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Legalizing Weed Has Done What 1 Trillion Dollars and a 40 Year War Couldn’t

The $1 trillion War on Drugs launched by President Nixon in 1971 created the Mexican drug cartels, now legalizing weed is killing them.

By:  / AntiMedia   The Mexican drug cartels are finally meeting their match as a wave of cannabis legalization efforts drastically reshapes the drug trafficking landscape in the United States. It turns out that as states legalize cannabis use and cultivation, the volume of weed brought across the border by Mexican drug cartels dramatically decreases — and is putting a dent in their cash flow.

A newly-released statistical report from the U.S. Border Patrol shows a sharp drop-off in cannabis captured at the border between the United States and Mexico. The reduction in weed trafficking coincides with dozens of states embracing cannabis use for both medical and recreational purposes.

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How Your Favourite Music Can Actually Get You High - Sort Of

by Alexa Erickson, Collective Evolution

We think of music as art, as entertainment, and as a pastime. It’s personal; it’s communal. Music is one of those things that, for many of us, can ignite innumerable feelings and memories in just one song, or even one verse alone. Throughout history, music was used for medicinal purposes, and research today has demonstrated that therapeutic value.

But now, new research suggests music could even get you high.

Without even knowing the findings, think about how you can relate to this idea. When you’re feeling stressed out, motivated or unmotivated, angry, sad, happy, celebratory, etc., music may be one of your favourite tools for heightening the emotions you’re feeling, or shifting them. According to the new study, this emotional response happens because music activates a chemical reward system in the brain — the same one that makes delicious food, intense exercise, and opioid drugs feel great.

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Big Pharma Lost $25 Billion After Trump Criticized The Industry

by Jessica Murray, True Activist

President Trump has claimed that the US drug industry is "disastrous".

Following Trump’s public criticism against Big Pharma, the industry has since lost $25 billion. After President Trump criticized the industry in an interview with the Washington Post, where he described the drug industry as “disastrous”, $25 billion was lost within the space of the 20 minutes that followed, according to recent reports. Speculations have been made that if he continues to speak out against Big Pharma, then it could jeopardize the industry’s standing within the American economy, together with commercial markets both with the US and across the world. 

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Some of you may be experiencing a clearing of sorts.  Memories of the past may come barreling down on you like a freight train, catching you completely unaware.  Do not be disheartened by this, beautiful one.  The memories and the triggers that follow are necessary for further growth.  As painful as it is in the moment, know that in the next one, it will change. ~ Creator


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Brazil Refuses GMO Imports From United States

by Amelia Kinney, True Activist

Brazil joins the growing number of countries rejecting GMO imports from the United States. In the last decade, bio-technology and gene modification in large-scale agriculture has become a controversy driving a wedge into the industry. In 2015, 19 European nations had declared a ban on GM crops, citing political, health and environmental concerns.

GFP Newsletter - 2/20/2017

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The treasures that are within you don't follow the ordinary economics and its laws. They are just the very opposite, diametrically opposite to the ordinary economic structure.

In the ordinary economics if you give something, you will have less. If you go on giving, soon you will be a beggar. In the ordinary economic world you have to snatch as much from everybody as possible then you have more and more and more. The treasures I am talking about to you, follow a different law: if you cling to them they shrink, if you cling too much you can even kill them. If you want to destroy them, then close all the windows and doors, become a grave so nothing can escape outside you - but you will be a dead man, with all your treasures also dead with you; your truth, your freedom, your love, your joy. Everything will be dead with you - securely dead, well-insured.

But if you want to grow your treasures, share them, share to all and sundry - don't bother whether this is a friend or a foe. When you are sharing, the question is of sharing, it is not with whom.


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New Witnesses Accuse Fmr UK Prime Minister Of Pedophilia, Ritual Murder

by Whitney Webb, True Activist

Sir Edward Heath, former Prime Minister of England, stands accused of rampant pedophilia and participating in ritualistic child murder by former police officers and alleged victims.

In recent months, high-ranking politicians, attorneys, doctors and others have been accused or caught participating in depraved acts involving the sexual abuse of children. While the media has largely shied away from these stories, there is no denying that the tide of arrests is developing into something truly unprecedented. However, these revelations involving the widespread practice of pedophilia among the world’s wealthy and powerful pale in comparison to explosive new testimony and allegations that surfaced over the weekend regarding the disturbing private life of former Prime Minister of England, Sir Edward Heath. While many noted “conspiracy theorists” have long asserted that Heath was a pedophile of the worst order, a lack of witnesses and public attention as well as an alleged and highly sophisticated cover-up kept these allegations on the sidelines.

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You Lose Nothing but Attachment

God said:

Everyone wants to leave a mark of himself in the world. When it's your time to come Home, you want to leave an imprint of yourself, something that says you were here on Earth. You want to leave something that says:

"I was here. I lived and breathed here. I was a human Being on Earth for a short span of physical life." You want some testament to yourself to remain. This, of course, is your attachment to Life in the World. Life on Earth holds great significance to you.

The fact is that later it will not have this kind of importance to you. This is not sad, dear ones. When you literally climb a ladder, you are not attached to the last rung your foot was on. You climbed a ladder, and now you are on another rung of the ladder. There is no attachment. No reason for it.

You may think of your childhood home with attachment. It was special. You remember every nick and cranny. There is something you long for that accompanied the home where you were born. This is attachment pure and simple. Your early home is adorned with part of your life that is no longer. You might like to visit this home once again. It is where you yourself took place. It was where you lived as a child with your family.

Even if you visit your former home, your family is no longer there. You associate your childhood with that home on a street, this home that you lived in and grew up in. You used to burst through the door. Seemingly, now it is like Narnia that you entered through.

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Experiments at Burning Man Test the Science of Collective Conscience

Terence Newton, Staff Writer
Waking Times

“The universe looks less like a big machine than a big thought.” ~Dean Radin

To bridge the gap between material science and the science of consciousness and spirit, a paradigm must shift occur, and eventually it will, thanks in large part to the efforts of pioneers who are testing new theories in how the mind shapes the physical world.

On the cutting edge of exploration of the mind-matter connection are individuals like Rupert Sheldrake, who has elaborated on his theory of ‘morphic resonance and morphic fields,‘ some as-of-yet undetectable quality of the ether which allows for instinctual and instructive information to be passed on between generations of insects and animals.

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Daily Message ~ Sunday February 20, 2017

How many ways do you put yourself and your own needs and comfort last? Many of you do not wish to be selfish, so you continue to deny yourself. Self love is never about selfishness, Dear Ones, it is merely seeing yourself as equal and as deserving as everyone else. It is moving into balance, fairness, and inclusion by deciding to share the love and care you so generously give to others with yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel



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