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Pentagon guilty of billion-dollar accounting fraud, reveals Reuters investigation

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By Russell Brandon, 11/18/2013

A new report from Reuters has discovered widespread accounting fraud at the Pentagon, describing more than $8 trillion disappearing into a mess of corrupted data, erroneous reports, and unauditable ledgers. Sources from the Department of Finance and Accounting describe the arduous process of squaring the Navy's books with the US Treasury outlays, dealing with obviously inaccurate numbers or entries that were simply left blank. The data usually arrives just two days before deadline, and supervisors direct the office to enter false numbers — known as "plugs" — to square the accounts and conceal the agencies' patchy bookkeeping. The result is fraudulent figures that can reach as high as a trillion dollars in a single year, simply to make the Pentagon books match the Treasury's budget.


For more on this story visit www.theverge.com

~ Update from Space Weather~ Heads UP~ Chance of X Flares Earth Directed

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SPRAWLING SUNSPOT, CHANCE OF FLARES: Sunspot AR1897 has evolved into a sprawling archipelago of magnetic islands with more than a dozen dark cores scattered across 350,000 km of solar "terrain." This complex region has a 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that harbors energy for X-class solar flares, and it is directly facing Earth:

Any eruptions from AR1897 this weekend would likely be geoeffective. NOAA forecasters estimate a 60% chance of M-class solar flares and a 15% chance of X-flares on Nov. 16th. Solar flare alerts: text, voice

Solar wind
speed: 539.8 km/sec
density: 2.3 protons/cm3

explanation | more data
Updated: Today at 1917 UT

‘Mushrooms’ Can Improve Psychological Health Long Term

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Time, By: Maria Szalavitz, 11/15/2013

Flickr-magic mushrooms-J. Michael Tracy

The psychedelic drug in magic mushrooms may have lasting medical and spiritual benefits, according to new research from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The mushroom-derived hallucinogen, called psilocybin, is known to trigger transformative spiritual states, but at high doses it can also result in “bad trips” marked by terror and panic. The trick is to get the dose just right, which the Johns Hopkins researchers report having accomplished. In their study, the Hopkins scientists were able to reliably induce transcendental experiences in volunteers, which offered long-lasting psychological growth and helped people find peace in their lives — without the negative effects.


For more on this story visit www.wakingtimes.com

Germany’s stunning environmental movement

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Ben Goossen, 11/12/2013

A German wind turbine. (Flickr/epSos .de)

A German wind turbine. (Flickr/epSos .de)


While the United States’ congressional machinery was busy shoveling sugar into its own gas tank last month, politicians in Germany pressed forward on their ambitious drive for sustainability. Boosted by a fresh mandate in the September elections, German leaders pressed on with their country’s “Energy Transformation,” a campaign designed to ignite a renewables revolution and slash greenhouse gases 80 percent by 2050. As Germany begins powering down its coal plants and nuclear reactors one by one, solar stations and windmills are appearing around the country by the tens of thousands.


Massachusetts Defeating NDAA With Help of Activists

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Activist Post, Andrew Pontbriand, 11/14/2013

The State of Massachusetts is steamrolling through legislation that is blocking the Feds from using the NDAA at local levels. The organization known as P.A.N.D.A. is leading the way, not only in MA, but across the country.


So far in Massachusetts, two owns have enacted legislation to effectively prevent the Federal Government from using the NDAA in their respective towns. Oxford, MA was the first, when it passed an Anti-NDAA Bill on October 9, 2013. This came just two days after Albany, New York became the first city in the country by passing Resolution 80.92.13. The Oxford resolution entitled "Restoring Constitutional Governance Resolution", came with a near unanimous decision.


For more on this story visit www.activistpost.com

Irish Bank chief quits as results released

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  KBC chief executive John Reynolds resigned on the same day as the bank announced it is significantly increasing bad loan provisions for the year.

In a sign the Belgian-owned bank has accelerated its attempts to work through its troubled loans, it has significantly increased the amount of bad debt provisions it will incur this year.

Mr Reynolds will leave the bank after 29 years of service “to pursue other opportunities”.

More on: irishexaminer.com

What Is The Deadliest Of All Vaccines According To The Data?

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Prevent Disease, Dave Mihalovic, 11/14/2013

Flickr - Vaccine Needle - stevendepolo

The standard DTP or DPT (diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough) and tetanus) vaccine is acknowledged to be the deadliest of all vaccines, causing more disability, illness and the highest risks, even exceeding MMR (measles, mumps and rubella). The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services set up the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) in 1988 to compensate individuals and families of individuals injured by covered childhood vaccines. The VICP itself was adopted in response to a the pertussis portion of the DTP vaccine.


Saudi Arabia bans domestic abuse

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Saudi domestic violenceThe Saudi Arabian government has approved a law banning domestic abuse against women, children and domestic workers.

The ban was approved by the Council of Ministers on 26 August, according to the Saudi Gazette.

The new law bans all kinds of abuse including physical, psychological and sexual, as well as the threat of abuse. Those found guilty could face up to a year in prison or fines of up to SR 50,000 (£8,400).

More on: PositiveNews.org.uk


Germany Shuts Down Coal Power Stations As Renewables Shoulder More Energy Demands – 15 November 2013

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By Robin Yapp| original source :PositiveNews

Power companies in Germany are shutting down gas and coal-fired power stations due to the growth in renewable energy.

E.ON announced in August that it has closed or left idle 6,500 megawatts (MW) of conventional generating capacity. Days later, RWE said it would disconnect 3,100MW with “further power stations being assessed” for suspension or closure.

“Due to the continuing boom in solar energy, many power stations throughout the sector and across Europe are no longer profitable to operate,” RWE said in a statement.

The affected RWE power stations, located in Germany and the Netherlands, represent around 6% of its total capacity.

Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, has established national targets for the country to get 35% of its electricity from renewables by 2020, and 80% by 2050, as she plans to shut the country’s nine nuclear reactors within a decade.

Read the whole article at : www.consciouslifenews.com / link to original article


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