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Pope Francis’ Anti-Corruption Stance Agitating Mafia – Prosecutor – 14 November 2013

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The anti-corruption stance of Pope Francis has riled Italy’s powerful mafia groups, according to a prosecutor who specializes in mob cases.

State prosecutor Nicola Gratteri – who works in the southern Italian region of Calabria, where the ‘Ndrangheta mafia is active – told the Italian daily Fatto Quotidiano that Francis’ statements on transparency and dismantling economic power in the Vatican are making mobsters “nervous and agitated.”

“I cannot say if the organization is in a position to do something like this, but they are dangerous and it is worth reflecting on,” Gratteri said. “If the godfathers can find a way to stop him, they will seriously consider it.”

“Those who have up until now profited from the influence and wealth drawn from the church are getting very nervous,” he added. “For many years, the mafia has laundered money and made investments with the complicity of the church. But now the pope is dismantling the poles of economic power in the Vatican, and that is dangerous.”

Read the whole article at: www.rt.com / link to original article

Identified: Viral SOS Letter Writer From Chinese Forced Labor Camp Speaks Out

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Waking Times, By: Joe Wright, 11/13/2013

The story of a letter embedded in a package of Kmart Halloween decorations received by Oregonian Julie Keith immediately went ultra-viral as it detailed an excruciating cry for help from a prisoner of a Chinese forced labor camp. The letter brought to the forefront a part of the American economy that most of us would like to ignore, or simply hope is being dealt with appropriately behind the scenes: the fact that the low prices that are such a boon to the American consumer-driven economy have a terrible hidden price attached.


As a testament to the will of human freedom, the author of the letter has gone even further and has identified himself to the New York Times. For now, he’s simply “Mr. Zhang.” He is 47 years old and has more to tell about his time as a slave.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Ubiquitous Across Globe, Cellphones Have Become Tool for Doing Good

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NYtimes, By: Esha Chhabra, 11/08/2013

The cellphone has become more of a tool and less of a toy, especially among the poor, and those trying to help them, in emerging markets. It helps deliver, via text message, water, energy, financial services, health care and even education.


Many of the aid services that employ mobile phones are Western-inspired but designed for people making $2 a day. For example, graduate students at Stanford University developed software, M-Maji, to map clean water stations in Kibera, Kenya, a dense urban slum in Nairobi. Think of the Gas Buddy app, but instead of searching for the cheapest and closest gas station, M-Maji helps Kibera residents find clean water within walking distance. A text offers three options: find water, sell water or file a complaint.


For more on this story visit www.nytimes.com

Fossil of Oldest Big Cat Discovered in Tibet

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By: Michele Berger, 11/13/2013

Researchers in the Himalayas discovered the remains of the oldest known big cat. A fossil from Panthera blytheae, an animal closely related to the snow leopard and exhibiting characteristics similar to other big cats, lived nearly 6 million years ago, much earlier than previous estimates for animals of this lineage, according to a paper published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B. It also came from Tibet rather than Africa, where the oldest fossils of this type have been found.


The researchers from the University of Southern California and several natural history museums in the United States and Canada, reported their findings online yesterday. “These new fossils fill in a huge time gap,” paleobiologist Jack Tseng of the American Museum of Natural History told National Geographic.


For more on this story visit www.wunderground.com

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History is Wrong

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Waking Times, By: Debbie West, 11/12/2013

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Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history.  An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations from over 29,000 years ago.


Word Games are Misleading the American Public About Fracking

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Waking Times, By: Sky Truth, 11/12/2013


Hydraulic fracturing, better known as fracking, and other drilling practices have unlocked previously inaccessible reserves of oil and gas across the United States and the world. However, some of the debate over fracking is distorting public understanding of these practices and interfering with good decision-making about this recent boom in unconventional oil and gas production. We often hear statements like this from industry and pro-drilling politicians: America has drilled and fracked more than 1 million wells over the past 60 years, and in all that time there has never been a proven case of groundwater contamination caused by fracking.


Former Pro-GMO Scientist Speaks Out About GMO Dangers

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 11/10/2013

As mounting evidence shows genetically modified foods have dangerous health and environmental repercussions, the number of scientists willing to step forward and speak out against them is similarly growing. Dr. Thierry Vrain is just the latest of many scientists to buck Monsanto and their hired goons, changing his stance on GMOs and shouting their dangers to anyone that will listen.


Dr. Vrain is a former research scientist for Agriculture Canada. It was his job as scientist of his institute to address the public and others, assuring them of the safety of genetically engineered crops and foods. Now, 10 years after his retirement, he’s changed his tune.


For more on this story visit: www.naturalsociety.com

GMOs are NOT Safe: Scientists Signing on to GMO Dangers by the Hundreds

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 11/13/2013

On October 21, 2013, the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) posted a statement, “No scientific consensus on GMO safety”, to let the world know there are some very bright minds with very real oppositions to genetically modified organisms. In the short time that it’s been live, the number of signatures on the statement has grown considerably to 231, including one scientist who helped to commercialize the first GM food, the Flavr Savr tomato.


Dr. Belinda Martineau is a former member of the Michelmore Lab at the University of California Davis Genome Center, where she worked on the technology for the first GM-whole food. Now, however, she isn’t so convinced about its value. Martineau isn’t alone. Numerous other esteemed scientists have stepped forward to voice their concerns with GM technology. While companies behind genetically-modified foods would have you believe there is nothing to worry about and that all GMOs are risk-free, positive additions to the food system, they simply aren’t telling the whole truth.


4 Harmful Things Hiding in Your Meat

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Natural Society, By: Elizabeth Renter, 11/13/2013

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If you are accustomed to reading current events, visiting Natural Society, or any of the other natural health websites out there, you already know there are things hiding in your meat–things like antibiotics, bacteria (MRSA, E. coli.,etc.), hormones, and the occasional Mad Cow disease. But there are less-publicized and equally scary things in your meat you may not know about. These contaminants or intentionally-included toxins deserve some attention, particularly if you are a meat-eater. In addition to antibiotics, hormones, and all else mentioned above, here are 4 other things that could be tainting your meat.


For more on this story visit: www.naturalsociety.com

Could California’s Shale Oil Boom Be Just a Mirage?

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Desmogblog.com, By: Sharon Kelly, 11/08/2013

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Since the shale rush took off starting in 2005 in Texas, drillers have sprinted from one state to the next, chasing the promise of cheaper, easier, more productive wells. This land rush was fueled by a wild spike in natural gas prices that helped make shale gas drilling attractive even though the costs of fracking were high. As the selling price of natural gas sank from its historic highs in 2008, much of the luster wore off entire regions that had initially captivated investors, like Louisiana’s Haynesville shale or Arkansas’s Fayetteville, now in decline.


But unlike natural gas prices, oil prices remain high to this day, and investors and policymakers alike remain dazzled by the heady promise of oil from shale rock. Oil and gas companies have wrung significant amounts of black gold from shale oil plays like Texas’s Eagle Ford and North Dakota’s Bakken.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com


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