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8 Ways Spiritual People May Be Fooling Themselves

by Elina St-Onge, Collective Evolution

Who is more aligned with their path of spiritual evolution?

  • A person sitting in a lotus position, taking deep breaths and in perfect composure?
  • Or a person curled up in a ball, crying hysterically?

If we base our answer on everything we have learned from “new age” philosophies and most spiritual teachings out there, I think it’s fair to say that the person meditating wins. He/she appears peaceful, at ease, and detached. Now I’m not about to “shock” you and say that the opposite is true. But I would argue that this image is just that: an image.

This is why:

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday May 3, 2017

Dear Ones, your faith and trust, together, allow you to experience the feeling of being safe, loved, and guided. When you feel safe, loved, and guided it is far easier for you to be safe, loving guides for others, as well. It is an energy that spreads out – that stabilizes, balances, and serves – beautifully and consistently, and is the core foundation that you seek. ~Archangel Gabriel


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Meditation For Beginners: 20 Tips To Help Quiet The Mind

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

Whether you are looking for more peace or less stress in your life, meditation could be exactly what you need. For beginners, or people who are just learning about the amazing benefits meditation can provide for your mental clarity and well-being, however it can be frustrating at first.

When you first start meditating, you may experience a mix between waiting for something to happen and having your mind over flooded with thoughts; the practice of meditation can be a daunting task, and you may even feel overwhelmed by it at first –I know I have. That is why I have compiled this list of 20 tips to help get you in that perfect environment –inside and out –to begin to implement this sacred practice more regularly into your daily life.

1. Practice Makes Perfect, Make Time For Meditation Every Day

When you are first starting out, it is important to keep with it, you may not notice the benefits right away, but the more you practice the easier it will become to quiet the mind, and get into the state of relaxation and allow the clarity to come through. Even for just 5 minutes a day, this will guarantee you stay on track.

GFP Newsletter - 5/2/2017

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'Normal' simply means normally-abnormal, nothing else. Normal simply means like everybody else - but how is everybody else? Everybody else is also neurotic, lukewarm neurotic. Psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and all trends in the West can make you more adjusted, normal, that's all. The maladjustment disappears; you become adjusted. But what do you become adjusted to? If the whole society is sick, you become adjusted to sickness. If the whole society is neurotic, you become adjusted to the neurosis.


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If You Don’t Like What Life Gives You…

God said:

Why are there so many complaints in the world? Why do you complain so much? Of course, from your point of view, you are justified. Life has not all been as you thought it would be and is supposed to be. I understand this, yet it is not your place to fuss about Life. Complaint breeds complaint.

Complaining is looking at Life from the outside in. Let’s face it: Complaining reveals quite a lack of gratitude. Complaining may have become a way of Life as if you believe that complaining is a virtue.

You may come across as haughty while you perpetuate yourself as a victim. You can’t be haughty and a victim at the same time. This just isn’t a good practice. It is like practicing poor posture. Of course, bad habits creep up on you. You can also accrue good habits of greeting Life. This is up to you. Who else would your Life be up to?

You are not an innocent victim of Life. You play a part. You play a role. If you don’t like what Life gives you, change your stance in the world.

There is a world, and there is a God, and there is you. By and large, your Life is what you make of it. There is no virtue in complaining, for, then, you become defeated and, in some lackadaisical sense, even proud of your malaise. How badly you are treated. When you complain that you are unjustly treated, you treat yourself unjustly. You wallow in mistreatment. No one confines you. If you are confined, it might be you would rather stay as you are than change half an inch.

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4 Huge Benefits Of An Undisturbed First Hour After Birth

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

The first hours after a baby is welcomed into the world may have short- and long-term consequences. Evidence has shown that newborns who are placed skin to skin with their mothers immediately after birth have better respiratory, temperature, and glucose stability, and significantly less crying that stipulates less stress.

“Because the first hour after birth is so momentous, we have named it ‘The Sacred Hour’ at our hospital,” explains Raylene Phillips, MD.

“What might the first moments after birth be like for the newborn infant? If a fetus has been fortunate enough to spend his fully allotted 266 days in the womb since conception, he has had the luxury of having all his emerging developmental needs met. The uterus and the placenta have provided warmth, protection, nutrition and oxygen, as well as close and continual proximity to the mother’s heart and voice,” Phillips continues.

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 2, 2017

Your enlightenment process is a process of self awareness and self responsibility. It is through turning your focus within and discovering your divine essence and capability that you are able to step out of victim consciousness into your authentic power. It is a glorious journey of coming Home to yourself, and from there, moving forward as a creator and servant to all. ~Archangel Gabriel


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How many times have you told yourself, “I am not special.  I have nothing to offer.  I could be a much better person if only….”?  My beautiful one, it is time to remember something very important…you are special!  Your coming to your Earth plane was not an arbitrary act on the part of The Universe.  Your arrival and life to date was meticulously planned and executed because of what you have to offer your world in this turbulent time!  Even if you do not understand exactly what it is in this moment; know that the answers will be coming shortly.
Take some time today to grasp the knowledge that you are needed, you are beautiful, you are unique, you are participating in very important work and you are loved! ~ Creator


GFP Newsletter - 5/1/2017

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Look at the cross on which Christ was crucified. It has two poles: one is horizontal on which his hands were nailed - that is ordinary time, that is living near the roadside, living in the market, living on the crossroads - and then, the depth. His whole body is on the vertical pole. That is going deeper, deeper. When you go for a swim you swim on the surface; that is horizontal. Then you dive deep; that is vertical. A meditator dives deep - a thinker moves on the surface. Thinking is like swimming. Meditation is not like swimming, it is diving deep; going to the same point but on a deeper and deeper layer.

Stop travelling, because travelling is on the surface. Be still, don't travel, remain in the moment; then you start falling into the abyss. You may be afraid and that may be the reason why you go on thinking of the past and the future. Because if you remain in the moment, you will fall into an endless abyss.

A depth opens and you are absorbed into it.

The ego cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. The mind cannot exist on the vertical, it can exist only on the horizontal. But the horizontal and vertical meet; that is the meeting of the two poles where they become a cross. They meet, they meet in the present moment - the present moment becomes the meeting point. There, the horizontal crosses the vertical.



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