Our eyes see, our ears hear, yet it is our heart that knows. There are truckloads of sources vying for our eyes and ears; each convinced that their version is the one we should listen to. This too, is one of those sources.
Reality is subjective, colored by our beliefs. The power in that statement shouts – “YOU ARE SEEING WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE SEEING”. Followed by “BELIEVE WHAT SERVES YOU, AND IT WILL BE ALL THAT YOU SEE.”
Each day, we discover, uncover or expose more “truths” that have been hidden from our eyes, deliberately or not. We are waking up.
Here’s the thing, the tendency to look for an outside source to feed us the “truth” is addictive. Awake now, we are still a bit groggy and highly susceptible to control. We’ve been fed this diet for so long now, we crave it.
Like Pavlov’s dog, when we hear the bell, which in this case is the loudest, most familiar and convincing source, our automatic response kicks in. We then desire the food being offered, ingest it all and are once again satisfied – we’ve bought it hook, line and sinker. We look no further; we believe this recent bit of news.
Our life is once again distorted by this new belief system, this latest information. Here is the real power we may be missing in all this – we are the ones creating the distortion. We are not only capable of more than we’ve been told; we are actually doing more than we’ve ever given ourselves credit for. The deepest truth kept from us has been in the hands of those who have controlled events up until today. Understanding that we will see only what we believe, they have been systematically controlling what we should believe.