3D News

Archeologists in Nepal Say They Have Found Oldest Buddhist Shrine

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By: Binaj Gurubacharya, 11/26/2013

KATMANDU, Nepal -- Archeologists in Nepal say they have discovered traces of a wooden structure dating from the sixth century B.C. that they believe is the world's oldest Buddhist shrine. Kosh Prasad Acharya, who teamed with archeologists from Britain's Durham University, said Tuesday that the structure was unearthed inside the sacred Mayadevi Temple in Lumbini. Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, is generally thought to have been born in about the sixth century B.C. at the temple site. The findings were published in the December issue of the journal Antiquity.


For more information visit www.wunderground.com

Ben Fulford Update~ Formal notice has been given to the Sabbatean mafia: start saving the planet or else

Lia's picture
Posted by benjamin
November 25, 2013
The following notice and question was sent to the US embassy in Tokyo, Japan two weeks ago:
“A group of influential Asian banking families possesses large amounts of US government bonds, verified as genuine by the BIS, with a face value of many trillions of dollars. These bonds were issued in the 1930’s and 40’s in exchange for Asian gold evacuated to the US during those decades. They would like to cash the bonds and use the money to finance a massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Will the US government support such a plan?”
So far, there has been no reply.

Are TED Talks Now Against Alternative Health?

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Waking Times, By: Amanda Froelich, 11/21/2013

Flickr - TED talk - Robert Scoble

In case you haven’t heard, it seems TED (recently criticized as joining Monsanto’s GMO agenda) no longer supports any talks regarding GMOs, food as medicine, or even the subject of how food can help prevent behavioral disorders in children. In a recently written letter (that can be found here), TEDx openly admits to banning any discussions on alternative means of healing. The declaration was published on December 7, 2012 and has received large criticism on both sides.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

The Great Cholesterol Myth

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New Dawn, By: Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, 11/22/2013

Flickr - Blood Pressure - meddygarnet

Before looking at the connection between blood cholesterol levels and heart disease, it is worth highlighting a critically important – remarkably unheralded – fact: After the age of 50, the lower your cholesterol level is, the lower your life expectancy. Perhaps even more important than this is the fact that a falling cholesterol level sharply increases the risk of dying of anything, including heart disease.


The dangers of a low cholesterol level were highlighted by a major long-term study of men living in Honolulu: “Our data accord with previous findings of increased mortality in elderly people with low serum cholesterol, and show that long-term persistence of low cholesterol concentration actually increases the risk of death.” Somewhat ironically, the danger of a falling cholesterol level was first discovered in the Framingham study: “There is a direct association between falling cholesterol levels over the first 14 years [of the study] and mortality over the following 18 years.”


6 Astounding Parallels Between Vaccines and GMOs

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Waking Times, By: Anna Hunt, 11/23/2013

Flickr-hazardous materials-vancouverfilmschool

Have you ever considered the similarities between vaccinations and genetically modified foods (also referred to as GMOs)? Both of these ‘innovations’ illustrate clearly our human desire to fix what doesn’t necessarily need fixing, manipulate what doesn’t suit us, and take control over what is mysterious and seems uncontrollable. They also show how easily we take something that could be beneficial and quickly we get carried away with our desire to control what may not be intended by nature and God to be under our power.


Dr. Kelly Brogan is an allopathically and holistically-trained doctor and a health writer. She has eloquently outlined in her blog some of the astonishing parallels between vaccines and GMOs.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Protesting Pakistanis block NATO supply route

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Thousands of people protesting US drone strikes have blocked a road in northwest Pakistan that is used to transport NATO troop supplies and equipment in and out of Afghanistan. Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab reports from Islamabad.

Feds raid Denver-area marijuana dispensaries and grow operations

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The Denver Post, By: Jeremy P. Meyer and Eric Gorski 11/21/2013

Officers are investigating VIP Cannabis at 2949 West Alameda Avenue in Denver, Colorado November 21, 2013.  (Photo by Hyoung Chang/The Denver Post)

Seven weeks before the nation's first retail marijuana shops open in Colorado, federal authorities Thursday morning raided more than a dozen Denver metro area marijuana facilities. In the largest federal raid on Colorado marijuana facilities since medical marijuana became legal, federal law enforcement agents with an assist from local police officers executed search and seizure warrants at multiple dispensaries and cultivation facilities throughout the region — at least a dozen in Denver alone. At one raid in Boulder, a pile of seized marijuana lay in the snow like Christmas trees until a front-end loader scooped it up. At one of the largest dispensaries in the state — VIP Cannabis in Denver — broken glass from a shattered front window littered the parking lot while masked agents hauled boxes of evidence into a U-Haul truck. Police turned customers away. And the dispensary's website said it would be closed on Thursday and Friday.


UWA researchers find direct link between land clearing and rainfall reduction

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ABC By: Charlotte Hamlyn, 11/21/2013

A team of water experts has identified a direct link between widespread land clearing and a decline in rainfall in Western Australia's South West region. Researchers from the Centre for Water Research at the University of Western Australia say there is conclusive evidence that extensive logging, which saw 50 per cent of the South West's native forests cleared in the 1960s to 1980s, caused a 16 per cent reduction in rainfall. Honorary Research Fellow Mark Andrich says the findings have prompted calls for urgent reforestation. "Around half of the rainfall decline, at least up until the year 2000, is a result of land clearing," he said.  "By implication it means that if we plant more trees or have more reforestations then there's a likelihood that rainfall could return." He says re-planting native trees would mitigate climate change but it will take some time before it has any impact on rainfall.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com.au

Veto override will limit pesticide use, GMO crops on Hawaiian island

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By: Christopher D'Angelo, 11/16/2013

(Reuters) - The governing body on the Hawaiian island of Kauai voted on Saturday to override their mayor's veto of a bill that seeks to reign in widespread pesticide use and the testing of new genetically modified crops. The Kauai County Council's 5-2 vote means agricultural companies will be unable to plant crops inside buffer zones created around schools, homes and hospitals. New limits will be placed on pesticide use and companies must disclose where they will plant test crops.



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