2012 NEXT MEGAQUAKE March 22nd, NEXT AXIS SHIFT (Warning For Your Loved Ones)

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This video is specifically for those who are not yet aware of what is happening. For those who are up to date, you can use this video to raise awareness.

The liklihood that there will be another megaquake and axis shift on march 22, 2012 is very high. In my opinion, the cause of these shifts is a massive celestial Pulse effect from the galactic center and our sun SOL.. moving inward from the 9 o'clock orientation of the solar system/ springtime/ constellations Leo-Orion.

The effects on the planet are directly correlated to Earth's orientation relative to SUN SOL, the planets, bodies within space & to the PULSE, with shifts of Earth's axis occuring every 377 days, and significant Earthquakes every 188-9 days.

There is a chance the shift could occur later, thus changing it's orientation relative to Earth. But there is no way to determine this without an infrared telescope and trained astronomers, of which, only the elites have access to, and they have developed a policy of secrecy on the topic. So information is hard to come by.

Better to be prepared now, but at the very least, leave danger zones before March 22nd.


Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room ~ Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012

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Galactic Love Reporter Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room

Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012



"Ahhh, what a story! What a story! [Referring to the Star Wars theme song.] Do you recall that? There’s Truth in that series of movies. Of course there was war and it came to Peace but we want to emphasize what really, really is important, and that is the return to Love. Yes, there were some dark times but in the end it was Love that shone forth. Remember, Ashtar gave that assignment a while back, and for those of you who might remember it, the assignment was to love that little boy all the way through, and then at the very end he returned to Love, even after he had been such a dark evil being. He understood that what was really important was Love.


Allendale to Tots…He’s Baaack! ~ February 17, 2012

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Allendale to Tots…He’s Baaack! ~ February 17, 2012

Posted on




February 17, 2012


[Hello Allendale.] Hello Lass. My, my, my it has been awhile. [Yes it has. I don’t know if that has been due to me, you or us both.] It has been a very interesting time for sure, these past few weeks. With the debate of ‘joy-rides’ and channeling in general your High Self and I felt it was best let the fur lay down a bit. 


The truth is this; the event that Steve (Beckow) manifested was truly beneficial on many levels. It allowed others to open their minds to possibilities they wouldn’t have otherwise. It created a movement of hope. And although it didn’t produce the results that Steve sought, in many dimensions it laid the foundation that is necessary.

Visionkeeper ~ Feel Like You’re Spinning Around In Circles?

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Visionkeeper ~ Feel Like You’re Spinning Around In Circles?

Thanks to Gillian

One World Rising | February 17 2012


I must say, things are getting really strange in the world now. The insanity is increasing and reality is becoming something out of the Twilight zone. What the media is trying to pass off as truth and reality is almost humorous at this point if we weren’t in such a dire situation. Are the elite’s minds so eroded that they cannot see the absurdity of what they are trying to do? Living in the present is like sitting down with a brand new puzzle only this one does not have the edge pieces to begin framing in the picture. It is just a jumble of cutout pieces all one color and with nowhere to start. Nothing they are trying to pass off as truth even remotely passes the sniff test. It is no wonder the ungrounded people are flying around in circles with nothing to grab onto yelling for help. There is nothing familiar left for them to call home, they are way past their comfort zones without return trip tickets to get back. I am sorry they are having to experience such upheaval, but staying asleep has its hazards.

Enlightened Beings ~ Daily Prayer To Ignite Your Life

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Enlightened Beings ~ Daily Prayer To Ignite Your Life



Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Beings | February 17 2012


Please show me my highest purpose in serving the healing of myself and humanity with super clear directions on how to do this.

Assist me on what to do today so that the words and actions I share come from my absolute highest level of love and consciousness.

Help me to look deeper within myself and acknowledge the divine all powerful creative being Who I Really Am.

Allow me to slow down and feel the sweet healing presence of my infinite soul, so I may awaken fully to the most empowered and enlightened state living in total bliss.

Give me the strength to be patient, humble, always loving and curious.


Help me to have the courage to take on those inspired actions that make me feel unstoppable and live a life free from fear.


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