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Int’l Banker Speaks Out, Admits He Was Ordered To Sacrifice Children At Parties For The Elite

“I was training to become a psychopath and I failed.”

By: Matt Agorist/The Free Thought Project 

Ronald Bernard is a Dutch entrepreneur whose drive and business contacts quickly catapulted him into the world of the financial elite. However, the deeper into this world Bernard went, the more horrifying it became. In a jaw-dropping interview with De Vrije Media, Bernard details this dark and depraved elite society which he says conducted human sacrifice and celebrated destruction.

Not to sound like crazed tinfoil ranting kooks, we will admit that the things Bernard mentions in the interview below sound utterly insane and evil. Indeed, it could be entirely made up. In an effort to vet his credibility, however, the Free Thought Project did some background research on him, and it checks out. He is who he says he is.

Also, Pascal Roussel, a fellow insider of the financial world, wrote in ‘The Divine Trap’ about experiences similar to the ones disclosed by Bernard.

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3-Year-Old Boy Remembers His Past Life, Locates His Body & Identifies The Man Who Murdered Him

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

Reincarnation has remained on the fringe of scientific inquiry for a long time, despite a number of scientists urging the mainstream community to research it further — and for good reason. Decades ago, American astronomer and astrobiologist Carl Sagan said that “there are three claims in the (parapsychology) field which, in my opinion, deserve serious study,” with one being “that young children sometimes report details of a pervious life, which upon checking turn out to be accurate and which they could not have known about in any other way than reincarnation.”

This topic falls into the ever-growing study of non-material sciences. At the end of the nineteenth century, physicists discovered something that could not be explained by classical physics. This led to the development of quantum mechanics, which has now proven that the material foundations of our world are not the real foundations we think they are. Quantum mechanic suddenly introduced the mind into its conceptual structure, because all of the results coming from quantum mechanics suggest that the physical world is no longer the primary or sole component of reality.

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Daily Message ~ Friday April 28, 2017

No matter what the situation, there is always a space of peace and wisdom inside of you that you can connect to, and then make your decisions from there. Those choices are heart-centred and expansive, and as such, will always match the true desires of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel


GFP Newsletter - 4/27/2017

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There are two types of travelling: one travelling is in space - you go from New York to London, from London to Poona, from Poona to Singapore - this is a travelling in space; and then there is a travelling inside the mind, in time. You go into the past, you go into the future, and that is a, greater travelling. Instantaneously you can go anywhere, no passports are needed, there is no visa problem. You can move into the past, you can go into the future - you can go anywhere. And mind constantly moves.

Remember, mind is never where you are; it is always somewhere else. You are never in the present moment, because to be in the present moment one has to learn how not to travel, not to go somewhere else, not to visit the past and not to dream the future. Past is no more - future is not yet. You are wasting your life, your energy. You are wasting your precious moment; that which is. It is here, now. The door opens in the present and you miss the door. That is your misery and anguish.

Why are you in such misery? - because you have been missing life itself. Your misery is just an indication that you have missed what life is.


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Life Is for Greatness

God said:

What is all the fuss in the world about? What are you fussing about? What are you really on edge about? Probably you are on edge about being on edge. A tempest in a teapot, indeed.

Life is for Greatness. The purpose of Life certainly is not smallness. You are not here to discover how high a fervor you can whip up. Rather you are here to calm the Seas that rise within you, dear ones, within you.

Be big-boned. Lend sturdiness to Life. You can undo a hem that is crooked rather than being upset about it. Undramatize Life. Pick your fights. What is so important about fighting? Must you?

Once and for all, hurt feelings, embarrassment, resentment, regret, holding on are forms of ego. Whether words and actions are right or not right isn’t the issue. Ego is the issue.

You may say to yourself that they can’t do this to you. Beloveds, from the depth of My Heart, I tell you that they didn’t do anything to you. Free yourself from the idea that you somehow created another’s level of consciousness and you are the cause of it.

You may think the world is here to trip you up. You may mislead yourself that you have a role to straighten Life and the world out, that you are here to solve all difficulties, that you are to make the world orderly.

Consider now that you are to the manor born. This means that you are to feature Beauty before your very eyes. You are to be Beauty to behold. You are not a scullery-maid, nor do you make to-do lists for others to fulfill.

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New Harvard Theory: Extraterrestrials Could Have Star Powered Spaceships - Here's Why

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

This might not be common knowledge, but fast radio bursts (FRB) were first discovered more than 10 years ago. Their place of origin, however, has been a complete mystery since their discovery. A new paper by Harvard researchers, published in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters, outlines how the possibility that these may actually be artificial hasn’t really been investigated, despite the fact that it is one of the most plausible hypotheses. In the paper, they examine the possibility that these FBRs are artificial beams that have been set up as beacons for the purpose of driving light sails, which would be used to propel spaceships:

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Creative People Physically See and Process The World Differently

by Alice Klein, PreventDisease.com

Openness to experience is one of the "big five" traits often used to describe personality. It is characterised by curiosity, creativity and an interest in exploring new things. Open people tend to do well at tasks that test our ability to come up with creative ideas, such as imagining new uses for everyday objects like bricks, mugs or table tennis balls.

There's some evidence that people with a greater degree of openness also have better visual awareness. For example, when focusing on letters moving on a screen, they are more likely to notice a grey square appearing elsewhere on the display.

Now Anna Antinori at the University of Melbourne in Australia and her team are showing that people who score more highly when it comes to the openness trait "see" more possibilities. "They seem to have a more flexible gate for the visual information that breaks through into their consciousness," Antinori says.

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Antinori and her colleagues asked 123 university students to complete a binocular rivalry test, in which they simultaneously saw a red image with one eye and a green image with the other eye for 2 minutes.

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Federal Judge Determines That The Public Has No Right To Know About Dakota Pipeline Spill Risks

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

It’s been months since news broke that, despite one of, if not the, biggest Native American protests in modern history taking place, construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline would move forward. Ever since, media coverage of the controversy has gone strangely quiet.

But despite Facebook feeds no longer reflecting the issue, there is still news to be told, like the pipeline’s parent company, Energy Transfer Partners, which is currently hard at work ensuring no one else points out further civilian and environmental issues that could halt the $3.8 billion project.

Now, a federal judge has given Energy Transfer Partners legal permission to hide any information regarding areas of the pipeline most at risk for spills. This comes despite the major concern from tribes and environmentalists that the pipeline could threaten the safety of the drinking water for millions of people.

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Daily Message ~ Thursday April 27, 2017

One of the ways human beings create considerable discomfort for themselves is through their attachment to outcome and result, evaluating the success of themselves and their experiences based as being good or bad, right or wrong, success or failure. This is based on the old models of judgment and conditional love.

Dear Ones, please understand that all movement is forward movement. If you try something and you do not like it or it isn’t what you thought it would be, you can simply try again. The experience has given you the gift of clarity and will take you one step closer to what is a perfect match for you.

If you only live for the end result you are missing the beauty, value, and power of all those now moments. And that is where the true treasure is, in the expansion and exploration of experience. The end result is just that – the end of that energetic road and the starting point of your next chosen experience.

This is why when you get to the culmination of something you have been working toward – an event, a goal, or some other mile marker you have an emotional investment in, it often feels hollow or less satisfying than you thought it would be. The joy seems to be fleeting. The let down you experience comes from not celebrating the entirety of the journey.


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