
Water-The First Medicine

StarDancerKat's picture

My grandfather taught me that the first medicine to be respected is water.  (He was a Crow Indian.)  Most of us have read “The Power of Water” by Dr. Emoto.  I wanted to remind everyone that the first medicine on earth is water and that the power of prayer directly effects water.  Most of us have also been educated on the realities of HAARP and how it is affecting us all.  My thoughts to you to ponder and hopefully come together in action on are these:

            *Pray over your water: light, love, harmony, gratitude, healing whatever.  This energy will be transmitted to every water molecule this original prayer water molecule touches. 

            * When a storm is brewing up, focus the whirling rainbow light of love emanating from each water molecule.  Visualize those molecules in each man/woman’s heart on earth. 

            * When you are looking at weather or news reports on earth events that deal with water, pray for that water.  Yes it is probably angry but still add the love light energy to its atomic structure, it works read that book.  If “they” are going to bring the storms to scare us by using frequencies and HAARP and indeed they are scary.  Then, as warriors of light, use that water to spread fierce love.  Turn their weapon into our tool for Light and Love.  I know this is challenging when the storm is upon you, been living with one after another and knowing the way the storm was manipulated makes you angry.  Stop, breath in light, exhale love and focus your meditation.  What else are you going to do especially if you are taking cover?

Message from Yeshua ~ Be Expansive! ~ As Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~ 4.3.12

franheal's picture

Many of you are entering a phase where thought patterns are undergoing a shift. There is a shift from ego-based thoughts to heart-based thoughts.  There is a subtle shift in perception in many. It is like trying on a new set of clothes, in a new style. It may feel a little awkward and scratchy at first, but as time goes on, it feels more normal. Wear this new set of clothing, this new set of attitudes, lightly and with grace. You do not need to worry about how it looks. From our perspective, you look magnificent. You are learning how to navigate the switch from linear thinking to multidimensional thought.


With all the changes in your DNA and Light Bodies, nothing is the same, minute to minute. There appears to be no starting point or threshold to base things on anymore. You are flying free, dear ones, and learning to navigate your wings, so to speak. As you leave 3rd dimensional frameworks, the sky is the limit as to what you can create. It will be tempting at times to go back to the old ways of thinking, the old ways of doing things. But try and launch yourselves off from this point and explore the possibilities.


As you spend more time in meditation, allow yourselves to soar into unknown territory. Conjure up new combinations of realities. Mix and match and consider new perspectives in solutions. Expand your brain. Your DNA will go the length with you now. Open up those doors that are being presented to you now and venture to go through them. Be brave. You are all equipped with the blueprints to shatter the parameters of your realities. Meditate on this and take it as a Truth and see where it takes you.


Help Gaia Give Birth to Herself -- Sanat Kumara Channeling -- Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All

JTariah's picture

Helping Mother Earth Gaia (Shan) to Give Birth =
Being Joyful + Staying Positive + Being in Oneness with All
Want to help Mother Earth Gaia and the Galaxy Ascend by
contributing 15-20 minutes per day in a shared meditation with
Project: Eagle Triad? Start your Mission today!
Please contact janisel (at) sanandaseagles (dot) com

********** THE IMPENDING LABOR OF EARTH **********

                                  Sanat Kumara

     Channeled Through Janisel of Sananda's Eagles

Message from Yeshua ~ 2.16.12 ~ Be One

franheal's picture

Message from Yeshua ~ 2.16.12 ~ Be One

As channeled through Fran Zepeda


From time beginning there has been evolution in your souls. No matter the age, there has always been growth. Dear ones, the times you are standing in now know no equal. There is no precedent, no yard stick, so to speak. You are all winging it, shall we say.  Appropriate words, since the transformations in your physical and light bodies are of the stuff made in Heaven. No one is the same anymore. Many changes have happened. You can feel the lightness and the lift in your souls.


It is time to search your inner guidance every day as to how you wish to focus your intentions so as to make the most of every particle of light-encoded information entering into your light bodies. You may want to be in meditation more in order to absorb all the information being downloaded as we speak. Notice the subtle changes in your body and how you look at things. You are getting a taste of what living in the 5th Dimension entails.


It is time to discard any thoughts that no longer resonate, but are there purely out of habit. Pay attention to those. Allow them to make way for new thoughts, thoughts of cooperation, and perceptions of what would be the best for the whole community and the world at large. You are beginning to think as a part of the macrocosm, as a part of the whole picture.


My dear friends, there is so much in store for you. Many of you have already gone on board a fast moving train to Ascension. Your old lives seem to be whipping on by as you look through the windows. Old baggage is being thrown overboard. A clean, clear perspective is remaining, a lightness that reflects the transition from the old paradigm.  You are arriving, dear ones, faster than you think. Take many moments in your day to relish and appreciate the changes in your bodies, in your hearts and all around you.


2012-01-15 Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension Update by Caroline Cory

Omni's picture

Join Caroline Cory as she provides unique insights on the significance and importance of the current global events.

In this webcast, Caroline Cory shares insight on the year 2012 and some tools to continue expanding our consciousness and creative ability into the future. This talk is followed by a global experiential meditation "Aligning your brain channels with the New Paradigm".

This webcast is the continuation of the series on 'Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension' started in January 2011.  You can go back and listen to the previous webcasts to understand the bigger picture of the Divine plan that is currently at work.

Caroline's extraordinary master vision of the great transformational times that we are experiencing today helps each one to attune to the higher frequencies that are now available on Earth and to navigate safely through this period of changes and turbulences.

Caroline Cory is a Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Spirituality and Energy Medicine. She is an International Speaker, Author and the Founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing.

Caroline conducts monthly Healing Circles, Healing Sessions and Webcasts on the Internet. To participate, consult our calendar by visiting:

Also check the blog 'DARE TO BE YOU!' at


Omni's picture

Join Caroline Cory as she provides unique insights on the significance and importance of the current global events.


In this webcast, Caroline talks about the significance of November 3/4 and its impact on the physical body. She also shares insight on creating our new reality using the new implanted frequencies.


This webcast is the continuation of the series on 'Earth Shift, Global Events & Ascension' started in January 2011.  You can go back and listen to the previous webcasts to understand the bigger picture of the Divine plan that is currently at work.


Caroline's extraordinary master vision of the great transformational times that we are experiencing today helps each one to attune to the higher frequencies that are now available on Earth and to navigate safely through this period of changes and turbulences.


Caroline Cory is a Teacher of Consciousness Studies, Spirituality and Energy Medicine. She is an International Speaker, Author and the Founder of the OMnium Method of Learning and Healing.


Caroline conducts monthly Healing Circles, Healing Sessions and Webcasts on the Internet. To participate, consult our calendar by visiting:


Also check our blog 'DARE TO BE YOU!' at

The Ascended Masters: "You are All Glorious Gods of Creation"

GLR Wes Annac's picture

Wes: My dear Ascended Masters and friends, I wish to speak with you on this fine day. I have some questions for you today and I know you wish to tell us a few things of your own as well.

Ascended Masters: Hello Dear Wesley! We are delighted to be opening up communication with you today. We are so very proud of all of you Lightworkers who continue to hold the line and manifest so many miracles every day, whilst dealing with the daily difficulties of surface Life on Earth. Now, what would you like to know dear soul?

Wes: Thank you friends, here is our first question:

"What is the most beneficial action we can do to help shift the collective conscious of humanity towards the light with out infringing on others free will?
Is there a meditation that we could do that would help benefit Mother Earth and humanity?"


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