God said:
Everyone wants to leave a mark of himself in the world. When it's your time to come Home, you want to leave an imprint of yourself, something that says you were here on Earth. You want to leave something that says:
"I was here. I lived and breathed here. I was a human Being on Earth for a short span of physical life." You want some testament to yourself to remain. This, of course, is your attachment to Life in the World. Life on Earth holds great significance to you.
The fact is that later it will not have this kind of importance to you. This is not sad, dear ones. When you literally climb a ladder, you are not attached to the last rung your foot was on. You climbed a ladder, and now you are on another rung of the ladder. There is no attachment. No reason for it.
You may think of your childhood home with attachment. It was special. You remember every nick and cranny. There is something you long for that accompanied the home where you were born. This is attachment pure and simple. Your early home is adorned with part of your life that is no longer. You might like to visit this home once again. It is where you yourself took place. It was where you lived as a child with your family.
Even if you visit your former home, your family is no longer there. You associate your childhood with that home on a street, this home that you lived in and grew up in. You used to burst through the door. Seemingly, now it is like Narnia that you entered through.