GFP Newsletter - 4/26/2017

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Life is a balance between exhalation and inhalation. If you are afraid of exhalation your breathing will become shallow. Then your inhalation cannot be very deep. it is impossible. Exhalation is giving, giving whatsoever you can give. And the more you give, the more you become capable of receiving.

And when you give completely, utterly, totally, that is the moment of acceptance.


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God said:

Be calm. Becalm the fright within you. Undo fright. Bring out the coolness and casualness of your Soul. As it is, you take great pains at being tense. You tense up. You are on the ready for flight or fight, as if these are the only choices you have. No longer inhibit yourself from full expression. Your life is not an either/or. Credit your Life with Sunrise.

In your Life on Earth, We can say you have many rose petals to pluck. Your Life goes beyond: Love or not Love. Life goes beyond the old refrain: He loves me, or he loves me not. Anyway, the quality of your Life does not depend upon any so-called individual but you. Love is not an outside job.

You keep up the pace of Life you keep. You race as if you are out of breath. You run for dear life. Take a new lease on Life. Try ambling. Amble down the Path of Life. Pull up at a rest stop.

Look at the sky and the trees. Those are two good sights to look. Do not be in a rush to catch up to what you feel hangs over you. Catch on to how to release yourself from bondage. You claim yourself a prisoner. Ah, beloveds, you are in your own thrall.

You can take a cat-nap. There is no need for you to ever be on the alert for danger. Abandon danger. Drink deeply of Peace. If you must escalate anything, escalate Peace. Peace is at hand. If something must dominate your life, let it be Peace. Give Peace an open invitation. Peace is good at any time.

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Dr. Bronner’s To Donate $5 Million To MAPS To Make MDMA Into An FDA-Approved Medicine

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

In recent years there have been some very promising studies conducted on the efficacy of using MDMA, more commonly referred to as ecstasy, to treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The results have been truly astounding, and it seems using this substance to treat PTSD is becoming a very real possibility. Unfortunately, MDMA is currently classified as a Schedule 1 substance under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning it is still highly illegal in North America. This makes acquiring funding and permissions to conduct studies on the substance difficult.

Just prior to the Psychedelic Science 2017 Conference, which was held in Oakland, California, last week, Dr. Bronner’s — the family owned maker of North America’s popular natural soap brand — announced it will donate $1 million per year over the course of the next five years to the non-profit organization Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS). This generous donation was gifted after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave MAPS permission to begin Phase 3 drug trials using MDMA-assisted psychotherapy for people with treatment-resistant posttraumatic stress disorder. Good news all around!

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New Moon In Taurus: A Shift In Our Personal Values & Sense Of Self-Worth

by Carmen Di Luccio, Collective Evolution

We are having a New Moon in Taurus on April 26th at 12:16pm Universal Time. New Moons are the beginning of a new wave of energy that lasts until the next one occurs 29 days later. However, the astrological configurations at this time mostly have a stronger influence over the following two weeks.  

Mercury has been retrograde since April 9th/10th and will be finishing up during this window. It will slowly begin to change motion from moving backward to forward on May 3rd/4th, though it will appear stationary. From this point on it will pick up speed, and many of the lessons, insights, and changes that occurred over the previous three weeks will start to make more sense and things will start to fall into place and flow better. Some of the common Mercury retrograde complications can still occur during the following days after this shift in direction, but will minimize and then disappear as its speed increases.

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 26, 2017

Dear Ones, if we could have one wish for you, it would be that you give up your tendency to immediately make yourself wrong the second things become difficult or aren’t coming together as you think they should. It amounts to kicking yourself when you are down and serves absolutely no purpose at all. In fact, it only makes you more uncomfortable and resistant to what is happening behind the scenes that will always be for your highest good.

You are part of a process – a glorious process of discovering your divinity and beauty as an individuated aspect of Source energy. Your soul knows exactly what it is doing! You are also committed to your growth and mindful of your journey. You are not going to mess things up. In fact, starting to demonstrate faith and trust in yourself is an integral part of moving forward into your mastery and creating with far greater grace and ease.

If you are uncomfortable at any given time, know that it will pass. It could very well be due to the shifting energies on your planet, which you will integrate much more efficiently if you can stay in a space of acceptance. Are you practicing self care? Are you being loving and supportive to yourself? Are you surrendered to the flow? Are you recognizing and honouring your own capability and taking the time to connect with your inner knowing? Are you remembering to ask for help from your guides and helpers?

GFP Newsletter - 4/25/2017

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You would like to receive the true teaching without any change. You would like to receive the true teaching as you are. That is not possible. It is not possible because of the very nature of the true teaching. I cannot do anything about it, nobody can. It is in the nature of the very phenomenon; you receive it only when you accept it.

God is available, Truth is available, Light is available, but you are such a miser in receiving. You are not only a miser in giving, you are a miser in receiving also. A miser has to be a miser whatsoever he does. You cannot give; you cannot receive. What type of life have you got? Giving and receiving are two aspects of the same coin. If you can give, you can also receive. Hence, so much insistence on giving - giving to people whatsoever you can give - giving in love. There is so much insistence from all the religions to give; give more and more. Why? - so that you can become capable of receiving more and more.


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Like It or Not, You Are Someone Who Keeps Growing

God said:

Don’t interfere in Life very much. If you’re on a bus and can’t get off until it stops, wait until the bus stops. Then get off. Don’t jump out the window. Know when to save your energy. Know when to get out of your own way.

There are changes that can be made. There are changes you can make. Not all changes can be made at the very minute you would like. In that case, wait. Wait a moment, or wait a year.

Be spontaneous in Life. When you can’t seem to get spontaneity off the ground -- when a big hand seems to keep you in place -- then sit and wait or take a roundabout tour.

Sometimes you have to bide your time. You can’t be both patient and impatient at the same time. You don’t have to be clever. You don’t have to fight windmills. In some cases, you wait for the wind to speed up or to slow down. Whether slow or fast, you can grow leaps and bounds. You can even outgrow your thoughts.

What is inevitable is that you grow. You will never not grow. You are destined to grow. Allow yourself to grow at the rate of speed you do grow. There are many ways to grow, in this way, and in that way, and many ways in between.

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Plastic-Eating Caterpillar Could Help Solve The Globe Waste Crisis

by Amanda Froelich, True Activist

The wax worm has a special compound in its digestive tract that biodegrades polyethylene plastic, converting it into a form of alcohol found in antifreeze.

At present, landfills around the globe are full of polyethylene shopping bags, an item which takes approximately 100-400 years to degrade naturally. Not only does plastic slowly leach chemicals into the environment when it is discarded in nature, it is not uncommon for wildlife to ingest plastic bags or other items, harming themselves and in some cases, dying.


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