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commentary from Ben Orion This is a Typical "fly-over-procedure" by The Galactic Federation, with their "lightships-vehicles". Small sightings over Citys that slowly will increase in numbers. "Official Contact" is not just ONE event, it's an "unfolding" sequence. It is happening right now, it will step up and be more and more obvious to Everyone. /Ben-Arion

Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Creative ~ 18 January 2012

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Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Be Creative
18 January 2012 - 2:46pm

Your soul longs
 to express itself



Your angels are guiding you to infuse creativity and artistry into all your projects and your life. It adds the zest for life that so many seek to reach. Creative expression makes you feel alive, impassioned and excited.


It is the breath that you take that feels exhilarating. It can help you to overcome challenges and heal aspects of your life. It brings you an outlet for energy that can seem pent up.

Creativity can help you unleash new psychic and spiritual experiences. This changes the way you view the world, yourself and your earth journey. Allow your spiritual gifts to open. Use prayer and meditation.


HEAVEN #4072 ~ LOVE, LOVE, LOVE ~ 18.01.12 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Heaven #4072

By Love Reporter  Gloria Wendroff

Love, Love, Love


Heavenletter #4072 Published on: January 18, 2012

God said:

No matter what another person does or doesn't do, you are not to curtail your love. Love is not to be freeze-dried. I speak of the love within you. You are not to cut notches in your heart. I am not saying that you are to spill your love upon everyone or anyone. You do not have to be in love with anyone, yet the love in your heart is to remain intact. You are not to feel that you owe love. You simply are not to deny the full bloom of love in your heart. The love in your heart is independent of circumstances. Be friendly to love.

SOPA Blackout Aims To Block Internet Censorship Bill

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SOPA Blackout Aims To Block Internet Censorship Bill

SOPA Blackout Aims To Block Internet Censorship Bill

Ryan Grim, HuffPost, 01-18-2012



Thousands of websites, including some of the most popular, are going dark today to protest the Stop Online Piracy Act, a bill which is designed to thwart copyright infringement but that Web experts warn could threaten the functionality of the Internet.


Encyclopedia giant Wikipedia, popular news-sharing site reddit, browser pioneer Mozilla, photo-sharing favorite Twitpic and even are blocking access to content throughout Wednesday, symbolizing what the bill may allow content creators to do to sites they accuse of copyright infringement. Other websites, including Google, are expressing solidarity with the protests by featuring anti-SOPA content on home pages.


From All Councils of Light, We greet you!

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~ Galactic Love Reporter Bareld~



~Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~Just Fyi, no one is in danger~~ All is being monitored by the Galactic Federation of Light.  Don't worry, Be Happy~Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


From All Councils of Light,


We greet you! 


The dangers are far from over, but we plan all ahead.




Even when truth comes out, in the end, they, the dark ones, will be "protected" by us. 

~You ARE a Lightworker God~Goddess~

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Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s January 16, 2012, 15-minute, free, channeled “Creation Energies” show on Evil spirits are Old Age fears. You’re creating a new play. How do you want to change your script to joy?

Title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, channeled, weekly blog at www.Life Tapestry ”Your Lightworker Job is to Lead”


Dear Ones,

You are shifting daily now – more rapidly than you know. But because those shifts are not necessarily apparent yet, you may feel as if you are in the Lightworkers slow group. Such thoughts merely cloud your vision of what is happening to you and earth.

Nathalie Glasson ~ This week ~ Mother Earth’s Message ~ Lady Quan Yin ~ 18 January 2012

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Nathalie Glasson ~ This week ~ Mother Earth’s Message ~ Lady Quan Yin ~ 18 January 2012


My grace and love is expressed to you bountifully from every vibration that combines and  creates my being. I am Lady Quan Yin, I step forward as a voice for the feminine vibration of the  Creator’s heart holding power, gentleness and tenderness. It is my mission to step forward to  you today to share some important wisdom and to be of service at this most sacred time.

I say to you that love is coming, love is present already and eternally but it is the manifestation  and humanity’s realisation of love that is coming. With each and every day that you continue to  exist on the Earth you are enhancing the vibration of love.  Love at this very moment ought to  occupy your mind, taking up more space and multiple thoughts which grow and strengthen in  power with each day.

We are not asking you to move mountains, to sacrifice yourself in the name of love or the name of the Creator, we are simple asking you to fill yourself with love. Do you respect your body enough to allow it to vibrate as love? Do you honour your soul enough to develop your focus even further than before, making sure that more of your thoughts are concentrated on love?


Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God and Gabriel ~ 17 January 2012

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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God and Gabriel ~ 17 January 2012

God and Gabriel

[Hello God & Gabriel.] Hello Suzy, We would like to relay this message.


At this moment in 3-D linear time, you are experiencing the ebb and flow of the 4th & 5th dimension as it shifts into its projected space of light and love.


In this shift of tide, so to speak, there are many turbulent activities for you to experience. In their presentation, is your free will and your soul’s decision to see the turbulent experiences as fear, love or involvement.

Seeing them as fear will increase your grounding into 3-D life.


Wes Annac ~ Questioning the Galactic Federation’s Take On ‘Mind-Altering Substances’ (Mainly Cannabis) ~ 18 January 2012 With Repost and added Comments from The Galactic Free Press~

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~ Galactic Love Reporter Wes Annac ~ Questioning the Galactic Federation’s Take On ‘Mind-Altering Substances’ (Mainly Cannabis) ~ 18 January 2012 With Repost and added Comments from The Galactic Free Press Commentary to Greg Giles Post~


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ The Galactic Federation does not have any rules, accept to Love each other unconditionally. We have no dicates, and no demands. In Love, there is Just Love. We feel the first paragraph and talk of the drugs is simply something that is personal for him[Greg]. We have shared many times that there are natural medicines that grow naturally on the Planet that we specifially put here for Humanity's Awakening.These will assist you into the Higher Consciousness and also will connect you via consciousness with the ships if you choose. Plus it opens up the Pineal Gland. If they are used to help you raise your vibrational frequency, we say utilize your tools, if they help you~



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