Go look at your hand, a stick of gum, or a cardboard box underneath a microscope. You’ll find if you zoom in far enough they are all just a bunch of atoms. Atoms are composed of different types of particles that can be even further dissected. At the heart of it all is a tiny filament that, depending on how it vibrates, makes up the different things we see.

Ann Anderson ~ Personal Guide Angelo ~ On Romance And Homesickness ~ 17 February 2012

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Ann Anderson ~ Personal Guide Angelo ~ On Romance And Homesickness ~ 17 February 2012

[Why do certain shows like "Downton Abbey" get under my skin, especially the romantic scenes? I have a crazy crush on the actor Dan Stevens who plays Matthew Crawley.]

You and many other women, my dear one. You are a romantic at heart even though you don’t see yourself that way. You are a lover of love! You don’t see much of that kind of thing in daily life. No one does. That’s why love stories are popular in every age in every country and realm. 


But the kind of love you long for does exist here in the higher dimensions and that is what you seek. The feeling of connection and bliss that is your home emotion, your home plate, your home base, your true center of existence. Love, love and love.

When you see a scene that evokes that the real feeling is homesickness. The feeling you seek has nothing to do with sex or flirtation. It’s the feeling of true, pure unconditional love that is brought up by the dramatization of a love scene. Does that explain it?



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