
Andromeda and reminiscences of modern physics.

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The coverage of art exhibition in P. by one of our editors yesterday produced a rare occasion for interview with professor Ponomaryev from Toledo University.
Here are some extracts from the meeting:
Monika:….bit unusual place to meet professor here. Could you spare few moments for our “Interstellar Radio"?
Prof: …with pleasure.
Monika: is it true that your visit in P. is only private and in no way connected with scientific research?
Prof:…Yes. It’s entirely private visit.
Monika: Can you comment on significance of recent reports on our television about UFO sightings. Many journalists are worried.
Prof: …I’m not aware about matter you are talking about. Generally I wouldn’t worry about the UFO. Humans will become UFO  within 20 years and its useless to draw parallels between let’s say dog and the god - both of them don’t communicate with one another at all, while humans communicate well and follow many noble laws…
Monika: yea, of course press irregularities in reporting UFO don’t help the issue, do they?
Prof:…Irregularities are not unusual for press. Did you say UFO has been spotted around?
Monika: No, I can’t confirm the report.
Prof:…usual, usual. I’m on holidays now and won’t elaborate on UFO now.
Monika: Are you enjoying staying in P.?
Prof:…yes. It’s a beautiful place especially in autumn…enjoy the extension of Andromedan art forms here….they look unconditional and subtle…
Monika: Thank you for interview.


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I have moments, peak experiences, and try to send postcards from there. I was silent yesterday, within and without. I felt a flatness, a hollowness and a strange emptiness. Not the sort of emptiness associated with depression or obsessive love. This was weird. Flat and barren and blighted and not yet ready for seedlings. It was a harsh energy.


My son asked for his nightly blessing, which is really never anything but an opportunity for our guides to give us words of encouragement for the coming night and day. Last night I told him I couldn’t bless anything. I was feeling odd. He said, “That's ok, Mom. Just say a prayer, then.”


So I did. For both of us. I prayed for release from the disappointment I feel at times, that things are still hard and scary sometimes, and I can't seem to feel any peace sometimes.


I went to bed and read Kryon. Then I cried myself to sleep.


Kryon's work is strangely mechanistic in its quantum-ness, strangely satisfying. His work speaks to an old part of me. But there is no talk of ascension, no talk of a definitive, transfigurative moment, ascension. He spoke instead about 18 years more of this shift.


Eighteen more years here.

A Channeled Letter to the Newly Awakened

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Dear Fellow Traveller:

Welcome to this Journey of the Light. You are in the process of waking up from a long sleep, the Illusion of Life which you had agreed to experience for the betterment of your heart.

All is not what it seems. Here are ten simple steps to let yourself know that  you are truly on the correct path. The Spiritual Progress that you make is allowed at your own pace, this is 'self-study', and you will have forever if you wish to be completing them.

1) You shall notice an inexplicable connection to Light

2) You shall experience changes in friendship based on a common Light Level--you will attract those into your life who are of a Higher Vibration, and release those who are of a Lower Vibration.

3) As you Learn you shall experience this 'Step Up' process repeatedly.

4) You will start wanting to have Healthier Pastimes, Diet, and Exercise.

5) Your connection to Gaia and her Living Creatures will take on a new depth.

6) In your Mind you will begin to Question, your Heart shall become an important detector of Truth (what is Right for you shall 'resonate' strongly with you).

7) Others will become drawn to you for your Light. Unfortunately, some from a Lower Vibration might find it uncomfortable to be near a Newly Awakened One, and will go.

8) Your Heart will begin to 'pick up' on the intent of others, just by being in their Auric Field, and Presence. This is normal as you begin to experience this.  Normal in every way.

Fran Zepeda - Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council - Your Ascent with the Light is Building - October 8, 2012

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Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council ~ Your Ascent with the Light is Building ~ As Channeled Through Fran Zepeda ~ October 8, 2012


Sananda and Mira of the Pleiadian High Council:


Hello Dear Ones. We come before you today to give you more news of your enlightenment.

So much is being said and touted about the energy downloads of late, and indeed an increase is building as we speak. So much is there for you to absorb and welcome. Please welcome it now with your full hearts, dear ones.

Never in your history has this much Light been offered to you and you are receiving it well. It may be taking some adjustments in your lifestyles and your energy, but it is so well worth it. For this is the beginning of so much you could never have imagined was possible.

It was portended to be so and you are now in the midst of an opening of proportions requiring an acceptance and a trust that you are well into being able to handle with much grace.

Take some moments now to consider your progress. Look into your hearts, dear beloveds. What is shining there? Are you feeling the energies of yourselves as well as others? Are you feeling the energies of the Universe? Are you feeling and sensing the Love that is building throughout all mankind, throughout all the Universes? Excellent. You are beginning to sense the Oneness of hearts and minds of all Creation.


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I have been steeping in a lovely infusion of divine mind/spirit/heart. I have been finding that things are coming together, making sense, and the synchronicities in the last twelve hours alone are mind-blowing. I smile when I remember that while cooking, with KBCO playing, each and every song had some reference to “being home”, or “welcome home” or “come back home.” It began to get surprising. It was blatant. “Home” has been Issue Number One for me this lifetime. I smiled and said out loud, “Thanky ou, guys.” I say that a lot these days. Sometimes to myself. Some people still don't understand.


That incredible longing, all the ancient memories, all the deep, profound stillness that I could never obliterate, even in my darkest days. A part of me just never believed it. But most of me felt crushing defeat, incredible loneliness, brutality, addiction, poverty, on and on and on it goes.


So what.


I am here, on the summit again, and I need to speak from biggermind. Littlemind has had its day. I am done believing littlemind. And I trust biggermind to choose my words carefully. But how much information to give? How much help, how much reality?



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Have you ever wondered what 2012 is really about? Are we alone in the universe? Is the Earth Hollow? Why is Area 51 restricted from the public?  What goes on there, and what was Colonel Woodard’s job several floors below the surface of Area 51?   What will happen Dec.21?  Have you heard of the new money exchange and prosperity funds? Do you ever wonder how life will be in the new dimensions?  



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Woke up this morning, and once through the night, with this questions blasting in my ears, through my being:


How can I love into completion that which is already complete?

How can I, by running light and love and sound, bring into wholeness that which is whole already?

How can I forgive that which is perfect?


This is a summit with amazing vistas, and very thin air.


I understand now that to see things as broken, as a healer does, is possible only when one is willing to see the parts and not the whole, the symptoms and not the cause, the end but not the saga in its fullness.


I bob around in this soup of duality, the agreements we all must hold to maintain an individual point of view within this vastness of cause/effect, good/bad, day/night, lost/found, they color my thinking. The agreements, the structure of the thing, make it possible for me to stay within judgment, entrenched in certain thoughts which make peace and healing possible, but I see now there is another way.


Ground Crew! That Means You! Get On It! <3

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I would rather support the education of children than subsidize Big Oil!" wrote my favorite Latino gay artist anesthesiologist friend, who used to take me to gay bars with him because he knew how much I loved to dance when we were in medical school together,  on Facebook.


For some reason, for me, as a Lightworker, that made me sense a need to draw a line in the sand. Or should I say, a line up in front of one of the spacecraft up in the sky. The three-dimensionality of that statement was stifling and limited, a total function of Duality, that it caught my breath.  This or that? That or this? My way or the Highway?


And so I cracked.


Would you like to know what I wrote back?



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