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Healing with humor: Cancer patient has unique way of spreading happiness

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KSL.com Utah By Jennifer Stagg

November 22nd, 2012 @ 10:34pm
cancer patient joking in costume

SALT LAKE CITY — Three years ago on Thanksgiving Day, KSL News tagged along for a morning race with a group of cancer patients. Now the captain of "Team Tumor," spends his remaining days bringing a bit of happiness to his fellow patients at the Huntsman Cancer Institute.

When we caught up with Dov Siporin earlier this week, he was decked out in a turkey suit, with balloons for stuffing, showing off his tail feather in the middle of the hospital.


For the rest of this story visit KSL.com Utah


Scientists rush to save manta rays, the 'pandas of the ocean'

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By Adrienne Mong, NBC News, November 24, 2012

By Rebecca Pilkington-Vincett

A feeding station popular with manta rays is not far from the Misool Eco Resort and Conservation Center in Raja Ampat, eastern Indonesia.

RAJA AMPAT, Indonesia —They’ve been described by one scientist as “pandas of the ocean.”

“They’re such an iconic species, beloved by divers,” said Andrea Marshall, director of the Marine Megafauna Foundation, who came up with the description during an interview with NBC News. “They’re just amazing.”

Thanksgiving Leftovers Recipes (PHOTOS)

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Huffington Post Posted: Updated: 11/16/2012 9:52 am EST

Thanksgiving Eggrolls

One of the best things about Thanksgiving is that even once the holiday has passed, it still keeps on giving. Everything about Thanksgiving is glorious, but the leftovers are particularly high on that list.

We can all agree that the Thanksgiving leftovers sandwich is one of the best sandwiches we eat all year long, but there are even better things you can do with those leftovers (it's true, we promise).

To view the rest of the story along with recipes visit Huffington Post

New Zealand volcano ‘good for tourists’

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The Telegraph -By , 11:40AM GMT 23 Nov 2012

The volcanic activity on New Zealand’s North Island may ultimately do more to lure tourists than deter them, local tourist officials have claimed.New Zealand volcano ‘good for tourists’

Mount Tongariro has recently shown activity after lying dormant for more than a century. Photo: Reuters

Mount Tongariro, which stands alongside the peak that featured as Mount Doom in Lord of the Rings, erupted for five minutes on November 21, sending a plume of ash and gas more than a mile into the air. Several flights were cancelled as a result.

New Zealand volcanoes : Mount Tongariro, Ruapehu and White Island (eruption) updates – November 23 updates (timelapse video)

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Source: Earthquake Report - 11/23/12
By Richard Wilson and Armand Vervaeck

We have created this special in-depth article for the activity of New Zealand volcanoes. This page will bring information on whatever interesting news of volcano activity. Just like we have worked in the El Hierro eruption, we have chosen for a continuing article with the most recent content on top of the article.
Best Webcams : White Island Crater Rim and White Island Crater (1 image every 30 minutes) – Mt Tongariro (1 image every 15 minutes). If you know about a better one, please inform us and we will include it here
Read also our archived parts of this activity report : (31/7 – 05/08)  – (06/08 – 07/08) -

'What Thanksgiving is all about': Breezy Point teen raises $80K, lifting spirits in devastated hometown

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NBC News By Bob Sullivan

John Makely / NBC News Standing in front of what remains of his aunt's house, Matt Petronis takes in the burned section of Breezy Point, N.Y., where more than 100 homes were destroyed by fire at the height of Hurricane Sandy on Oct. 29. It was his first day back in his hometown from college since the storm.

Matthew Petronis sat in his dorm room on Oct. 29, watching TV in horror as "my childhood burned down."


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