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How Vedic Philosophy Influenced Nikola Tesla’s Idea of ‘Free Energy’

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution

The Properties of Space

*This is an older article that originates from Collective Evolution, a couple of updates have been made.

Science works best when in harmony with nature. If we put these two together, we can discover great technologies that can only come about when the consciousness of the planet is ready to embrace them. One example is “free energy,” also known as “zero-point energy,” which utilizes the substance that exists all around us and converts it into usable energy. This would give us a limitless source of energy, and would practically wipe out all poverty on the planet. (more on this later in the article)

The properties of space have been postulated by many, from ancient Vedic philosophy, Eastern Mystics, various ancient civilizations throughout human history all the way to Descartes, Einstein, Newton and more. Humans are curious beings, and our quest to discover “what is” will never end.

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America's Burgeoning Cannabis Industry and the Road to Public Acceptance

By Dr. Joseph Mercola
Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Marijuana is easily one of the world’s most controversial plants and, in the U.S., has endured a particularly rocky history. While smoking marijuana was once viewed as an act of political dissidence against the Vietnam War, today the plant is recognized as an invaluable medicine and smoking-hot commodity that’s generated billions of dollars in revenue in states where it is now fully legalized. Meanwhile, cannabis remains illegal at the federal level and is considered by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) a Schedule 1 drug alongside heroine, LSD and ecstasy, and yet, a total of 29 U.S. states and the District of Columbia now have some form of legalized marijuana, while eight more states — three of which adopted the measure in November 2016, and include California, Nevada and Massachusetts — allow recreational use of the plant.

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Cosmetology Student Under Investigation After Giving Free Haircuts To The Homeless

Update: We've been informed that after massive public outcry, the investigation has been dismissed!

by Alanna Ketler, Collective Evolution

You may recall the story of a young man named Juan Carlos Montesdeoca, a cosmetology student from Tucson, Arizona, who decided to give back to his community in an amazing way. In honour of his mother, who had lost her hair during cancer treatment, Montesdeoca decided that he would offer free haircuts to the homeless people in his city.

Who would have thought that this selfless act of kindness would come with the risk of destroying his future career in cosmetology before it even begins? A witness has filed a complaint with the state of Arizona’s Board of Cosmetology, alleging that Juan Carlos had been practicing cosmetology without a license issued by the state, which is technically true, since Juan Carlos has not yet completed his program.

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It is your task to be Love in action, and only that.

Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms our excitement continues to grow as we observe the enormous progress humanity is making on its path to awakening.  It may well appear to you that things are getting worse and worse, but what is disturbing you and causing pain and suffering for many is the collective choice to release so much buried stuff that has been holding you back, anchoring you in the darkness of uncertainty and fear.  Now is the time when all of that is arising so that you can swiftly and easily release it.

Very many of you are releasing stuff for others through your compassion and love for them, and this is both extremely tiring and confusing for you because you are unable to identify the cause of these exhausting emotional upheavals.  You beautifully and lovingly chose to incarnate at this point in humanity’s evolution solely so that you might assist others who were having difficulty in finding any meaningful purpose in their human lives because their state of amnesia was so intense.  Due to your efforts and intentions the amnesia is being released, allowing people to start remembering who they are and why they are incarnate at this moment in human history.

GFP Newsletter - 2/18/2017

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You are told to love your neighbor - but you have never loved yourself. And a person who has not loved himself, how can he love the neighbor? From where can he get love? First you have to have it.

You are loving the neighbor - you who knows nothing of love because you have never loved yourself.

The neighbor is loving you - he has never loved himself. Such insanity is happening in the world, people who know nothing of love are loving each other.

It is like beggars begging from each other, each thinking the other is the emperor. Both are thinking in the same way: the other is the emperor. Both are beggars. Sooner or later the reality manifests itself; then there is misery, suffering. Then you think you have been cheated, this beggar has been trying to prove himself an emperor. Now this is absolutely absurd - it is you who were thinking him an emperor. And the same is the situation from the other side: the other person thinks you have been cheating him, pretending to be an emperor and you are just a beggar.

When both beggars find that they are beggars, what else can they do other than be angry, enraged, violent to each other, hating each other as deeply as possible? And the love ...? It was nothing; they don't know what love is.

To know anything, you have to begin with yourself.


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Money, Only in the World

God said:

Sometimes Life on Earth feels so foreign to you. It's not Earth that is so strange really. It is the world. Earth is rewarding. The world you have trepidation about.

The world seems to run on money. Business is money. And money seems also to be one of the silliest things you can imagine. There must be another way.

Advertising has taken over. Marketing has become like a God. It is as if love has been forgotten, and only gain is remembered, and gain at any cost.

How could this happen? What did happen? And, yet, you too are dependent upon money. Can money really be the basis of Life in the World?

Maybe it isn't really about money. Maybe it's really about the thrill of the chase. Maybe it's about competition with a capital C.

Why couldn't something else besides money be the medium of exchange? Yet you can't think what it could be. Smiles can't replace paper or coin. Flowers? Not likely, but what you don’t know even as money seems too callous and callow. Hmm, there seems to be something about the idea of the deal. The transaction seems to be the thing.

All you can really say is you want to live in a different kind of world where money isn't so overly-impersonal. Hand to hand, hand from hand, to and fro pockets and purses. What kind of florid energy is the stock exchange?

So real are exchanges, paid for with money, and so unreal to you. You don't have the answers. You can't figure it out. All you know is that it seems too cut and dried.

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Daily Message ~ Saturday February 18, 2017

Human beings have a curious habit. They will be moving along their enlightenment process quite beautifully until a challenging energetic time occurs. Rather than seeing the energies as helping them along their process and being happy they are ready for yet another upgrade, they immediately start to judge themselves as broken, messy, and thoroughly incapable. Dear Ones, we implore you to stop kicking yourselves while you are down!

Everything – every single thing – that is happening is serving your growth and expansion. While intense energies can be challenging, they always leave you better, and shifted into a higher, clearer energetic space so you can experience more of your true beauty and divinity. Deciding to berate yourselves on top of the massive amount of shifting you are doing is at best completely unnecessary and at worst making the process far more difficult than it needs to be.

Hear us when we say you are doing an incredible job! You are kind and mindful, dedicated and courageous, as you drive the shift on your planet. We urge you to stop using times of intensity as an excuse to abuse yourselves, and to start to see it as a time when you need and deserve your own love and support more than ever. Why not finally stop looking for what you think is wrong with you and start celebrating what is oh, so right? How different would your experiences be if you created a safe space of comfort and nourishment for your spiritual growth and evolution? ~Archangel Gabriel

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We Have a Choice. - 6 Months to Live

by Jacqueline Boone, 6 Months to Live

The world is doing some pretty crazy things right now. Between Brussels, Nigeria, and the current political situation and actions in the US, I often feel dumbfounded, angry, and deeply saddened.

This is to say nothing of the recent GoFundMe campaigns from friends who are raising money for their baby girl who needs major heart surgery, a friend from high school who is dying, leaving his 2-year-old son behind, and another friend’s family’s dog who will die without immediate surgery. It’s days like these, when I’m left asking, “What is going on in the world?”

It can feel easy to give up or zone out, or we can make a choice. A choice to see the good. A choice to do good. A choice to be the good we wish to see in the world.

*One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between 2 “wolves” inside us all.

One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.


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